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How would you stop the violence at trance gatherings?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 14, 2011 22:51:44
okey. it sounds like an sos thread. may be it is. may be it is just a spiritual brainstorming. i had the need to open it and didnt want to bother them in the trance section. besides, i know, they wont be bothered anyway, whatever we say to them. they dont care.

the situation is that i read in the meanwhile every week about either a rape, or a try to rape a person , or violence or extremely brutal violence at trance gatherings. you would say dark this and that. no. it is happening on trance gatherings and i know what i call trance. it is happening at the biggest festivals too. i know, not everywhere. but there, where i am.

if someone, especially a girl, tries to look for help after she had that, she is turned to someone who is trying to be a victim. she is laughed at. nobody believes her about the way it was. this little bitches in the forums tunr everything to be a laughing circus a show to be laughed and enjoyed. HELLO????? IS SOMEONE LEFT THERE???
i personally know how these things with violence feel, and it is a totally different thing to actually experience it. the others never understand how this feels in the days and weeks after. it is impossible to look for help, to go to the police, to do anything. things get worse because the victim is turned in the trance networks to be the actual crime . i read and cannot believe that this is the trance culture i grew up with. so at the end, the victim cannot even say what she experiences, because it is a crime to do this and to kill the repuation of those who did it. it is unbelievable and i really dont know where this is heading to.

no i know. to nowhere. it is getting worse, believe me.

what would you do on the spiritual side to make it better? what? if you are not even allowed to talk? if the trance culture is invaded by them or if the ship is lead by people who cant even see reality as it is and are mentally distorted?

what would you do????

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Posted : Jun 15, 2011 03:59
Thats why security exists in events no?

And by the way i have never heard of a girl being attacked to be raped at least in the events i have been or organised.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 15, 2011 11:26
well obviously not. about security : did you hear about the case some weeks ago, when an englishman who visited a party was killed by the security man in frankfurt am main at a techno party?
but may be techno is not trance ( i doubt it, because the two are mixing together more than ever). and besides it happens on trance too. take even the voov. violence in the middle of the floor, and instead of doing something, they are watching how people are taking this with the camcorder. big deal.

i am tired to read that cases, three of them only on goabase in the last few weeks .they discuss it in the ugliest way possible and dont even come for a second to the idea that something must be done to protect people more. nobody has the right to speak open about it, because everything is deleted that might be saying real facts. real facts are a crime they say, go to the police and take care for that, they say to the victim. no matter if we are actually a community and a tribe. they are doing more harm to a victim of voilence than the violence itself. because they show to her that she is not even worth looking for help!
and if someone has a civil courage and actually wants to tell them the truth, he is threatened with bann. i was too. how they call the ladies, how they speak. it is not only ladies, last i heard about a man who was given a drink with something inside and then raped somewhere. of course it is ugly to know, of course it takes us to big cognitive disbalance, because we cant believe that this is the trance culture we trusted in. and no, i havent seen that on the events i was organising either. never, not even once. i have seen it on the events of the others, on the big ones with security but also on the smaller, free outside, which are without security.

it hurts me so much to see that the girls are not even believed to say the truth. i believe them. i know it is true, because i see on which level they move emotionallay and i was exactly there in the past. it is very hard to even go to the security, because the girl actually gives the whole mistake on herself and shames to the hell. people who never had that are so much unempathic.

but anyway. i know it happens and if i wanted to discuss the social part i would have started this in another section. i wanted to hear a spiritual advice what to do . what to do to protect the next case like this and to protect a friend of you who always wants to go totally alone on festivals. every time i dont know if you would see her again after a trance gathering.

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Posted : Jun 15, 2011 12:08
b strong.n avoid unwanted situations.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 15, 2011 14:05
hm. this sounded extremely like modern western esoteric knowledge. the romantic of the modern esoteric world. paulo coelho would call this a resigned warrior of light, an alchemist warrior who gave up braveness and forgot the call of the universe , an alchemist who stopped reading and understanding the signs of god. of course, there is always THE RIGHT MOMENT for a warrior of light to act. but not acting is the worst to happen.

what if it is our personal spiritual challenge to actually put an end to that attack of dark forces which we witness around?

i am expecting alchemist advices of turning stones to gold in this topic.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 15, 2011 22:09
If people don't listen to you in Alexandria - go to Baghdad. (Maybe I just made it up, or it could have been Nasruddin )

In other words, instead of complaining for two years about somebody on GoaBase, who was shutting you up - why not just speak to people here with no prejudice? It's quite possible that they won't try to shut you up on IsraTrance. Just a thought...

You are there already, since you started this topic. But still half of what you wrote here is about ugly behavior of GoaBasers, which is kinda irrelevant on this site.

I have a feeling that most IsraTrancers (including horror darkpsy fans ) do not condone violence. Have you gotten a different impression here?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 15, 2011 23:01
why is it irrelevant on this site that the people the music is played for, are expriencing so much ugly things on the festivals? why is it irrelevant what people experience on that same festivals where the whole bunch of blue isratrance artists play? it looks like a picture where blin dhorses play music and dont even notice where and for whome and what is happening while they play.

forget goabase. i did too. even if you delete goabase, things will still happen that way. you are mixing topics i think. what i describe happens for real. not in the internet. we had a lot of topics in isratrance in the past years, where i kind of participated, some were nice, informative, others were shit. third ones were big shit. but it is over forever you know, life doesnt give a second chance to come back to the alchemist. and this what you mention, is gone forever. i know how isratrance sees this already. i stated myself and my vision defeated least in alexandria and i am now in baghdad. being anonimous in alexandria gives me a last chance to look for the last living alchemist on isratrance.
and you know that not more than 20 people read this section.

which is also the path of the alchemist. better to be defeated in a battle for a vision than to lose without knowing what you fighted for.

now back to the question. you can exchange any interpretation you might have with goabase and delete it. put real life in front of it. i wanna know what would a psychedelic warrior of light advice me to do against that. i cant see so mcuh ignorace any more on that so called psychedelic gatherings. i just cant. there must be something terrence mckenna and tim leary and all our psychedelic pioneers would do in this case. what would they do? take a trip and stay away?????

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Jun 16, 2011 03:26
Moki with all the respect can you start posting shorter posts? Every post you make on this site is like half a page long and i am sure very few people bother to read them. It doesnt help either you or the topics you open.
          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2011 04:08

On 2011-06-15 23:01, moki wrote:
why is it irrelevant on this site that the people the music is played for, are expriencing so much ugly things on the festivals? why is it irrelevant what people experience on that same festivals where the whole bunch of blue isratrance artists play?

The issue of violence at festivals is very relevant. The issue of how people discuss this on GoaBase is not.


forget goabase. i did too. even if you delete goabase, things will still happen that way. you are mixing topics i think. what i describe happens for real. not in the internet.

Does it happen at small festivals and private parties? Or is it something you see only at mega-festivals full of teenagers on amphetamines? I suspect that it’s just simple regression to the mean: the bigger a gathering the more it will be like the real world and less like the fantasy you tried to build with a few friends in a forest party.


better to be defeated in a battle for a vision than to lose without knowing what you fighted for.

Better yet, fight only when you have to.


now back to the question. you can exchange any interpretation you might have with goabase and delete it. put real life in front of it. i wanna know what would a psychedelic warrior of light advice me to do against that. i cant see so mcuh ignorace any more on that so called psychedelic gatherings. i just cant. there must be something terrence mckenna and tim leary and all our psychedelic pioneers would do in this case. what would they do? take a trip and stay away?????

The answer is the same as in real life. One can turn away and pretend nothing is happening, one can call police (security, bouncers, uncles Dino and Vito) or one can kick somebody’s ass himself. Or herself, in your case. The ideal way is probably a combination: kick the dude in the nuts, step on his throat and then call security. Or better yet, come to the festivals with a bunch of friends who will look out for you and help you put things in order when needed.

That’s the answer to isolated violence. Now, when a bunch of assholes come to your party and try to ruin it – that’s a different issue. But, if I understand correctly, this is not what you were talking about, right?

P.S. Maybe you could share here what actually happened to you 2 years ago?..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Jun 16, 2011 15:16

On 2011-06-16 03:26, DETOX wrote:
Moki with all the respect can you start posting shorter posts?

of course i can. unfortunately my fingers are extremely fast, i am sorry. till i breathe once, i ve written the whole page already. actually i am very short here, in case you dont know my true forum capacity.

but i take your advice and will be shorter in the future. anyway if this topic doesnt solve in one way or another, which i am putting since three years to agenda, then i wont discuss " trance spirituality" either because it is then only a romantic empty word to sell cds and festivals faster and nothing more than that. i cant hear it anymore, there is either something that can be done do stop these ugly things happening on trance festivals, or nothing can be done and we leave it and go everyone his way.

also people shoud finally be aware that going to the police to complain about violence and crime is like going to murder the rest of the trance culture. if this is what they want....


On 2011-06-16 Maine Coon
The issue of violence at festivals is very relevant.

well then. my question is what did the alchemists, the philosophers, the wise people say about violence. a spirituality forum must have an advice about it, there must be at least one person who cares and believes that i dont imagine those things and they are really happening? no?

what is the right thing to do????? to stay away. i asked so many times the same question in the trance section. i dont expect a social advice from someone without occult interests any more, i expect a hermetic law, an occult law, something that tells us the truth. but okey, another topic number 20825719 where i think a book or two or 50 would help me more. actuallly it was my intentiuon to ask for the right book or name again. but it ends on the same place always.

i am sorry to mention goabase, it is simply the place where i am usually informed about violence at the festivals. fight only when i have to? well i dont have to, if you see it that way. at all. actually i dont even need to write here.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2011 16:25
Indeed you make huge posts
But i see your point and concern, how can a festival be mind relaxing if there's any sort of violence in it? It can't.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2011 12:42
I heard as well about a girl @ Fullmoon Festival 2008 or 2007 i don`t remember for sure, wich got raped directly below the stage..that was really awful news on the festival..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2011 14:21
i saw a chick doing a small tree 1 time, if that counts.
seriously never erd of any such shi
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2011 15:00
most people never heard and never saw any of that shit. this is the problem. not even those who were there. most of them would not even see it if it happened right in front of their eyes. they would still dance. for peace of course.

and if they see it, they would close the eyes, prey om, and dance further. and if you tell them what happened, they would say, oh yes, i understand, i know this happened to x, y and djane z too, terrible scene, then they would advice you to take care and dance further. in the meanwhile they would write about justice in the forums, and how they miss the ealrier freaks at the festivals, and they wont even care to ask those freaks why they are gone.

i have so much anger with people who close their eyes in front of that. god know how much hate i ve transformed into "let them go". and i so much wanna shout as load as i can " XXX XXX" and have so much hate to transform: the revenge, the eye for an eye. i dont think anyone can understand that concern who has not experienced it himself. how difficult it is to stop the hate.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2011 21:00
If there is violence at parties, the its not longer a "trance gathering".

To be honest I think the right way to do is going to the police, if this shit is happening its a criminal act and must be persecuted by the state and promoters who overlook this should go to jail.

I will feel sick if I saw that and also that people around doesnt give a damn. To the point of not going again to a party.

So, there arent going to be more parties? well I dont give a damn about parties made by promoters that doesnt care about security, so if they let it go like they have (acording to your words) so be the end of their bussines.

I can have a trance gathering with friends once in a while at the forest or the beach with small sound sytem and better music anyway.

I dont want to be in a place where violence acts are commited, allowed, people ignores them, no matter if its trance, punk or dubstep.

So for me the best way to deal with it will be: go to the police and stop going to those parties.

Also making your own small trance gathering is much more fullfiling and spiritual: you made them with love for your friends, you share, cultivate friendship, enjoy, etc.

From an spiritual point of view if you allow or ignore violence against other humans, you have no soul.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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