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I love...

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  1120
Posted : May 12, 2009 08:57
i love instant noodles           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  2016
Posted : May 12, 2009 16:44
I love chuck norris and psynina           Hallucinated Neighbour / Silent Existence

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Posts :  17
Posted : May 13, 2009 17:46
tattoos and fixed cycling
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : May 14, 2009 03:18
my taste in music.
especially when it's satiated.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  220
Posted : May 14, 2009 22:20
my ipod ;__;
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : May 15, 2009 01:46
I love...

...working out or excersizing to music and the music is totally in sync with my movements, excersizes and energy level.
Sometimes it's uncanny how they fit, as if the whole thing was choreographed. Feels good when that happens


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Posts :  17
Posted : May 19, 2009 19:53
a break in the clouds...           In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : May 19, 2009 20:00

On 2008-07-02 04:30, Colin OOOD wrote:
I love your mum too.
And your dog.
Sometimes simultaneously.

i love to quote colin and add huge LOL

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  1151
Posted : May 19, 2009 20:55
goa trance

absolutely no other music can create the atmosphere and emotions that goa trance brings up with so much intensity...

thank god for the recent resurrection

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Posts :  459
Posted : May 20, 2009 07:18
I love sunny and warm (but not hot) days.

I love ambient

I love dub.

I love chillout.

I love drawing/sketching.

I love listening to new music (as long as it's not crap).

I love food. Lots of food.

I love a lot of other things also.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : May 20, 2009 11:36
I love watching a dog sticking its head out the window of a speeding car.

Its expression is a real life image of Zen.  

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  1748
Posted : May 20, 2009 15:16

On 2009-05-20 11:36, disco hooligans wrote:
I love watching a dog sticking its head out the window of a speeding car.

Its expression is a real life image of Zen.

Thats great! My dog does that 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : May 22, 2009 18:40
ladies underground psycedelic parties in forests and wikid soundz and natural mystiquez .Good weather ! and mystic nights 

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  315
Posted : May 22, 2009 22:32
I love many things but the most important to me are my friends, my family, music, mountain biking, nature, food, laughing, and sex. What else do you need ??
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
Posts :  2562
Posted : May 23, 2009 07:07
this life.
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