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almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 00:42:59

How we can do safe Promotions as my concern is that how safe is the online Promotions going these days ?. We canot spread much info by word of mouth & there isnt any complete data on which Orgz can work thou there is some & orgz cannot rely on that only ... as an example if in some section on isra trance some organizer promotes a party , AT that time some Positive guys come & says that please DONT post the parties here or on such sites which they feel are not SAFE ,, so how could we spread the info or anyone will get to know that something is happening which will not to be missed ...

may be these are the reasons that still Psytrance as a genre is looking for a recognition in some countries

Your Views pls .....
          UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 11:59
why isnt it safe? 
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 14:38
word mouth to ear always been the best way for good parties

why would anyone invite 'everybody' to his event.. specially in place like israel where you get arabs and arsim that never agree to pay , use violence , rob the bar and organizers etc.

you could make legal event with police inside and gazilion guards but those usualy sux too..

only best parties ive been was cheap or free , not published anywhere... maybe on facebook private event where you cant see the info unless you invited by the organizer

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 15:13
"Arsim" - a funny word.
Before I found out that the root was Arabic, I thought it came from the British word "arse". Could be fitting that way too.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 15:56
"arcims" "arabs" what a snobish racist clasist statement.

i agree that most of the best parties are the ones without promotion or even for free, BUT
beside the fact that israel is not the only place in the world where parties happen, for me what kills a party is actualy "the nice people" always looking for more "nice people" to mix with, so u can say "oh this is a nice party" look how many "nice people"! so nice!

i dont have nothing against israelis but thats why trance scenne is getting more and more comercial.

everybody should know about it and everybody are welcome to the party cause partys are nothing without people and the world is nothing with only one kind of people.

and just to finish,
u are an artist
what about arcims and arabs that like ur music and are going to see you?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 16:33
Well, yes and no.
The word “Arabs” refers to an ethnic group, so it’s more or less a genetic term. It’s something you’re born with. There are Arabs that are very decent people. And there are Arabs that are, well, “arsim”. You don’t choose to be an Arab, so yes – that statement was racist. You do, however, choose to behave like an ass. Being one of “arsim” is a choice, and plenty of people in pretty much every ethnic group make this choice. There is nothing prejudiced about pointing out those behaviors.

I’d probably just refer to “assholes” and not use any ethnically charged terms at all.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 16:47
yes yes i know what u mean.

of coarse there most be a positive behavior to have a good party but i still think that this concepts are out of place.
we are talking about psychedelic trance parties,
is there a rule that say that this cunt or this asshole cant go inside to change his life and have an unforgettable experience to be a better person?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 18:23
No, there is no such rule, you're right. But I don't think Elad was talking about a single hooligan finding The Light at a party. I suspect he was talking about aggressive assholes coming in groups with rude - if not outright violent - intentions. I am sure you’ve seen a few mainstream dance floors taken over by that kind of people. You know, the ones that form a huge circle almost the size of the whole floor and wait for somebody silly enough to cut in. Or the ones that never dance at all but sit around the floor, while their girlfriends are dancing, and watch for some random dude to move “too close” to one of the girls. Or the ones that hit on your girlfriend or wife right in front of you. Those people are not there for music or dancing. They are either showing off how hardcore they are or they are there to pick a fight. Usually both. So, what’s the point of having them there to begin with? Proselytizing? Hoping they will suddenly wake up from their redneck spell, put on tie-dye shirts and start chanting about shanti? Let’s say you put one such awakened dude on one side of scales – how many trashed venues and broken noses would you put on the other side?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 18:48
sounds very bad and i usually do not attend to mainstream festivals, too many ppl ...
in the meantime nothing personal to elad i understand it most be annoying to have this kind of behavior in parties where u just want to have a good time.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 18:59
I think clean event & clean people is always safe....... limited promotions like private events is safe!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 04:32
im not racist at all
neither snob

but when same groups of people comes to ruin everybody's fun again and again , then yeah i rather not to see them... i have no problem with the arab guy that owns my favorite resturant , neither with any other arab or any human that isnt violent or robber or genuinely isnt good person in his heart. i think after they rob cars and the organizer its safe to say they arent invited. and if they do then i dont wanna be there.

if they invite me for this kind of party atleast i want bodyguard or something whats the point to get stabbed for playing a sound they not like or because i dont have the latest eskimo track in my case sorry cant figure it out

the days of mouth to ear and dropping letters in people we know mail box (physical) worked better for me and my friends

same goes for productions that buy SMS lists and send without knowing who to.. 
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 09:41
The word Arsim is a generalizing and discriminating word, misused all the time by those who see themselves as "the right ones". 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 14:54
Yeah, maybe. I am sure a person may get called that just for wearing Adidas pants and gold chains or listening to cheesy music. That would be just class prejudice. But at least it does not refer to any quality you were born with, like ethnicity, skin color or geographic origins (as in “hick” or “trailer trash”). It refers to one’s conduct. And if a person is an ass there is nothing wrong with calling him an ass. Misusing this term is a different story – it reflects on those who misuse it, I think.

Kinda unrelated to “arsim” but still on this general topic:
I had this interesting conversation with a black guy long time ago. He asked me what I thought the word “nigger” means. I said that it comes from Latin for “black” and it refers to an asshole who happened to be black. My contention was that the term is not really racist, since everybody knows it’s derogatory. Therefore, it applies only to assholes. If you don’t think “white trash” is a racist term, you should not think that “nigger” is racist either. OK, he responded, so what is the black counterpart of “white trash”? I was a bit confused. It’s “nigger” – didn’t we just discuss that? At which point he asked: so, how come there is no “black trash”?

I thought those were just ramblings of a seriously drunk dude. And I was in no shape for philosophy at the moment either.
A few years later I suddenly recalled this conversation and realized what it means. By using the term “white trash” you declare that there are different kinds of white people. Some of them are “trash”, others are not. There is no “black trash” because for many white people it would be redundant: by using the word “nigger” as a slur you effectively equate “black” with “trash”. This is why the word “nigger” is racist. Not because it’s derogatory and not because it refers to black people. But because of using the word that means just “black” to mean “black trash”.

Most people don’t go through this mental exercise and never come to this realization. Even the ones that strive to be open-minded humanists. If it hadn’t been for that chance late-night semi-comatose conversation years ago, I’d still think that it’s not racist to say something like “niggers and white trash killed the vibe at this party”. So, I can understand how Elad may not think it’s racist to say these things about “Arabs and arsim”. I am sure an Arab may say the same things about “arsat and Jews”.
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 06:20
Just stop using damnit. Racist slang sucks and only make you look really stupid.

           3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 09:46
i think elad here is a little misunderstood and its easy to misunderstand what he says if you havent been to parties in israel... i have been to plenty of parties where there were arabs and even arsim taht were plenty of fun to party with - the ones that actually come to enjoy a party and not destroy the vibe/pick a fight/act like assholes/rob the bar/organizers/harass the dj - but in all honesty it is RARE atleast in israel.

i have been going to parties here for 10 years and i too used to think that i want the party to be filled with only the "beautiful people" but like someone mentioned above - it is bullshit and it took me a while to figure it out... a good party is a party where people come to have fun, dance their ass off and generally flow and create the party's vibe no matter what they look like (altho eccentric looking people always make me smile ), where they are from and what they wear (or not).

and back to the topic - promote your party thru friends and even a "private" facebook event (where the admin has to approve anyone who wants to look at the event) does the trick, i threw a small party about a month ago which wasnt promoted in any way except me telling my friends theres a party going on at the beach on friday noon and had a private facebook event and all fun people showed up and other people that were in the beach at the same time (yes even arsim) help to create a really great party
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