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i like psychedelic trance

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 12:57:14
How often do you feel uncomfortable saying that to ppl you dont know ?
Not everyone on this planet listens to this music and not everyone tolerates the word psychedelic if you know what i mean, its still a taboo
I find myself lots replying to ppl that i listen to psychedelic, if the conversation is around music, and look at me like an alien, i mean the ordinary everyday person that hear this word and think, who knows what he/she things, that its for children or for druggies etc etc
Basically i find myself more often to reply to the "what music you like" question with every other genre i love except psychedelic,, btw when i say psytrance, oh man ive seen ppl laughing only by listening to that word
Maybe its the ppl in my country or maybe its the mass rejection of this word and its world

The irritating is that most ppl combine this music with drugs, whereas they seem to accept the big trendy clubs with the beautiful plastic people sniffing their powders etc etc, media fuckers, models etc, all beautiful and surfaced

How often do you find yourself in that position.. Not wanting to say you listen to psychedelic trance because you dont like that question mark above ppl heads, or that suspicious look at you? The more i grow the more i find that, but i dont care, after all i listen to techno lol
~an observation~
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 13:08

On 2009-12-14 12:57:14, gutter wrote:i mean the ordinary everyday person that hear this word and think, who knows what he/she things, that its for children or for druggies etc etc

In the US the average person will think "what the hell is psychedelic trance?"

Where do you live that people think of psytrance as music "for children"? Where I live, psytrance parties have the oldest people of any kind of party I've been to (25-35 years versus 16-25 for most types of electronic music)
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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 13:14
i live in greece.. ppl here are greeks.. different universe from US
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 13:16
i really dont care cause i fu**ing love psychedelic trance!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 13:21
i love psychedelic culture/music/art so much I do it full-time, give it away for free, and will probably do it until the end of my days.....

Thesedays I just call it psychedelic, which stops most of the nonsense, and doesn't pidgeon-hole me to a particular brand/genre. 

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 13:26
seems that you all live to liberated and open minded societies so far, which cannot be true

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 14:13

On 2009-12-14 13:16, Dogon wrote:
i really dont care cause i fu**ing love psychedelic trance!

and i feel its my duty to spread the good vibes that psy trance creates to ppl who haven't heard this genre of music..

dance is active meditation along wit lucy in the sky           ~~Co-Creator of A Ritual~~
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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 14:23
i dont ask if you all adore psychedelic, which of course you do, but if you ever find yourself in such situation or if ppl bother you with their confrontation on your music taste since the term psychedelic by itself is still a taboo word for many, for the majority
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 14:24
i often tell people that many of the people that make this style have a military background and so it is a weapon that cause mass first they laugh then i play some tracks which really scares them...
i play tracks with conspiracy samples. Especially when i play Astral Projection- Open Society, followed by Visual Paradox- Setherian In Paradox and Pixel- Happy Lepsia.
It really scares them and once in that paranoid state i get them drunk and tell them that psytrance will save you then they ask is there any place in New York where i can hear more of this stuff?
thats how i get them hooked its fun           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 14:29
lol, first time for free huh ?
strategic placement..

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 14:39
What I meant to clear things up, is that in the UK where I am, if I use the term psychedelic rather than psytrance I find people are a bit more open minded as to what I do and like. Also in the UK there seems to generally more tolerant attitude to psychedelic culture, which is almost a part of the establishment, as opposed to "rave culture".

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 15:46
Quite uncomfortable. Nobody knows what the hell it is. So, I generally don't discuss
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 16:11
@ Trance Visuals
i really had the thought that especially in the UK ppl tend to leave this word behind, had the feeling that after all these decades and music genres that involved with "the psychedelia" they are tired of "that" thing, maybe im wrong, or maybe you have the luck to meet open minded ppl..

i stick to the ordinary ones, like colleges at work etc, ppl with no connection to the thing, and understand the simply answer of bbgun, "i dont discuss"
el presagio

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 16:21
I normaly say i like... also electronic music. It´s not such a strong word like Psychedelic or Trance. When you pronounce words like thoose to the "ordinary people" they will take bad judgments without knowing wht it is. So to avoid that i simply don´t use them.
But off course it all dependes on the subject of the conversation and the people i´m talking to.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 16:38
Even if the 'ordinary' people are bothered by the use of 'such' words, i still use 'such' words because i just love when people get intrigued or intimidated by psychedelic culture, atleast some of them get hooked when they see the likes of me losing myself on music

And i never try and avoid such situation because i love psychedelic & i am happily proud

And i am also proud i like this too
          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
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