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If trance was made with "real" instruments, which would you use?

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 06:12:08
People are probably too lazy to actually try something with this, but I would love to if I had the resources!

For the rhythm section I would probably use:

A LARGE orchestral bass drum
Assorted semi-tonal drums like timbales, toms, rototoms
maybe some taiko drums?
Wood block (no cymbals, I think they sound cheesy)

For the bassline, I can't think of anything that would sound more appropriate than a properly dialed in electric bass, possibly an 8-string or 12-string.

For leads, I dunno about electric guitar, maybe used sparingly. I feel like you would need to have at least one analog synth for it to sound right.
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 06:39
100 live synths played by 100 monkeys in an ampitheater

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 07:00
u mean ampehtaminetheater. Woohooo's on Lfooos

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 09:22
didgeridoo           Most of my music for you to download at:
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 10:40

On 2009-09-07 09:22, subconsciousmind wrote:

!! totally forgot to mention this, but yeah I always wanted to hear a real digeridoo in electronic music
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 10:57
i will imitate Terence McKenna's voice !

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 11:03
i will use chinese firecrackers           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 13:07

On 2009-09-07 10:40, Shiranui wrote:

On 2009-09-07 09:22, subconsciousmind wrote:

!! totally forgot to mention this, but yeah I always wanted to hear a real digeridoo in electronic music

I heard it many times, and did some experiments with it myself. I find it a bit difficult to integrate.

But you may know "wild marmalade" ?

I heard them at boom last year and I loved it. It was more more "psytrance" than a lot of psytrance I know.

          Most of my music for you to download at:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 14:12
Actually as well as working on my production/composition skills, I also practice a few instruments. Tabla, guitar and didjeridoo. I've used all 3 of these in tracks before but I'm not quite skilled enough to play as fast and as solidly as the music I make, but I'm working on it.
I don't like the idea of using synths just because that's what everyone else is using.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 14:13
Also if I ever get my hands on one of these:


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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 14:29
the piano
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 19:33

On 2009-09-07 09:22, subconsciousmind wrote:

same           ...
psionic nomad
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 19:48
Didgeridoo + Djembe + Jews Harp !!!
          * I said "mom mom, I have found my spiritual enlightenment" and she said" there's another thing you have to find: A JOB" :>*
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 21:36

On 2009-09-07 14:13, soulfood wrote:
Also if I ever get my hands on one of these:

Thanks for the beautiful video/music

Im also getting one of those and try to incorporate in my music but if it doesn't go well fuck's beatiful on its own!!!!!

Check this guy, also really good...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 23:20
sitar, tabla....all kinds of percussion instruments actually, bass guitar, flute, didgeridoo, harmonium

fuck there are soo many
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