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I cant dance to any other form of music...

Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 23:59:28
I simply cant, my feet dont move the way they move when i listen to Psy. Its like im accustomed to the 140+ BPM to really grovve into the music. for everything else, i prefer sitting on the couch. does this happen to you?           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 00:05
uhh, yes. it happens to me all the time..
i feel so tired with the other forms of music because you know, years pass, we get older and its harsh. with trance though, i really cannot stop the stomp. my feet get mad when i like it

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 01:16
I dance in the same way I dance to Psytrance Maybe a lil slower, yes.           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 01:50

On 2010-04-07 23:59:28, Forest dreams wrote:
I simply cant, my feet dont move the way they move when i listen to Psy.

Same here

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 01:50
I am such a psyhead that any other music makes my ears burn like they might catch fire!

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 02:58
i bang my head and stomp my feet to any other kind of music like if it was psy. and i use to dance to diffrent kind of music in diffrent ways but now i cant :S           

On 2007-11-22 00:38, gazella wrote:
maybe I'm high or simplly kuku ...but its all about the vibe
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 03:21
same here, i cannot dance to less then 150 is too slow for me, but i can dance to drum and bass
and some goa that is around 140, but funny i cannot dance to goa or progressive that is over 140           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 07:39
I always think it's funny that in that rare moment when a psytrance track turns to breakbeat, everyone stops dancing.

Dancing to breaks isn't that hard...
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 08:53
drink more alcohol
get super drunk
then you will dance           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 10:12
ska beats psytrance anytime anyplace

kidding .. but i feel the same when i love the music and dance the same anytime anyplace

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 10:25

On 2010-04-08 01:16, Anak wrote:
I dance in the same way I dance to Psytrance Maybe a lil slower, yes.

+ 1
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 10:37
opposite scenario! can shake a leg to psy but can't go crazy in dance unless the beats broken, tripped or funked up.

Hex Osirus
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 11:02
^^yup same here ....the stranger the groove...the stranger the dance...and cos of this I think with psy...ive started dancing slightly ahead or behind the beat...kinda like syncopated movements...hehe

but i can dance to anything really...although some dances are left to the privacy of my bedroom or the shower hehe...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 11:05
for me no problem I like to move in different musics areas with different habbits.As long as the music is good.
Moving on a pure trip hop party or an a dub is completely different than on psy though.All has its own charme.
Anyone freaked out on beatless ambience?
I'd like to see a classical field or an event with lots of psyco dancers to tunes from Bach etc.I most probably would participate the collectif dancing.

Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
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Posted : Apr 8, 2010 11:20

On 2010-04-08 01:16, Anak wrote:
I dance in the same way I dance to Psytrance Maybe a lil slower, yes.

same here. and i get the wtf looks sometimes, but who cares.           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
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