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If you love psytrance...


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  2
Posted : Apr 9, 2012 00:39:40
Hello everybody, I am a third year student and I am doing my dissertation on psytrance as a genre and a subculture, I would really appreciate it if you could take 5 mins to fill out this questionnaire as I really value your views on the subject!

Here's the link...

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  35
Posted : Apr 9, 2012 01:18
My 2 cents to your cause, do take me in the right spirit. I saw your questionnaire, I tried spending a moment but it had close ended questions, I stopped. That's what psytrance is all about it's about breaking free, freedom, no shackles.

For your research, I suggest you go to Goa, India. There's still a lot of imprints being left behind, it depends on you how you could trace them back to time.

Love and light.           I understand change is the only constant but I'd rather stick to variables.
Mushroom Hunters

Started Topics :  99
Posts :  958
Posted : Apr 9, 2012 01:24
I answered all the question, I have to say some of them were stupid , but hope I help

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  2
Posted : Apr 9, 2012 13:44

There are a few closed questions at the beginning, but the rest are open ended questions that you can answer in depth!

Went to India last summer, was amazing!
Thanks for looking at the survey! Hope you have a chance to fill it out again, would love your views!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  143
Posted : Apr 9, 2012 14:43
Why the differentiation between MDMA and "e"?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1191
Posted : Apr 9, 2012 22:31
the best grade you can hope for with a paper like this is a B-

the subject matter just isn't at all interesting to someone outside the scene. your professor will agree. 

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  143
Posted : Apr 9, 2012 23:51

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Posts :  2
Posted : Apr 10, 2012 13:15
I don't think you can say that based on just looking at the questionnaire I have produced, this questionnaire is not the entire basis of the paper, it's primary research to help me with the rest of the paper, I disagree.

But thank to all that have filled it out, I am getting some really interesting views on the scene!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  143
Posted : Apr 10, 2012 19:00
I think any university dissertation based on psy trance - or any music scene you love - is a bad idea as the people marking it won't take it seriously, they'll see straight through it to its writer, ie: you, who clearly loves his chosen topic, ie: psy trance, when ideally academia should have quite a large degree of objectivity involved.

I have friends who did very similar dissertations at uni only to regret it, I was half tempted myself but am very glad, in retrospect, that I never followed that path.

And also: why the differentiation between MDMA and "e"?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Apr 10, 2012 19:15
My 2 cents.

The questions are very shallow and the whole drug thing stereotype.

I agree with randulon. Find somehtinge lse to write about. 
Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
Posts :  3918
Posted : Apr 10, 2012 21:27
i also believe that finding a subject that isnt in your comfort zone will score higher points in your academic future..

and it will also make you work harder for it.. and thats good! 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Apr 10, 2012 21:37
Do it around drugs, there a re a lot of topics to be covered there.

My favorite: Why the F*ckin goverment insists on prohibition?

In fact researching this question leads to interesting information.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1505
Posted : Apr 11, 2012 11:06
I assume it is not your final dissertation of your academic career I think it's fine. But as has been said. Nobody really takes an interest in this topic except for the people in the psyscene.

Also the questions are pointing in a certain direction. You should keep them open alot more.

But good luck with it anyway =)
Would be nice to read what you have written! 
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