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How often do you listen to old school Goa?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2010 15:43
thats a nice point of view, but i for one honestly think that what was once unique & special, still is, and while there are some artists who try to recreate the exact same things as they were (again, if you are trying to resurrect something that was good - no problem in my eyes), there are others who carry on in the same vein and not repeat what was done before - in other words their music is special and has the vibes/atmosphere that the first tracks used to have... i dont think its a coincidence that boom this year pays a tribute to the first artists and that other festivals around the world are bringing more and more goa acts, whether dinosaurs or "new school" artists... its not a matter of fashion/current trend but rather a true attempt to resurrect the vibe and atmosphere that used to be - and those artists know well how to do it
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jun 13, 2010 18:56

On 2010-06-13 13:20, Outolintu wrote:
i guess this is the basic "if you experienced the original then the revival sounds plastic" thingy that happens everywhere all the time.
for example:
if one has been involved in the early years of goa when one was in his early 20's, the "movement" (cause it WAS a movement imo) was fresh, the sound was mindboggling and there was excitement and electricity in the air... and after that has experienced the (natural) "downfall" of this era and at the same time has woken up out of some illusions and crossed over to 30 realising one isn't immortal...
and then watched the next generation blowing into the cold ashes, trying to make a fire again...
at that point one has to realise that it's real for them who are living it for the first time NOW (like one did oneself long ago) and that the flames have only gone out in one's own heart.

this was a universal true story. this is how it goes down to anybody who has been young, lived and loved something passionately and seen it fall apart and then failed at accepting change and the fact that nothing lasts (but nothing is lost ) forever.

Well said and I do appreciate the thirst in the people that have recently discovered the old sound and love it to bits! Better that than IM anyway.


On 2010-06-13 15:43, goaren wrote:
... i dont think its a coincidence that boom this year pays a tribute to the first artists and that other festivals around the world are bringing more and more goa acts, whether dinosaurs or "new school" artists... its not a matter of fashion/current trend but rather a true attempt to resurrect the vibe and atmosphere that used to be - and those artists know well how to do it

Not sure if its a trend or not, looking at the rock/metal scene, it is evident that it is "cool" to sound like the '70s today, maybe the same thing is happening to trance...I can see the similarities...than again maybe not.
I think the main reason that Goa is making a revival today, is because the trance scene, took a bad turn (to the people that don't like the israeli cheese fest, or the "psy"prog trance that sounds too much like techno and gets played at big commercial clubs, or darkpsy that just sounds way over the top).
Its like, "lets all stop with all the crap we've been listening to, listen to the old stuff that made us fall in love with this music, remember where we came from and draw a new course", kinda thing, to my eyes anyway.
I see it as a good thing that these artists get booked (especially the old school ones), better them than cheesy full on.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2010 19:27

On 2010-06-13 15:43, goaren wrote:
i dont think its a coincidence that boom this year pays a tribute to the first artists and that other festivals around the world are bringing more and more goa acts, whether dinosaurs or "new school" artists...

The only pay tribute to a very small scale of old-school artists and new so called goa artists (the same on every festival - how boring and unfair to the rest of the many talents who have lot of talent to contribute with) who charge overprices or know the organizers personally!! The rest of us, old and newcomers, are totally ignored or get the "bird" and disrespect and never ending spam mails.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2010 20:05
DH - i definitely agree on your last point, trance did take a "wrong turn" in my opinion - but it took lots of experimenting which is always good, and on the way created some other aspects, and besides - among the piles of copycats/formulaic tracks and the so called minimal/prog/whatever you can still find some good stuff here and there which has nothing to do with the atmosphere of the old school, just plain feel good music which is cool too... like the british take on full on for example or artists like burn in noise, or in the proggy section - artists like ritmo/suntree (just examples... there are alot more )

so it might be a good thing after all, but still what does it the most for me is goa trance by far and thatll keep me listening to this music till my ears wont be able to stand it

- regarding beat agency - of course they have a small amount of goa artists because they want diversity in their lineup - same goes for ozora/aurora/any other festival ive seen so far - they dont want to have too much of the "same kind".
I would have been more than happy to see the more melodic side of goa artists aswell (anybody say an astral projection retro set? perhaps transwave ?), but thats the way it is and i really dont think this is the place to start talking about boom's lineup politics... im just grateful for what were getting this year
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2010 22:43

On 2010-06-12 17:53, disco hooligans wrote:
I have listened to Filteria, Artha, Artifact 303 (the one I liked the most actually), Space Elves, Radical Distortion, E-Mantra and by all means, I am not saying they are not making good music, but I just call 'em like I hear 'em. It does not move me, like when I hear MWNN, Total Eclipse's, Ayahuasca...etc.

I can not argue with you about the general genre trends. First, I’ve heard very little of either school of Goa, so my opinion here is not worth the proverbial $0.02. Second, like you said, this is how you personally feel about this music – nobody has an authority to dictate your taste.

What I was talking about was one specific album, which I’ve heard many times. I’ve also heard some random tracks by Filteria on YouTube and to me they have very little in common with “Daze of Our Life”. Like I said before, I am still not sure why this album is classified as Goa. I feel like it has a genre of its own. Just give it a try – would be interesting to hear your opinion about this particular album.

P.S. I just remembered: it’s not “Z-plus”, it’s “zeta+” melody Orange mentioned. So, what is it?
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jun 14, 2010 17:45
Personally I'd love to do more old-school OOOD live sets, it would give me an excuse to remaster a few tracks that I still really love.

etc etc.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 14, 2010 19:20

blows my mind!           missing plug-in
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jun 16, 2010 21:20

On 2010-06-14 19:20, exotic wrote:

blows my mind!

To make a more accurate point of my own views based on that clip, for example....there are so many leads cramed in...lead after lead, layered leads and there are an almost non existent kick and bassline, thus for me, there is no drive, just shit loads of notes (albeit some are really good).
I like the Goa tunes where there is space to enjoy whatever is going on in the tune, and where you can actually dance to the kick and bassline, and trip to the good old acid melodies, as well.
Hence my original post.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 12:27

On 2010-06-16 21:20, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2010-06-14 19:20, exotic wrote:

blows my mind!

To make a more accurate point of my own views based on that clip, for example....there are so many leads cramed in...lead after lead, layered leads and there are an almost non existent kick and bassline, thus for me, there is no drive, just shit loads of notes (albeit some are really good).
I like the Goa tunes where there is space to enjoy whatever is going on in the tune, and where you can actually dance to the kick and bassline, and trip to the good old acid melodies, as well.
Hence my original post.

+ 10.000 

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 18:43
I listen to oldschool goa frequently.           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2010 10:09
Just discovered liquid flow! his album presence has some of the cleanest Goa sounds i have heard this summer although the album was released last year.

          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Jun 27, 2010 19:45
every other day after the second tuesday of the month           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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