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Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Aug 20, 2010 10:55
Xolvexs, you're nuts man

A group of us promoted parties when I was in Hawai'i, the cops would come even in the remotest of areas, where there was absolutely no one for miles around (difficult to find in HI but possible...) and close the parties down without sufficient information, sometimes no information at all, just "this party is over, if you don't go home we will arrest you".

The only solution was to find a nightclub indoors for events limited to a Thursday until 2 am.
I would say there is a definite deal going on against outdoor/underground parties. All of our outdoor events where free of charge,

at the most beautiful location one can imagine, right under an amazing star filled night on powdered white sand and crystal clear water... ok ok... back to the story....

we made it a point and kept the beach clean, tried to reason with the cops, authorities, and so on and so forth....

All in all I think there was only one party which didn't get busted at all, some got busted only after sunrise because they could not find us in the dark.

And the cops scoured the internet for our events. was soon no longer safe, so it went with personal messages, email, word of mouth etc.

Having said all that, I don't know how it is in India now (I presume you are located there).
The way it used to be in India is Bakshish for the permission, and 2 cops bakshish who will protect the party and eventually some more backup bakshish, you know, when other cops also want a piece of the pie...
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 14:16
So, it seems like an outdoor party is more likely to be shut down by the cops than an indoor party. It also seems like this is true across the East-West divide. I am wondering as to what the motivation may be here. Do those cops follow orders of their local governments or are they on a quest of their own? From what Colin told us, it seems like the resistance to these parties starts long before cops show up. And if (when) it is a personal quest and not a government mission, do these cops do it for kicks (just a continuation of the old jocks-bash-geeks routine) or is it a hunt for bribes?

The most interesting question, however, is why would local governments be so opposed to these events?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 15:24
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 16:57
in india they actually think its rich kids having drug fuelled orgies etc , media created a monster , front page headlines , interesting though , coz in the west its probably the folks with not so much money attending ,wtf do cops want ... part money , part jock bash geek but the worst is self righteous police thinking theyr actually saving peoples lives , but what fun would it be if all was legal , years ago in manali i was in a party , and out of nowhere in the morning a mini battalion of cops with sticks came , caning people , literally , so then there was a maad scramble , everyone just got their stuff and ran into the woods , that was a lot of fun .. but im probably saying that coz i didnt get caned , still .. a fun bust
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 19:12
So, you think it's the "war on drugs" then?
How 'bout "clean" parties - would they be shut down too? (I know, first I should've asked if "clean" parties ever happen - so, there: do they ever happen?)
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 20:00
highly unlikely , and im saying that coz i dont like the word 'never' , but who knows .. anyone been to 1 ?

Started Topics :  18
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Posted : Aug 22, 2010 22:20
How safe is promotion?
How safe is your event? 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 23, 2010 17:01

On 2010-08-20 19:12, Maine Coon wrote:
So, you think it's the "war on drugs" then?

i believe , it is not so much the war on drugs..
it is simply a question of how useful are these events for the cultural issues of the government. i mean, the western governments are normally very generous, if it comes to giving money for any cultural happening. not only for art issues but for any cultural and educational events that are not based on making money through collecting entrance.

i mean, you see, even the smallest lesbian community will get 3-5000 euro per year from the government for existing and working as a protector of female rights. it is accepted and supported, because the job needs to be done. also galleries or other forms of cultural activities, even if these are the smalles sub cultures and outsiders. matter that the artists normally do experiment with drugs and have always done it - it is not the issue. the issue is that it resonates with the main goals of the government, so it is accepted. and besides, of course, it brings wealthy intelligent people as tourists to the local region ( and not some stealing hippies )

i think the main issue is more like a war on the subcultures that have nothing to give to society as a cultural wealth other than inviting the kids to become a part of a dance drug orgy.

so i believe that as far as trance is considered to be a culture of hedonistic dance , and nothing more, the government will be opposed to it.

...unless it is done in an official micronation with its own constitution...but as far as it is not an island but it is embedded within a culture, it has to flow together with the other members of the society, or it has to leave...

but on the other side. may be it is right to happen like that? may be it is a good thing....i know i dont make friends with this opinion, but it is what i feel. those visitors of trance partys dont find it worthy to support others who try and give the effort to bring the cultural value of trance into the academic and govermental world outside , so it is probably exactly the right thing to happen with them.

most psychedelic freaks somehow believe they dont need to be useful for the rest of the society in any way. so leviathan will clear them out. for good or bad. nobody is an island. if you need to be one, they you need to do it hidden.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 22:27

On 2010-08-20 16:57, mk47 wrote:
in india they actually think its rich kids having drug fuelled orgies etc , media created a monster , front page headlines , interesting though , coz in the west its probably the folks with not so much money attending ,wtf do cops want ... part money , part jock bash geek but the worst is self righteous police thinking theyr actually saving peoples lives , but what fun would it be if all was legal ,

I agree.

The cops in India have really fucked it up for everyone. I live in the city and till some time ago i used to smoke cannabis like at places which used to sell stuff and there wasn't such a big problem. I have even at these places smoked with cops who used to come for a hit or two take their bribe and go and there was this place where we used to get stuff and could smoke freely. Nowadays we cant even dare to smoke a Joint they have really fucked the scenes. The media is also responsible for add to the fire.           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 23, 2010 22:45
another fact that i still haven't seen in the discussion is the following issue:
as you probably heard this year the authorities in germany used another tactic to try to put an end. some big festivals like the vuuv and spiritual healing were reported to have a restriction of 55 db ( earlier 110 db i think) , that has to be the maximum in a certain distance from the sound system. some organisers stated, that this would not be a problem, but i dont think so....even if it was not a big problem this year , it will become a problem in the next years ( if things continue like that!).

this would be another reason why it is better to do it small in a nice wood or garden and leave the big festivals only to people who can pay enough for guards and ambulances and all that is needed for any other big musical event to be safe. and if you go without expectations for a big family psychedelic feeling, you will even be happy with those events. but just keep the two things away from each other - the big trance industry and the small underground feeling. these are just two different worlds.

p.s. it is strange , all the time i have dejavu, as if we already talked about exactly this thing in the past hundreds of years ago. may be the end of atlantis?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  166
Posts :  713
Posted : Aug 24, 2010 21:00
With each season, the scene here seems to be drawing more and more people and that really isn't a good thing. This is one of the results:

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