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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - HYBREED X on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) sunday 23/12 @ 20:00
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HYBREED X on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) sunday 23/12 @ 20:00

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  441
Posts :  406
Posted : Dec 20, 2007 19:20
Captains log 23122007 X. This week we bring on board Hybreed X also know as Goran Rudic. Hybreed X was born in Serbia in 1978, his interest for music started since the age of 14, when he discovered the wonders of the electric guitar,since then he tended to learn more about music and learn how to play more instruments such as: el.bass,keyboards and native string instruments. The electronics and computer composing started in 1993 on commodore64 (music for intros,games,demos) while forming a metal band in 1995 which lasted 2 years. In 1999 he immigrated to Israel.In 2003 he returned to Serbia, After fruitless search for extreme people to play with, and he decided to take the whole idea to the computer, but the electric guitar remained his main instrument.Then Project Brainrapture started, it was an industrial- death-metal-experiment band , with various guests involving various instruments, that lasted for two years due to his return to Israel in 2005. Hybreed X came in order to give electronic music that does not follow any style, and follows no rules.

Are you confused? Be prepared to be Hypnotized aswell

Hybreed X my pace -

Hypnoza every Sunday @ 20:00 on 106fm Tel Aviv, Kol Hkampus.
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - HYBREED X on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) sunday 23/12 @ 20:00
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