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If an album sounds good to you under influence, but not when sober...

IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 19:29
A couple of these comments are rather egocentric... Just because a type of music is not spiritual for you does not mean it is not spiritual for other people.

Just because drugs do something for you does not mean they do not do something else for other people.

Not everyone is like you!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 19:42
it is all individual - totaly personal.People who think on drugs is everything wiser smarter or they have a larger mind than people who are sober are mostly seekers in danger of a suprise.
To me spiritualism is more inborn than achieved - just my opinion of course.
It is absolutely not needed to use drugs to get a deep trance state or deepen your mind to any sort of abstract music and I found it out quite late but Im sure of this.
But drugs are also not bad as the media tells us ,only bad for people that do not want really take them for some right reasons.


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  212
Posted : Oct 9, 2009 20:25

On 2009-10-09 19:42, TimeTraveller wrote:

It is absolutely not needed to use drugs to get a deep trance state or deepen your mind to any sort of abstract music


I like using them once in a while though. A good change

Its fine as long as you are aware & know what you using
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
Posts :  1766
Posted : Oct 9, 2009 22:15

On 2009-10-09 18:14, forumuser wrote:

On 2009-10-02 23:12:08, Djones wrote:
If an album sounds good to you under influence, but not when sober...
Then do you consider it to be good music or not?

depends on the drug.

cocaine, heroin, ketamin, speed, ephedrine -> liking the music probably tells nothing about the music. it just sounds good on those drugs.

lsd, psylocibine, mdma, mescaline (all pure) -> probably good music

alcohole, thc -> can't tell, can be good, can be you, can be good music.

In this case I meant acid.
But I've noticed as well in a 'natural Trance', when waking up, but still kind of sleeping and listening to whatever my radio plays, I tend to really enjoy anything, even the most crappiest music which I would never listen normally.
I'm finding it extremely relaxing and beautiful, no matter how simple or stupid the song is.
In this case it makes sense, as what I read, a Trance state is like a sort of dream state.

Then I wonder, what it is in me that likes it.
Do I naturally like everything except for what my critical brains tell me what not to like?
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - If an album sounds good to you under influence, but not when sober...
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