How to get distribution
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 00:47:01
Hi all!
I´m an independant music producer. I´ve been making music for sometime now, and now I feel its ready to go out into the world.
I dont have many knowledge on the matter or many conections....
What is the best way to distribute my music?
Here is a link to my music.
thanks all for your help. |
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine
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Posted : Oct 1, 2011 12:23
murkertrer wrote :
I´ve been making music for sometime
now I feel its ready to go out into the world .
As Jacynth know (Very well ..) Wish can be come true if your close your eyes and go deep deep inside .. And sty there .. And 'Arrange' it there to be true and real in here ..
And dreams come true .. I know that already ..
You have great music , Not all of them my style but this not no matter whats real matter that in any track of you there (And i listen to all of them) Could find somthing that interesting me , Sure was demos with an better sound and those (This is we all have) But i talk about the storys .. I realy liket .. Could feel myself 95% inside .. When i may think need add more sounds here and there + Try make them more wet , Will 'Open' your music alot more (But this is only my inside ideas of me with myself)
What is the best way to distribute my music ?
You mean labels ?
Think first the 'Industry' Have to know you Send Soundcloud demos to record companys , They will hear your style (And you have an real one ! Story + kind of inside warm in - Not with the sounds , Think sound here and there need work , But technic is very good and this warm is coming of the reasone of the 'Right sounds in the right place') .
Very good works .. ! keep this creative , Unique , Lovely and energy music of yours up .. !
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine
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Posted : Oct 1, 2011 14:39
P.s -
"Cut" it in the middle (Not to width but to the longitude) And separate the high sound from the downs , Put each (Or even all - Thats what im doing some times but have to be good mix then , Somthing you already happy with so then no problem doing that but the better/Good way is to work on each sound alone and to try bring him to the maximum (Maximum high) And at the same thing with the all down sounds (Maximum to down) + Effects , Dont be shy .. Dont afraid . So now we have more space in right .. ? (+ place to add more/Other sounds to make the sound be sound more 'Rich' and grand) Somthing/Somwhere/Some place to be beetween - This is the cinematic 'Surround' feeling touch in .. So this is what i miss and this is what you need (Imo) here , But this .. Super ! .
Cheers ..
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine
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Posted : Oct 1, 2011 16:10
P.s.s - I forgot somthing
Now after this hard work haz done "Band' and 'Glue' them both again together and sure all will sound with an more 'Natural deepness' , Now our other project (After we already took/Bring it be Up and Down) Now we want to take the sound into the sides - 'Open engines .. ' (So will be kind of 'Golbal' phat and fat to all track).