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... I Care Because You Don't

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 14:24
Call me elitist. A musical snob. Puffed up with self importance. Whatever. I don't care anymore. I've been shutting up for too long, being overly diplomatic.

I care about psytrance, I really do. It's my first love, since a very young age, and despite many other things that happen, many other seductions, psytrance is the only thing I've always come back to no matter what happens, for well over a decade. I know this may not sound like much to you, but to me this is a very big thing, big enough in my own eyes that I have to speak up.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? DO YOU NOT NOTICE THAT PSYTRANCE IS EVOLVING AT A SNAIL'S PACE?! Psytrance used to be one of the most innovative genres, and up to the last five years evolved faster than any other musical genre out there (including IDM, which is my second love). I love this music because it touches parts in my mind and heart that nothing else reaches. For years, the music went deeper and deeper into the depths of psychedelia until at some point, DJs and labels decided that psytrance should be dancefloor oriented. The spirit of change and creativity stayed with the scene but slowly faded into the background. Nowadays, people keep telling me what music I should like. Son Kite, Emou, 1200 Mics, Talamasca, Silicon Sound... I almost feel ashamed not seeing what should interest me in this music. The difference in the music between 1996 and 1997 is startling. The difference between 2001 and 2004 is smaller (Deedrah - Reload could have been released today and be as big a hit, for instance).

I pop in a psytrance CD I haven't heard, chances are I won't notice that fact. Psytrance has narrowed itself down to a few genres and the trends in them, much like what's happening for ages in the hardcore techno world. I hear the same rolling basslines, the same effect work, the same structures, the same punchlines... When exactly did this start happening (the obvious answer would be when TIP World replaced TIP, but ohh well)?

Who sets these trends? Definately not the artists - I've talked with a few artists out there who said to me upfront: "I don't like psytrance nowadays". Big artists, very well respected. They aren't making the music they like because they want to sell - and they openly admit that off the record. I should point out the DJs which have become so much more streamlined - when I say that, I mean like in other scenes (cocaine addiction and the pretentious "we know what the crowd wants better than the crowd" attitude included). The sad truth is that if these DJs and artists wouldn't be a hit they wouldn't be booked.

The invasion of extasy over the past 10 years, replacing acid as the most popular drug in the scene - well, it first brought us the cheesy nitzohonot genre and a crowd that isn't interested in any form of intricacy. But who's the blame for that? The crowd? The crowd is the scene. How can the scene blame itself?

The answer is - it can't. As long as people keep on asking for more of the same, we will have music that works according to 'the formula', DJs that don't give a shit about giving the crowd something to remember but only about making them dance, labels that are afraid to release anything out of the ordinary, artists that don't like the music they make, a shitload of extasy-munching kids (of all ages) showing that they're much cooler than their club-going friends instead of dancing to the music they love (which should be enough even without drugs).

Ask for the music YOU WANT, not for the music others give. Buy the stuff that makes you go "holy shit, that's the most insane thing I've ever heard". Give the stuff that your ear isn't used to a second listen, even a third. If something sounds like something you already heard, it's not a bad thing to be bored with it - it's only natural, and if people will call you a snob for it, FUCK THEM, THEY SHOULDN'T TELL YOU WHAT TO LIKE. In any consumer vs. market debate, the only way consumers get what they want is by not accepting what is a decent alternative.

I care. I really do. Prove me wrong and show that you care as well.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  184
Posts :  2273
Posted : Jan 12, 2005 15:11
Kaz, you know I back your every word.
Unfortunately I think this thread is useless. It's a cry in the dark.
You will soon have answers here saying: Listen to Melicia (for example), he's not making formula music.

I care too, but I know that such a thread will not be able to change anything.
You want to make a change? Do it yourself, if u have the will.
          Majority is never right!

"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 15:25
Hey Kaz

Commercial things take time, there are many economic considerations - and in the end its not about creating music, its about earning profits.

It seems to me, you focus on the commercial side of psytrance. Parties, Releases, DJs(pros), Labels and so forth.

If you want things to be different, you need to take your energy underground and work from there.

Forget about trying to change things like you are trying to now, its not effective. For one, commercial entities are only stimulated thru earnings... and your voice will drown in the ocean making your statement useless, no matter how powerful you put it (caps, emotions etc).

Support the underground, get to know it - Start one of your own...

What will happen is, that you create something new, that will be appreciated by the underground.. if its REALLY good, labels will pick it up and turn it into commercially successfull stuff.
You then have the choice to either profit by this, or stay underground... Like all the rest of the artists have had..

Best Wishes.

Krell           Label DJ>

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  2395
Posted : Jan 12, 2005 16:08

On 2005-01-12 15:11, Candy wrote:
You want to make a change? Do it yourself, if u have the will.

i do, and we need more musicians that do a change. and we need a platform. but most of all we need listeners and labels, which is the hardest part.

anybody ready to fat up the future?           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 16:34
That was the major reason of me quitting with BLT, since I felt that I am not doing what I like and try to satisfy the market much more than satisfy my own need to create. To tell the truth the album with Danni could be at least 5 bpm slower on most of the tracks there and then it would hit the nail on the head much more then it did as it is now.

At the moment I do in the studio only things that I really like, and it is a wonderful feeling.           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 16:58
Candy: I have the will, I don't have the time... Will change soon, and then I'll see what happens.

Krell: it will change nothing - just venting some steam and hoping maybe a few people will actually give these words more than a glance.

Anak & Yuli: way to go guys, way to go. 

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  718
Posted : Jan 12, 2005 17:11
The same thing is happening to psytrance as with most other electronic genres. The genre psytrance is now established and not much will change within the genre, but hopefully new genres will spawn out of psytrance. But who knows ...           ________________________
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 17:26
Hey Kaz

Quote Kaz "it will change nothing - just venting some steam and hoping maybe a few people will actually give these words more than a glance. "

Yeah, but dont vent your steam like this, use it instead to support the underground, create music or something like that

Anger management you know hehe.

Well, I have had the exact same conversation with friends often...
Still, I actually like a lot of the music that is coming out - (alot being about 10% of it).

Id love new genres though, but the real underground here is a notch too experimental for my taste.
Trying to create my own instead hehe.

Another thing - The things you are saying now, people have been saying them for as long as I can remember - also in 1995/96.

Best wishes

Krell           Label DJ>
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 17:46
perfectly articulated....well done Kaz:)
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 17:51

On 2005-01-12 16:34, Yuli wrote:
That was the major reason of me quitting with BLT, since I felt that I am not doing what I like and try to satisfy the market much more than satisfy my own need to create. To tell the truth the album with Danni could be at least 5 bpm slower on most of the tracks there and then it would hit the nail on the head much more then it did as it is now.

At the moment I do in the studio only things that I really like, and it is a wonderful feeling.

I second that Nice to see that you yourself think BLT got a bit too fast

As you I only do what I like to do regardless of trends. I have never sold out on my style and I never will regardless of less bookings and a very very low sale!

I will continue making tribal music and I enjoy it a lot

Offtopic posts:  20
Posted: Jan 12, 2005
i btw also do ONLY what i REALY like, even if its mean play slow crossover sets in full on emprie Israel, and guess what since i do it quite well i have bookings and everything i need, also in vp label we release music that not usual and do it coze we like it.           Believe your soul !
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  515
Posted : Jan 12, 2005 18:18

On 2005-01-12 17:48, Zombi wrote:
if u was putting 50% of your power u spread here on music making u was a popular artist now and then if u was puting another 50% power on mastering you was also have a great sound...

zombi i personaly know kaz
he is an old buddy of me
belive me with 20% of his abilities he can make an album in 1 week that can ashame all domo records in both track progression and concept and sound quality aspects
he just dont mess with porn
and that what it is all about
artist became whores
sell themselfs and their souls (atleast the one that had soul before) for money
i dont talk about all new Com.pact Krembo Chemical Crew and other pornogrphic labes artists
those mostly crackheads and E junkies that all they care is to be famous nomather how
i dont consider them as artists at all

but artists that used to make original music in old days.......
jeeeeeeee man
all make fullon so sudenly
bigest idles of the sceene became whores instead of pulling the sceene to better directions
          Jesus didnt dance,but his beat goes on
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 18:18
beeing an "underground" entity is not easy!

beeing an "underground" entity and seeing your asylum become horrible!

shouting about it is the first thing one would want to do(somtimes much more than that),but is allso the last thing that will dent the monster!

i approach u as a self proclaimed elitist....... u really think the MASS feels like u? do u really think the MASS can relate to,or understand the points u bring up here? do u think they care?
im sure u dont!!! THEY DONT!(as u wrote in the topic heading)

that is the power of underground! that is way it can never be broken or conformed! it is a CONCEPT!!! it lies under the winds and fires that roam the upper morphes and changes accourding to its own barometer not influanced by the Temp' out side!
PsyTrance might be 'underground' according to world wide sales etc'...obviously not a factor that changs your feeling(or mine).
the advice i give my self is dont care! just like 'them' but to the other direction,they want to go UP good...thats the other direction from DOWN....
Rock concert stages,Pre sale,Superstars,Cocaine and chessy music.....GREAT!!!!! i can allmost not see them any more! just one more step and there gone! but hey,why wait for them to make that step? ill do it my self!!!! farewell!!!!!
untill the next time????

          "....or is it???"

Offtopic posts:  1
Posted: Jan 12, 2005
oh and forgot
WE DONT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!           Jesus didnt dance,but his beat goes on
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  73
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Posted : Jan 12, 2005 18:25
Youre absolutly right man, I dont think that me or anyone else can say anything that would change your mind..

But you can also blame the artists, no offence, but artists like Infected Mushroom that started playing at public places like 'The Sportek' on Herzelia (yeah its true), and on closed shimons partys along with some Hip-Hop, Rap, Club-Trance music, attract people..
Infected Mushroom are one of the artists, that i know i will always like, at least the music they did before they "sold themselfs out"..

When an artist give a set on a shimons party, you can imagine what will happen, sorry, you can SEE it like a bright vision!

But its not only their fault..           Peace & Love!

´·´*¨ ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯
¸.·´* "Love.. Patiance.. Understanding.." / Trust In Trance"
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