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Started Topics :  3
Posts :  213
Posted : Aug 14, 2010 09:46
word of mouth for inner circle results in the best parties...

if its a promo scene then keep clean.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Aug 14, 2010 14:03
How difficult is it to have a psy party that is not at all underground? I mean something taking place in a publically known location, with adequate police protection and/or hired bouncers. Does any government, local or national, have any problem with psy parties, besides “the war on drugs”?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 14:33
dunno about the rest of the world, but in israel its an absolute no no - unless you want cops roaming allover completely destroying the vibe... its very sad for me to say this but the majority of policemen (women and dogs for that matter) are completely ignorant in regards to trance parties, hell in earlier days in israel police used to actually hunt down these parties, damage the gear and even beat people up because of the parties... but thats what you get when the manpower of the police is of the lowest socio-economic parts (hell you dont even need to graduate highschool to be a policeman in israel..)
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 14:34

On 2010-08-14 14:03, Maine Coon wrote:
How difficult is it to have a psy party that is not at all underground? I mean something taking place in a publically known location, with adequate police protection and/or hired bouncers. Does any government, local or national, have any problem with psy parties, besides “the war on drugs”?

Yes. In the UK, legal festivals are closed down in the most disgusting way possible, by the actions of the police and licensing authorities. Tactics include:

1. Refusing to provide a quote for the cost of policing the event until the very last minute, making budgeting impossible, then landing a massive (really, massive) non-negotiable bill on the promoters (Glade Festival 2010);

2. Lying about which documents need to be submitted to which official parties then cancelling the licence at the last minute on the grounds of insufficient documentation (can't remember exactly which festival but I read this recently).

3. Holding the festival organiser responsible (ie. arresting him) for other people's use of cannabis at the event, and confiscating the gate takings (Thimbleberry Festival 2009).
          Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 19:31

On 2010-08-14 14:34, Colin OOOD wrote:
Yes. In the UK, legal festivals are closed down in the most disgusting way possible, by the actions of the police and licensing authorities.

I'm not sure there's a coherent fight against festivals - reading between the lines the Glade thing was as much to do with poor ticket sales as anything else.. though God knows what the local Police were up to re : Thimbleberry - it was a ludicrous decision (unless stuff we dont know about went on)...

Though its fair to say that the paperwork and health & safety required to do an open air event in the Uk must be the strictest (and so costliest) in the world...

Anyway - back on topic - legal partie s- lots of promotion but in "right" places. Not so legal parties - just keep it to your close friends & their friends...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1785
Posted : Aug 14, 2010 22:42

On 2010-08-14 14:03, Maine Coon wrote:
How difficult is it to have a psy party that is not at all underground? I mean something taking place in a publically known location, with adequate police protection and/or hired bouncers. Does any government, local or national, have any problem with psy parties, besides “the war on drugs”?

Well around here it would take a few thousand dollars for sound/setup, venue, permits, security, drinks and random freaky types to man the door guns taking entry fees. Depending on the age limit (lots of mainstream edm parties are all ages in this town) there may be extra fees. That would get you a fat system, friendly security, plenty of refreshments and snacks, all necessary permits to show the cops when they drop in (they always do, those swell neat guys), a decent capacity venue... Depending on what the talent is charging (if anything) it may jump up another grand or 2 to put them up for the night, get em fed/watered/saddled, all that good stuff to make sure they smile and the smiles taint their work on the stage making the whole gig smiley and like that. Then I guess it would be 100-300 bucks to print nice colorful glossy fliers with Skazi and Eskimo and Pepsi and Reebok all over em and a few pills of E (not really;) ) to feed to the flier-monkeys going around town to spread the word. All in all it would be safe to say 10 grand all told for the whole shebang from printing ticks and fliers, to promotion, to booking, to sound rental, security, and of course the golden tickets saying we are ok to have a lot of people, loud music, and can put out a fire or attend to medical emergencies if necessary, or start a fire or fake medical emergencies for medical pot, whichever. That wouldnt really afford any international acts (Id feel its only fair to pay airfare and that shit aint cheap, blame my obese countrymen). Add a couple grand per Int'l act for airfare and maybe taxi ride or something if needed, and whatever else (as well as having said int'l artist secure a visa to get into the US).

10 grand for a professionally done gig, full of lights and parent-friendliness ready to show the cops how organized and not on drugs we are, with regional talent. 10 is probably a high estimate but its better to estimate too high than it is to have to explain to angry djs who crave beer why they dont have a place to stay or something else important like refreshment counter staff dressed as crazy as if Tina Turner in Thunderdome fell into the ooze from TMNT with Lady Gaga and a small chihuahua and then impregnated Octomom with mutant genetics resulting in an unholy super-beer server with Patrick Duffy for a leg.

But then, if 500 tickets are sold, for say 15 bucks each, thats 7500, not a bad comeup but in all practicality an unlikely though ideal situation. Even then, to break even you have to sell 2500 bucks worth of drinks, say, PBR at 5 bucks per, that would require sales of 500 beers, one for each of our ideal guests, which isnt that farfetched the way people drink in this... In this everywhere. Even if 250 ppl showed and drank 2 beers it would break you even. Which I would call damn fine. I wouldnt throw a party for any reason other than to have a party, no profit expected. Of course people usually dont have just 2 beers. And many prefer water. But this is an ideal situation that seldom happens, even in mainstream EDM events in this town. Psytrance party? Depending on how much beer we stock and if we restrict age to 21+ the local Black Rock City residents would show up, to drink and generally act strange, though generally not dance that much, nor really care all that greatly who's on stage. Which is cool, they can have their fun. This isnt really a big psytrance place though, it makes its way into multi genre parties now and then and theres a local producer, Psilogod, who makes some pretty unique stuff and plays 'live sets' (Live sets laid out ahead of time but he claims neither live act nor dj title, and around here the consensus is if youre playing your own music you get to play however you want), but 500 heads is a little unlikely even in more psytrance-enthusiastic regions. Seems everyone around here hears TRANCE and thinks OMG TIESTO RUN FUCKING RUN AWAY NOW, and/or hears 'psychedelic' and sneers down their dubstep craving nostrils at any such immaturity as mentioning a word that may or may not: pertain to drugs/advocate drugs/be stinky hippies. Idk whats up but thats the score.

On the other hand the cost of renegading it in the forest just over the Cali border and taking chances with forest rangers and disgruntled... Forest rangers... Would be minimal. I know a guy with sound, we threw a party together back in 07 (that got visited by those same disgruntled guys and 2 sheriffs 'just patrolling their usual route' with 3 different stories, one for each, on how the info on the party location got leaked), he's willing to use it anytime for poops and larfs. A generator we could probably swing too, maybe not a big one though... Fuel of course would be around 40 bucks for 10 gallons. Any out of town talent that needs places to stay might be able to surf some Reno couches, or we may have to spring for a crack motel downtown (jk). It probably wouldnt be too hard to find someone with a pair of cdjs and some old mixer willing to use em either, tho idk. What else... Maybe a fire permit to make sure any errant firestarters, twisted firestarters, have the go ahead. Other than that it would be BYOB, BYO dancing shoes, BYO everything, BYO exhilarating feeling of being a part of one of THOSE 'UNDERGROUND RAVES' the news always talks about, those crazy kids and their ekstuzees and ell-iss-deez and marawaneez of course leading to the crack cocaineez and metheez and heroineez (nothing like a spike to jolt that OSOM track into outer space balls) and glue and paint and duster too, if youre, like, 12. Jerk.

Total cost of renegade; 40 bucks fuel, time spent rounding up equipment, 5 seconds Facebook time spreading the discreet word, possibly gas money for any out of town talent, lets say 500 bucks reserve for that, and... 40 bucks for myself for munchies and libations, 1-3hrs (depending on how many djs we can scrape out of a dive bar in Little Italy) to play my contribution to the evening/morning's tunes, and the rest of the time before the genny fires up til after they all go home/fall down dead/gas runs out, maybe 18-24 hrs. So a total money amount would be 580 bucks, plus time spent making sure everything is 5 by 5. And if everything goes well, the most important thing may result; a priceless experience among friendly people smiling and enjoying themselves, the music, the dancefloor, the nature around us, and the planet we ride like hairy microbes clinging to wrinkles in its hurtling face, first star to the right and straight on til this time tomorrow!!

Personally I prefer small gigs with minimal overhead and maximal coziness with whoever is down to play for gas money, some grub and a place to crash, if not all locals which isnt really realistic though i know a few random djs who play psytrance now and then among other styles... As I said not a market in Reno really for psy sounds...

A pro gig would be flashy, and have big sound and big names (but not so big we have to call Pepsi and get a visa for a hairy manbeast Israeli and his KILLARGH guitar, also sponsored by Pepsi), and would put a pro face on the whole thing, but in this town with this crowd, if it doesnt have dubstep in it somewhere, or electro or fidget house, its not likely to attract the mob. Which is good, most of them are sneering elitists who can never tell me a straight answer when I ask, 'So what is it, exactly, you DO like?' but can always be counted upon to offer their suggestions as to what could be improved upon. Its good to keep the vibe as real as possible but its not going to break you even. And even after all is said and done, it could get shut down cuz some 13yo girl in her underwear can't remember not to take 3 pills of E on an empty stomach and dance for hours without a drop of water, or some super tough bad dude picks a fight with that uber threatening 98 pound raver kid who bumped into... Something somewhere that tough guys dont like being bumped into.

Personally I prefer the renegade option. I have more fun, the crowd is lower key, no hassles til the friendly Mr Ranger Sir and Sheriff Yogi and Deputy BooBoo show up with pickanick baskets for everyone involved in such audacious and uncouth behavior as playing music loudly in the back woods where you really have to want to get to just to hear the music accidentally and the news that in the middle of nowhere, in teh forest, you cant play music loudly after 10pm, before 6am. The trees need their rest.

TL;DR- Renegade=cozy but higher risk Pro=impersonal and costly but less risk, but greater potential for attracting Cool People Who Like Everything and Nice Guys Who Are Every Girl's Hero.

(I do find it necessary to note that the party lasted a good 8 hrs, and the djs threw down like mad cunts the whole time, and everyone was helping out, it was better than I imagined it could ever be and I dont mind a bit having to deal with the law and subsequent hassles, but am sorry poor Nate got hit with a pickanick basket too just for being behind the cdjs when the Big Faceless American Law reared its head and a certain Israeli from Portland who probably wont forget the horrors witnessed in the forests of Cali and will probably talk your ears off and maybe a couple fingers and a navel too about it if you give him half the chance, that silly guy)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 16, 2010 13:36
here is the main reason why you should be extremely careful about where you "advertise" your event.

- if you do it in the internet and spread the information about location and line up on a website that is not based on fairness, intelligent social behaviour and proper decent attitude and guidelines , it might become a real disaster for you.
the police is not the main problem ( i will mention this point in a minute once again). the problem is that there are websites and trance communities that are done by people who do not even find it appropriate to SAY NO when someone appears and starts to threaten another one with violence. it is an ugly picture because the real aggressive and violent people do not find it necessery any more to keep to any rules of peaceful social interraction - they are even encouraged by the creators of the network and almost invited to stay aggressive and violent... because they dont fear any social punishment, isolation or any other form of socially based reglementations.

what happens - these people become even more violent than ever before. this is also the reason no one will ever see me on a festival that is advertised on goabase for instance.

because the trance scene is desperately hanging on the pursuit of artificial tolerance towards anyone, but at the end of the day in the year 2010 it looks like the violent people are more invited and valued than others who are there with their whole heart since 15 years.

yes i remember the years earlier with a lot of nostalgy - the times when it was safe to go from festival to festival even as a lone girl and never by afraid of anyone because it was a nice big global family and you always felt protected and safe. nowadays it is gone. i will not say forever because i still hope, and it still hurts like hell when i see all those freaks coming back from festivals with the big bags on monday in berlin..and i miss the big international festivals so much. but on the other hand, for me it has become impossible and simple not safe to go to events that are advertised widely on platfroms like described above. there were festivals where i even begged god to bring the police to the place:(.

and still, nowadays i prefer small small partys on the beaches and forests. the flair of a big global change is missing but everything else is just perfect. they are spread mouth to mouth, or with sms and very rarely with newsletter lists. if they appear in any way on big networks i would not go. facebook is okey, but i would prefer hand out invitations hand in hand or mouth to mouth.

and more important, at least then you are not part of this ridiculous neo party scene that calls itself the trance scene and does not even remember or RESPECT the pioneers of these scene, all those people who gave their best the create the vision of the trance community. nowadays they are mostly just normal partys like any other party scene, with the main difference that they base their pretentions for superiority and they base their pretentions to be allowed to take drugs on the fact that they are supposed to be the global change on the world. and they are so nice and tolerent, yes indeed they even tolerate violence and kick off anyone who dares to say stop idiots.

i dont see any global change. and even places like boom are missing hundreds and hundreds of people who will not go because of financial problems but are nevertheless the most psychedelic spirits and intelligent avantgard of our planet.

so what to say. keep it psychedelic and underground.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Aug 16, 2010 13:52 want to be a free spirit but you are afraid of going to will never be free           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1659
Posted : Aug 16, 2010 15:16
Are you and I reading the same thread?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  748
Posted : Aug 16, 2010 15:35

On 2010-08-14 14:34, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2010-08-14 14:03, Maine Coon wrote:
How difficult is it to have a psy party that is not at all underground? I mean something taking place in a publically known location, with adequate police protection and/or hired bouncers. Does any government, local or national, have any problem with psy parties, besides “the war on drugs”?

Yes. In the UK, legal festivals are closed down in the most disgusting way possible, by the actions of the police and licensing authorities. Tactics include:

1. Refusing to provide a quote for the cost of policing the event until the very last minute, making budgeting impossible, then landing a massive (really, massive) non-negotiable bill on the promoters (Glade Festival 2010);

2. Lying about which documents need to be submitted to which official parties then cancelling the licence at the last minute on the grounds of insufficient documentation (can't remember exactly which festival but I read this recently).

3. Holding the festival organiser responsible (ie. arresting him) for other people's use of cannabis at the event, and confiscating the gate takings (Thimbleberry Festival 2009).

I kept hearing from a few people that it's getting really hard in the UK but I never thought they went to such extreme measures...damn!           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : Aug 16, 2010 18:09
There's a reason why some promoters only put the information of where the party is on the flier image- doesn't come up in an internet search  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Aug 16, 2010 19:27

On 2010-08-16 15:16, Maine Coon wrote:
Are you and I reading the same thread?

whenever i read the word "safe", my sub-conscious tells me that i cant go to prison again, i've been jailed abroad out sooner or later i will have three part episode made on me           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  2369
Posted : Aug 19, 2010 23:12

On 2010-08-16 13:36, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
here is the main reason why you should be extremely careful about where you "advertise" your event.

- if you do it in the internet and spread the information about location and line up on a website that is not based on fairness, intelligent social behaviour and proper decent attitude and guidelines , it might become a real disaster for you.
the police is not the main problem ( i will mention this point in a minute once again). the problem is that there are websites and trance communities that are done by people who do not even find it appropriate to SAY NO when someone appears and starts to threaten another one with violence. it is an ugly picture because the real aggressive and violent people do not find it necessery any more to keep to any rules of peaceful social interraction - they are even encouraged by the creators of the network and almost invited to stay aggressive and violent... because they dont fear any social punishment, isolation or any other form of socially based reglementations.

what happens - these people become even more violent than ever before. this is also the reason no one will ever see me on a festival that is advertised on goabase for instance.

because the trance scene is desperately hanging on the pursuit of artificial tolerance towards anyone, but at the end of the day in the year 2010 it looks like the violent people are more invited and valued than others who are there with their whole heart since 15 years.

yes i remember the years earlier with a lot of nostalgy - the times when it was safe to go from festival to festival even as a lone girl and never by afraid of anyone because it was a nice big global family and you always felt protected and safe. nowadays it is gone. i will not say forever because i still hope, and it still hurts like hell when i see all those freaks coming back from festivals with the big bags on monday in berlin..and i miss the big international festivals so much. but on the other hand, for me it has become impossible and simple not safe to go to events that are advertised widely on platfroms like described above. there were festivals where i even begged god to bring the police to the place:(.

and still, nowadays i prefer small small partys on the beaches and forests. the flair of a big global change is missing but everything else is just perfect. they are spread mouth to mouth, or with sms and very rarely with newsletter lists. if they appear in any way on big networks i would not go. facebook is okey, but i would prefer hand out invitations hand in hand or mouth to mouth.

and more important, at least then you are not part of this ridiculous neo party scene that calls itself the trance scene and does not even remember or RESPECT the pioneers of these scene, all those people who gave their best the create the vision of the trance community. nowadays they are mostly just normal partys like any other party scene, with the main difference that they base their pretentions for superiority and they base their pretentions to be allowed to take drugs on the fact that they are supposed to be the global change on the world. and they are so nice and tolerent, yes indeed they even tolerate violence and kick off anyone who dares to say stop idiots.

i dont see any global change. and even places like boom are missing hundreds and hundreds of people who will not go because of financial problems but are nevertheless the most psychedelic spirits and intelligent avantgard of our planet.

so what to say. keep it psychedelic and underground.

I Really Appreciate your thoughts mate however keeping it Underground doesnt define psychedelic , Going in a party speacially outdoors gives so much of "?" before leaving from home & after reaching ,, cant be psy like that ... now i see mostly in parties people are hiding ( found mostly in corners or chating in groups ) & i feel like the crowd is ready to run at any moment if something occurs ..If you give an eye on Dancefloor you find most of the people pumping on something & no clean stomp ..

Peace           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : Aug 19, 2010 23:48

On 2010-08-16 19:27, Xolvexs wrote:

On 2010-08-16 15:16, Maine Coon wrote:
Are you and I reading the same thread?

whenever i read the word "safe", my sub-conscious tells me that i cant go to prison again, i've been jailed abroad out sooner or later i will have three part episode made on me

Ok let's hear your story! I watch the national geographic show every time a new one comes out. Fascinated by the nightmare situations.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Aug 20, 2010 08:35
3 times in USA-
1 for dui head on collision after a space tribe party
1 for punching a cop after a Logic Bomb gig
1 for reckless driving because of listening to psychedelic full on i started driving my Mercedes E430 at 160miles per hour was chased for 60 miles

my lawyer for my DUI was the lawyer who defended OJ Simpson's defense lawyer in a DUI case - so i only had a 4 month suspension of my driving license

1 time in canada after a movie premier party at the Toronto Film Festival because i was promoting myself as Dj Suicide Boombass, they heard Suicide Bombers muhahaha. they put me in for public intoxication

1 time in goa for slapping an airport official

1 time in mumbai for going into a hotel and screaming a BOMB! BOMB BOMB..i was so wasted

why should the authorities only have the right to scare me? i have the right to scare them too
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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