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If an album sounds good to you under influence, but not when sober...

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 23:12:08
Then do you consider it to be good music or not?

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 23:55
Guess you must be taking some great drugs.           DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 00:20
i would not call it music...i would refer to it as noise 

**treat ur mind like a bad neighbourhood - dont go thr alone**
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 08:36
Normally it should be the other way around for it to be called good music but then it depends. i have seen more often than not when im high and a track sounds really good, that feeling sticks and im able to experience the same emotions when im sober which "makes" it good music for me. on the other hand it might be a grower and will not sound the way it should sober at least for the first ten listens ,while under the influence it might tickle your nerves , its only after a while do you get the "real" deal.           missing plug-in
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 10:30
^same here. i tend to go BACK to those moments or emotions.. maybe its just me, but its like im mentally reliving them. like, when i first started listening to psychedelic trance, i remember listening to logic bomb's third revelation while driving back from a party (where i was under the influence).. for months after that everytime i heard certain parts of the track i was suddenly feeling euphoric and happy.. with a feeling of how i wish i could go back those mountains.. to that party. there are other tracks that used to do simmilar things..

good music is good music. wether or not under the influence imo.

A lot of times, infact most of the times i find that a track or album sounds nice the first time, and then a little less nicer the second time and slowly its on the shelf and seldom heard after that. imo good music grows into you.. with every new listen you find something new, a newer musical moment.
music that sounds good without influence can sound twice as good under influence imo.           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 12:44
Like Forest Dreams said, good music should be good music regardless of doesnt only have to be under the influence of drugs, but under the influence of trance, a psychedelic environment/, with psychedelic people... Some tracks can work wonders because psychedelic intent was present during their creation. Good psychedlic music should be enjoyable on several levels....we should be able to listen to it without having to turn it off due to white noise brain scratch headache but should also be able to get lost in the music and dive into it if we wish to do so. Psy music should have this multi dimensional twist, we should be able to surf the frequencies if we wish to do so, finding new stories and paths waiting to be explored. Due to the power of psychedelic intent....

Also some tracks sound infinite times different and better when played over the right equipment, sometimes this may sound like noise when listend to at home, but the subtle shades come out in the right environment with the right often it can also be a question of dancefloor/psy madness vs home listening at moderate volume.....maybe we sometimes also misunderstand and misinterpret the music and its purpose...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 12:56
Sometimes people need to have a fix of psychedlic (even if just triggered by a festival setting) to get turned on to psytrance. Over the last 15 years ive bombarded so many people with all kinds of psytrance and many friends did not understand until they experienced a psychelic dancefloor in full effect, with all its hidden adventures....
Their eyes and ears did not accept psytrance until they were more open to is also conditioning. The more we listen the better we get at listening, we learn to hear new things, can discover harmonies where a totally psy untrained ear hears nothing.....
Noise vs music is essentially in the ear of the behearer lol.
Ps. Rabble rabble rabble rabble
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 15:45
set & setting always play diffrently for me unless & until i've connected with the track & once connected set & setting hardly matter
          the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 18:42

On 2009-10-02 23:12:08, Djones wrote:
Then do you consider it to be good music or not?

at times I can swear the music gets more in-tell'igent and subtle.
Or at least reveal moreof its ideas to you. depends on what unsob ernation your on.

*i read the following posts after the Q and good stuff ,) =)

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 21:45
When I am tripping, my mind is too confused to understand what is going on in many psytrance (especially dark) tracks There's too much echo and reverb. I can't tell what is the track and what is people making noise around me, other than the bassline and drums.

While under the influence I tend to prefer music with long, sustained, clear sounds. Examples: Ticon - 2 AM, Vibrasphere - Dewdrops. The vibration just moves through my entire body and soul and obliterates me.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 21:56
I very like to dicover all the fm faccettes of good nicely droning deep ambience while tripping.But I absolutely agree with Forest Dream's last sentence .
Also I can see things more clearly -accousticaly too- when there is too much reverbs or else plentiness of anything than it is mostly nothing enjoyable or not that good music for my ears.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 4, 2009 01:04

On 2009-10-02 23:12:08, Djones wrote:
Then do you consider it to be good music or not?

If I think an album's not very good when sober there's very little chance drugs can help.

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Posted : Oct 4, 2009 01:55
If the album is good sober, it will more stronger under substances.
But not the reverse in many case....
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 4, 2009 04:15
Well at Ozora this year, I took the test.
While still pretty much tripping I went back to my tent, see if I could sleep, which of course didn't work out.

So I thought, well let's play some music on my Ipod including stuff I normally don't really like.
Everything sounded just mighty fine to me.

Tried some minimal techno as well.
Just very very Psychedelic and refreshing and nothing short in that 'Psychedelic' department, compared to Psytrance.

So what's the deal now, I thought?
Do I really like all this music, or do I just like it in this state?

Aswell I discovered I digged Hiphop scratch music a while, when I was really high of mj.
Now that's really weird as I always told everyone, how much I hated this music:-)

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Posted : Oct 4, 2009 10:40

On 2009-10-03 10:30, Forest dreams wrote:
^same here. i tend to go BACK to those moments or emotions.. maybe its just me, but its like im mentally reliving them. like, when i first started listening to


A few psychedelic songs do work and recreate the magic when I'm sober though.

But majority of the stuff i listen to while tripping, i just like it while tripping or maybe stoned. Yes, i do consider it good music on psychedelics.

I guess if its a large gathering with a psychedelic environment i will still be able to dance to music without any influence. In fact i already have.
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