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i like psychedelic trance

Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 16:45
loud and proud is respectable my friend dogon, but not everyone in this case perceive it like you and me unfortunately

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 16:51
first i say 'trance' letting the others think the commercial one....then i say psychedelic whith a big smile on my face and its ok...the only problem whith the 'psychedelic' in greece is that nitz o not thing that made this word kind of childish!
el presagio

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 17:31

On 2009-12-14 16:38, Dogon wrote:

And i never try and avoid such situation because i love psychedelic & i am happily proud

I love & i´m happly proud too but in general im not a show off personne ;-P

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 18:46

hey gutter since i am from greece too ofcourse i face the same problem and i face it almost everyday since most of my friends and the people i meet are not listening psytrance (i usually associate with people who are listening mostly rock and simalar stuff).

but i have stopped being insecure about this and thats because of my knowledge in music and because i know what i hunt up to live through music

i was studying classical intstruments since i was eight years old, i have played to rock bands since i was 13, im studying as an audio engineer right now, i am listening lots of styles and im still searching for new ones or older that i didnt know and ofcourse i know that i dont know everything and i have a lot to learn.

i am not telling that sm1 have to study to have an opinion but we should have our ears and our minds open and search things and as much as our knowledge grows up we feel more confident about our choices.

i dont care what people we ll think for me because he ll say to me that hes listening to radiohead or beatles or beethoven or philip glass or whatever... i love them too and if you know sth that i dont know you can tell me and learn it too... but at this time of my life i also have found things that i like and make me feel in psytrance and if you dont know what is psytrance go and learn, i can also discuss about other styles, can you?
and i also dont care about people who only knows about psytrance and thinks that i am gay because i like to play or hear a romantic song in piano for example... its the same thing...

nice topic im curius to see what people from other countries face cause i think here in greece a lot of people who are listening psytrance are just kids in drugs and its a little bit "excusable" the treatment we have to face


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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 19:47

I've never found myself in such situation maybe because when I love something, I really don't give a F**k what others think or say about it.

Really I couldn't care less

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 20:01
I just plain don't care/don't discuss music with people that aren't psy-trance people, because all I care about is psy and to me, other styles/genres of music aren't worth shit.

Nothing is more worthless than two people of differing tastes in music (or any other subjective medium) arguing about which is better. I like psy and it fuels my worldview and feeds me inspiration.

If other people get what I get from their shitty pop music/rock/commercial trance then thats great for them, but it is a complete waste of my time to discuss it with them.

Just think, all of these situations where you could potentially be explaining yourself and getting looked at funny...99% of the time you won't get anywhere in that you'll still listen to psy and they'll still listen to shit..all that time you could be listening to psy-trance instead with a smile on your face
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 22:29

The truth .. I dont realy like psy music theres many other styles i personally prefer , I dont think the word 'Like' are fit in here (for me) Think i more get use to this kind of style at the many years im working on but cant say its somthing that i cant live without or that its makes me quiver , vibration and that and i dont jump up to the sky when i hear an good track , Not anymore , Maybe its a metter of age , The time you in it , Thousands of partys , Maybe all of that together , The (To much) exposure to this style was change from what i be to now , Also the music at the 90's was more particular , Unique and pure (And i dont talk by now on the sound of those days - Sure , Today we got the right and better technology and tools to produce all different) .

For the age (When first hearing psychedelic) I can tell .. Got a neighbor here 70 years old (First time hearing psy) , I let her hear - Slowly slowly , Track by track , Just teach her the trance language , Few weeks ago she ask me to make here a Cd with my music and now she hear it and dancing to my tunes at her kitchen .

MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 22:47

On 2009-12-14 13:16, Dogon wrote:
i really dont care cause i fu**ing love psychedelic trance!

Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 23:04

On 2009-12-14 16:51, daio wrote:
first i say 'trance' letting the others think the commercial one....then i say psychedelic whith a big smile on my face

yea this is how i use to explain it aswell to people that arent into the electronic scene.. trying to keep it as short as possible couse its waste of time anyway hehe

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Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 23:23

Got a neighbor here 70 years old (First time hearing psy) , I let her hear - Slowly slowly , Track by track , Just teach her the trance language , Few weeks ago she ask me to make here a Cd with my music and now she hear it and dancing to my tunes at her kitchen.

That's fkin awesome.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 00:01
It Depends with whom you are Discussing & how much Knowledge is Good to Spread .. So it will not creat a Bad Image about This Genre in Particular .. In the End ... Its my Choice

Peace & Boom !!!
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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 02:27
I generally just tell people I like music, if they as what type I say electroninc and world fusion, of which psy trance is a part of.

Most people i know don;t like psy trance sounds, but they don;t care less about what style I listen to nor do i care what they listen to, music is a personal choice which should never be judged.

My 71 year old Mum enjoys Shpongle, Ott and a fair bit of the other dubby psychill but cannot stand the doof doof of actual trance... my girl dones't mind psy chill on long drives or back ground music, but again she can't handle the full on trance... as well psychill has been good to introduce a lot of friends who are not into underground electronica into the sounds, but most would not listen to trance outside a club setting anyway.

I find now a bottle of good red wine, good food and good frineds with some chillout playing in the background is much more where I'm at than any trance, maybe I"m just getting old haha.
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Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 10:10

On 2009-12-14 18:46, Giannis wrote:

nice topic im curius to see what people from other countries face cause i think here in greece a lot of people who are listening psytrance are just kids in drugs and its a little bit "excusable" the treatment we have to face

thats why i ask
and its not only kids in drugs of course, but here after the incidents with cops, tv news etc etc , trance has bad reputation and ppl have connected this music with immaturity, drugs and generally a black dot, its still a conservative society

yes with some ppl you/i can sit and explain and have a civilized conversation, but not with the majority, thats why i say nothing sometimes to avoid any misunderstandings

out of curiosity i wanted to see whats the deal with it in other countries and if other find themselfs in the same situation
Fat Data

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 19:29
well we are in a recession dont worrie about psy and cops for now... if there is money income they want stop it.. its pure business for now!

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 19:43
How about telling people at work?
Problem is that I usually like to explain in dept what I like about a certain genre and not.
And unfortunately the 'Psy' part implies a whole lot.
And on this part I feel I can't really go all the way as I'm affraid most people would assume you're just a clueless pillmuncher.
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