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How often do you listen to old school Goa?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 17:27
mmm, like suntrip says " OLD IS GOLD" that`s all, but im producing more ambient,progressive and techno now, but im still in love with goa clasiccs, i think goa trance is more underground to find around, its more enjoyable for experimented musicians & Dj`s, kids nowadays prefers that bum bum on full on and that pop influenced rithms, ,,, but some people still discovering old goa and get fascinated! :=)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 21:19
for the past 2 years ive been listening to old goa albums all the times, and also the new school goa which has some pretty outstanding artists praising its name these days... artists like filteria, artha and ra which in my opinion are a few levels above most of todays producers, and there are sparks of brilliance here and there from other artists aswell...

that being mentioned, last year's ozora festival was simply amazing, reviving totally oldschool vibes - what the music did to people there... thats the real power of goa trance

funny this topic rises... ive just listened to retrodelic vibes vol 5 today on my home and some of the tracks there still sound so good... if anyone said that electronic music cant be timeless... go listen to what was produced circa 93-97 - so many great tunes of all types of what trance/acid sounded those days, where genre labels didnt mean a thing to anyone...

a nice taste from what i listened today to on my home

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 21:26

if anyone said that electronic music cant be timeless... go listen to what was produced circa 93-97 - so many great tunes of all types of what trance/acid sounded those days, where genre labels didnt mean a thing to anyone...

that was exactly my times.. where I really was living it.
Well from late 94 and summer of 95 completely..
but I would not see it as timeless music at all.The music from these times is still a lot of better than of nowadays - it is fact,since you can listen to the older sounds again and realize it has sth magical in it ,some spiritual aspects in it.
Still a lot of these tracks I have overheard I must confess while there is music like from Led Zeppelin (for instance and from my point of view) that is really timeless .. it is gettin only on nerves when I hear it nonstop on loop and for loong.
Listening the same goa track more than 10 times is impossible for me..not enough of spirit in it..well there are exceptions like I mentioned ,saying that I only can say all from my own perspective.

apart of it - I have not said that electronic music can not be timeless - Future Sound Of lOndon definetly is.
I said goa and psytrance cannot be .After the tenth time you hear the same song I am sure it is not.
There are exceptions though again.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 21:35
have to disagree here... there are tracks that i can hear for the 1000th time and they would still make me feel the same as they did 15 years ago. like you said these tracks have something spiritual in them, and its very evident when you play those tracks at parties/festivals... hell most of the parties ive been going to for the past two years are goa parties and its mostly the same dj's playing and still the atmosphere and the vibes those tracks evoke mixed with the crowd these parties attract is something i have never seen anywhere else in my life...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 21:43
I agree with you that goa parties are the best of all.And I too like them more than other.And when there is really goa music played than it is extra special.I also love to hear sheybas tracks for the thousandth time and still enjoy it -even musically .
Just lots of the older tracks are for me nice to listen it in a mix but lots of theose tracks are very simple..especialy when hearing some intensively a few times again and again without other inbetween.
I dont want to make it bad..when it comes to techno there is nothing better than goa trance for me.
I just have maybe an extreme opinion about music at all.For me timeless music is more to be found in music made by human energy.With not that much robots and computers..but I love future sound of london more than bach and co together.Or recently Nurse With Wounds - i can hear an album the whole weekend and getting satisfied with it.

tracks like these are for me timeless :

especshaly this one... art..

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 22:01
I think anything can be overdone. You eat your favorite candy all day long – soon enough you won’t be able to look at it. So, it's just a matter of quantity: some tracks will make you tired after 2 times, others - after 10 times. Even "timeless music" will make you sick after enough plays.

Also, I believe there is music that can put you in some mood or state of mind and there is music that needs you to be in the right mood before you listen to it. And I think that a lot of more subtle and organic music (like some Goa) falls into the second category. You will soon start jumping to Nitzhonot no matter what mood you were in. But you won’t enjoy psybient or more subtle kinds of Goa if you are in a jumping mood – they will just feel boring to you. The same way: if you are up to something subtle and ethereal at the moment, you probably won’t enjoy tech trance or machine-gun darkpsy. And I am not talking about LSD vs. amphetamines here (although that’s probably important too) – just your naturally evolving mood.

You give Cosmosis as an example of timeless music - but somehow I can not listen to it unless I am especially inclined to it at the moment. The same with most classics, by the way.

Edit: I take back the bit about etherial mood and tech trance. PoM's "Chaos Opera" seems to be a good exception.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 22:36
I meant "PoF's", sorry.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 23:16
I dig into the oldies every once in a while. It's a great way to rinse out your ears after hearing a lot of new music. But as much as I like the classic Goa trance stuff I also really appreciate the Y2K-era minimal/techtrance vibe. Albums like Lewd are extremely good for getting some work done. There are plenty of killer oldies for everyone's taste

As for the new school... there are some artists that do it very well and a lot of imitators. Sifting through whatever I find on my hard drive is excruciatingly boring some of the time--too many laser kicks and frantic melodies that hardly seem cohesive. My main criticism of the new school Goa trance movement is simply that it idolizes a very small sub-segment of the original movement without paying respect to the rest. The end result is a lot of stuff that sounds like Shakta, Pleiadians, or Astral Projection but very little from the Koxbox, X-Dream, and Cydonia side of things. That being said, it's a minor gripe--I still find tons of new school Goa trance that knocks my socks off. Filteria, Artifact303, E-Mantra, Artha, Liquid Flow, Ra, and Radical Distortion all do it very well... and once and a while I hear something totally awesome like SubConsciousMind, M.E.E.O., or Talpa that isn't precisely "new school Goa trance" but certainly pays tribute to the ancients.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 23:49
yes I gave Cosmosis as an example - because this is not simple music but full of musical knowledge and art which is hard to find in this genre.
And I do not listen to psytrance at all now for longer ,bores me for long ,it was just my thaught of what is good music in this genre.
In each genre there is sth good or better.
Not that I hear it each day jumping aroudn it and praise it how beautyful this all is.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 01:40
Sorry, now I reread my post and it did come out like I was I arguing with you about Cosmosis. I was not – this is why I mentioned classical music there too. I was just trying to say that “timelessness” of music and how often you listen to it are two different things. Because timeless music came out organically, not by plugging a formula into Ableton – so it needs you to be properly “tuned in” to get the most out of it, to be on the same wavelength with the author. And that may not happen often.

Sorry about the confusion (I shouldn’t have used “but” in that sentence).
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 01:44
every day           
The Way Back
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 02:10
You're going to have a wonderful trip

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 17:44
Yo Maine Coon my friend no worries please.
All'z kool.I know what you mean.
I agree with you,there is no music as absolute timeless or sth like that.
No matter how great sth is nothing can be repeated endlessly ,atleast not in music for me.I mean as you said different moods need differend sounds or backgrounds or whatever.Hope you what I mean,I know my english sucks
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 19:00
I'm probably going to be flamed for this. But this is my honest opinion.

First I don't really listen to old-school Goa anymore or for that matter that much psytrance.

To me the New-school "goa" I have listened to does not do much to me. I think they try too hard to sound like the old tunes instead of looking for their own new way. Also most of the releases go in one direction - the melodic way alá Astral, Etnica, Transwave etc. Nothing wrong with that but old-school Goa is so much more than these melodic names.

In my opinion the new-school goa artists use way too many layers, make too fast music and add way too many frantic melodies on top of each other making it too confused for my taste and also a bit too cheesy for me. But this is of course my personal taste and opinion and I am probably also biased as I have been there and done that and try too look ahead instead of back. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 19:09
while theres some truth in what you say, try to listen to artha's album and tell me that has been done before... while you can feel the hallucinogen influence, it does not try to be hallucinogen and its a totally fresh and different style in my humble opinion.

i dont know about you but i like my trance layered and complex, thats what makes this music much more interesting than most of whats out there... i've been listening to filteria for the past 4 years and i still discover new sounds each time i hear his tracks... this is what makes trance psychedelic in my opinion
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