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I have not heard any good Psy since 2006

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Posted : Jul 17, 2010 23:19
"Laaaame, Kurt Cobain saved us... Give us Kurt Cobains we send you Lady Gaga!"

MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Jul 18, 2010 05:56
+1 to that !!

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Posted : Jul 18, 2010 11:35
As most might have guessed, I was joking there. I personally am not interested in mainstream at all...all I'm interested in is good music. And as I'm compulsively alternative, I know that there still is plenty of good music around, even in Psychedelic Trance and American Hip Hop.

The only sad thing is that there is almost no good music whatsoever in the mainstream. I've been listening to lots of 70ies Rock lately, all the Glam stuff, and realised that all these were huge hits back then. Music with personality and all. Nowadays it's impossible that something so edgy would ever make it into the Charts.

PS. I've never been a fan of Nirvana. In the town I grew up, there were two groups of kids: the Nirvana ones and the Smashing Pumpkins ones. Nirvana fans were the rich kids who only pretended to feel miserable, whereas the Smashing Pumpkins kids were the really depressed ones. I still love the Smashing Pumpkins and always will
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 18, 2010 11:43

On 2010-07-17 16:50, Anak wrote:
Oh yes, the Eighties...

And then came Kurt Cobain and ruined it all.

Nirvana Rocked. Kurt Cobain was a gr8 artist.           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.

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Posted : Jul 18, 2010 13:49
no doubt there are some really good music released since 2006!! just need to go for it because its real hard to find them...


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Posted : Jul 18, 2010 13:56
nirvana - great band.

kurt kob - i dont think so. one those figs who get fame after life.

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Posted : Jul 18, 2010 21:30

On 2010-07-18 11:35, Anak wrote:
I've been listening to lots of 70ies Rock lately, all the Glam stuff, and realised that all these were huge hits back then.

This simply isn't true. The great songs live on and all the shitty mainstream songs are forgot about.
There is great rock music being made today, just without any radio and everything so spread out. Shit, midlake makes amazing 70s style sounding stuff.

Consider 1972 with Bowies Ziggy Stardust coming out, it wasn't even in the end of the year top 100. For 72 its:
01. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face » Roberta Flack
02. Alone Again (Naturally) » Gilbert O'Sullivan
03. American Pie » Don McLean
04. Without You » Nilsson
05. Candy Man » Sammy Davis Jr.

Just youtube a few and see how much they suck.
As far as psytrance I could say nothing good has come out since 2002 that I enjoyed as much as stuff before it. Its not the music though, its me. Once the original jolt wears off its just not the same.

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 07:11

On 2010-07-17 10:04, Pavel wrote:

I'm too old for this

heh , iv felt like this for the majority of the last 6 years or so but something keeps bringing me back , im close to 30 and still love pot and the killa dark stuff , psytrance FTW
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 16:12
The most interesting thing about this discussion is the conspicuous absence of the person who started it

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 16:21
I have not heard any good Psy since 2006

sounds like you where young and get to parties and that this time is gone...
you losed the magic.
and you think all is bad now.

let listen to your oldies.

(though, i remember there where also many crap music produced in the psy-goa scene back in 1995...)
          A noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster most.

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 00:24

On 2010-07-18 21:30, braininavat wrote:

On 2010-07-18 11:35, Anak wrote:
I've been listening to lots of 70ies Rock lately, all the Glam stuff, and realised that all these were huge hits back then.

This simply isn't true. The great songs live on and all the shitty mainstream songs are forgot about.
There is great rock music being made today, just without any radio and everything so spread out. Shit, midlake makes amazing 70s style sounding stuff.

Consider 1972 with Bowies Ziggy Stardust coming out, it wasn't even in the end of the year top 100. For 72 its:
01. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face » Roberta Flack
02. Alone Again (Naturally) » Gilbert O'Sullivan
03. American Pie » Don McLean
04. Without You » Nilsson
05. Candy Man » Sammy Davis Jr.

Just youtube a few and see how much they suck.
As far as psytrance I could say nothing good has come out since 2002 that I enjoyed as much as stuff before it. Its not the music though, its me. Once the original jolt wears off its just not the same.

I don't get your point, sorry.

What I wanted to say is that it seems to me as though in the past decades the big mainstream hits were rawer, edgier and thus more enjoyable for an alternative geek like me. Check for instance Cockney Rebel - Sebastian, or Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill. Big commercial successes, yet totally outstanding and individual. That's something completely different to the mass music we're being fed by the radio stations nowadays.

As I said, there still is plenty of good music. I'm constantly broke because of that fact. But yeah, it's all in the underground.
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 07:10

On 2010-07-17 16:50, Anak wrote:
Oh yes, the Eighties...

And then came Kurt Cobain and ruined it all.

Hey, The Wrestler said that! And I can totally understand what he means. When punk finally influenced and mutated rock n roll (so called 'grunge'), everything changed.


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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 02:02

On 2010-07-20 00:24, Anak wrote:
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill. Big commercial successes, yet totally outstanding and individual. That's something completely different to the mass music we're being fed by the radio stations nowadays.

Welcome to becoming old
My point was music is the same, its always been the same. Of course every now and then someone slips through that touches you when you are young.
I was never a big kate bush fan but could say the same about Sinead O'Connor..Blah blah..put Sinead from 1992 on american idol and she takes it easy.

Waah wahh, why can't we find her in 2010?
Because its an illusion that I've created.
15 years from now 20yos will say the exact same thing about Lady Gaga..Music was so much better back in 2010..why can't people make music like that anymore? Even though they will be, you just can't hear it because your getting old and it doesn't hit the spot like when you are young.
On a side note, recursive tangent..That O'Connor performance fucking destroys kate Bush..haha.


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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 02:09

On 2010-07-16 12:58:11, splinter wrote:
fuck ...

and there's a new bread of of psy lovers coming up who like the new stuff....

You know, for some reason in 2006 I couldn't get into the vibe anymore and didn't understand why then...but looking back, the music began to blow and I became a no sho at parties going forward...

so, I feel you...I cant honestly comment since I havent been since then, but I can tell you I had the same feeling...

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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 03:47

On 2010-07-22 02:02, braininavat wrote:

On 2010-07-20 00:24, Anak wrote:
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill. Big commercial successes, yet totally outstanding and individual. That's something completely different to the mass music we're being fed by the radio stations nowadays.

Welcome to becoming old
My point was music is the same, its always been the same. Of course every now and then someone slips through that touches you when you are young.
I was never a big kate bush fan but could say the same about Sinead O'Connor..Blah blah..put Sinead from 1992 on american idol and she takes it easy.

Waah wahh, why can't we find her in 2010?
Because its an illusion that I've created.
15 years from now 20yos will say the exact same thing about Lady Gaga..Music was so much better back in 2010..why can't people make music like that anymore? Even though they will be, you just can't hear it because your getting old and it doesn't hit the spot like when you are young.
On a side note, recursive tangent..That O'Connor performance fucking destroys kate Bush..haha.

But Kate Bush made better psy visuals:

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - I have not heard any good Psy since 2006
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