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How to handle "losing" your favorite artist...?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 10:28

On 2009-10-23 19:49, pr0fane wrote:
There was talk about a new Son Kite album being released on BNE, but after they closed the label I haven't heard anything new about the Son Kite album.

their new album is done but they just have to record it...problem is that they are still looking for a label to release least that's what I understood, perhaps they could enlighten us I'd love to hear more SonKite stuff, it's been ages since their last one came out

anyway I suppose I do get a little bit sad when someone that I really liked changes their style and goes on to do something else but it's their right and the last thing anyone should be doing is blaming the artist for fact we should be respecting them even more for taking the plunge even when they know that they will lose a lot of fans          DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 12:50
Hope they dont keep us waiting for so much longer, the Son Kite set at Ozora was bangin, realized how much I missed the sound and vibezzz

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 17:32
Son Kite rocks! my vinyls are like brand new after all this years.I hope they come back with something fresh soon.
@ TranceVisuals

be a man and tell how or with whom you have worked for a release.Maybe you did also some musics that I bought.I wanna get rid of all vinyls or cds I own where you might have anything to do with - straight to the thrash.If you are somewhere credited mr jody tell it be a man.
I think it fits also this topic.
I want to get rid of all dirt in my spheres and maybe there exist some on some relase I spend some cash for it.
I will never ever spend any more a cent for such shit. 

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 18:35

On 2009-10-24 17:32, TimeTraveller wrote:

@ TranceVisuals

be a man and tell how or with whom you have worked for a release.Maybe you did also some musics that I bought.I wanna get rid of all vinyls or cds I own where you might have anything to do with - straight to the thrash.If you are somewhere credited mr jody tell it be a man.
I think it fits also this topic.
I want to get rid of all dirt in my spheres and maybe there exist some on some relase I spend some cash for it.
I will never ever spend any more a cent for such shit.

You've been smoking crack with Moki again?

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 19:16
well I thaought so that you have no guts and is nothing more than your comments
I'd throw such shit away you know -that is how we do it in St.Pauli .
I would even not sell it or anything else.
Different areas different habbits hehe

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 19:27

You really seem to be a sad individual. But I am sure you are fantastic in your own head. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 20:28
you have not a slightest clue of me boy.

and you seem to have no other skills than pretending to be an intelecutal the biggest expirienced psycedelic ,artist and what not.And on top of all you like to insult with the lowest niveau ever.
I'm sure I have more real friends in the UK than you ever,but I never met such an poor guy like you.
Better take a warm tea and relax.
To say to a woman I would not piss on you if you were on fire can only come from someone primitive.
I said all what I wanted to you.



Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 20:43

On 2009-10-24 20:28, TimeTraveller wrote:
you have not a slightest clue of me boy.

*yawn* Yeah I am sure you are the most important person in your reality. Which is nice for you.

And that was a dis-cussing between me and Moki, who seems perfectly capable of handling herself without some self-appointed white knight riding to her rescue...

You sir on the otherhand, are a pompous twit.

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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 22:36
ah I saw you in my myspace profiles since you were recently online.That must be you.You even wrote some happy lines lol. I accepted you even though you acted like a spammer.In two profiles.One of them is hip hop even.The other was a closed for seeing.LOL.You have a funny avatar,it fits. I like your pic but I delete you.
Yodhe Yodhe Well, you has there a really kind style how awkward that you are so uncool here hehe.
Yodhe the usual suspect spammer.Here and there.

I cee even good friends of me were spammed by you. Lol you artist.

that was even my comment to you I seemd to liked your energy back than.

27. Jul. 2009 02:46
an equadorian mushroom greeting from now to then!
Comin straight from a psycedelic blast nice to be connected.

- Kommentar löschen

Go on if you like to.I am here when I have the time for it maybe I answer you it makes fun to chat with you sometimes.

well good that I have a better picture of you
and one spammer less is also nice.
And it is ok.Don't take it that serious Yodhe.Take it all eazy as it is.I think you are nice but maybe really a bit fucked up from too much spamming.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 22:38
I leave your comment on my side. maybe you find it haha .. swweeet
(On that "hip hop" side.)

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 23:47
Well the only spamming I did was to add people as a friend on myspace...

I didn't send out unsolicited messages promoting my work, and I only added a comment if someone added a comment to my work, or similar returned a message.

There is a fine line between letting people you know you exist, and forcing one down people's throats, and I take a lot of time, apart from flaming matches on forums, to respect other people's presence on the internet. Maybe I am wrong, but I didn't think that adding people who might like what I do, and give away for FREE, might want to see what I do, and maybe collaborate, shoot the breeze, or show me what they do?

So like Moki, you speak what us english would call "BULLSHIT", or their own distorted perception of reality as reality.

Though please do go ahead, and PROVE that I am a spammer. I assume you have the emails, private unsolicited messages, comments, IM's conversations, and EVIDENCE you back what you say up.

You sir, are a low-life cad, and a liar to boot.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2009 00:54
it is really all Ok for me atleast .I am self a bit ashamed of my styles here but you a bit forced me to do so.
What I really do not like is when all are throwing stones on one person.Even if this person might be acting like lost.I than can change like a fuck.
I have no bad feelings anymore.
Feel free to hate me or whatever.
Peace Im out for my shitty beginer psytrance works.
I really appriciated your friendship.
Let us cool down maybe.I don't like all this like I said - from me too.
I would find it really killer if we all would not make anyone down - at least not that extremely.

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