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How long till the 1st virtual club?

Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 22:43
i hope it never happens ... people are detaching themselves from each other more and more ... and these kind of ideas are absurd from my point of view ...

... and on top of that it wouldn't be a rich experience because you could never talk to people and dance with everydody ... it would just be a ridiculous sight of people drinking and smoking by themselves on their bedroom with some stupid glasses and headphones on their head ... get out of the house !!


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Posted : Nov 9, 2009 10:39
virtuality and virtual life don't have to take place of real life. things like virtual clubs or massive 3d multiplayer games will bring more fun to it.  
Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 9, 2009 19:02
but still take you lots of hours stuck to your pc, when you could be doing all sorts of productive stuff ... for me its just ridiculous 

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Posted : Nov 9, 2009 21:05

On 2009-11-09 19:02, Ket Sci wrote:
but still take you lots of hours stuck to your pc, when you could be doing all sorts of productive stuff ... for me its just ridiculous

what kind of productive stuff you are talking about?
Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 9, 2009 21:12
i don't know man ... anything is more productive than sitting on your chair and pretending you're in a party ...

be productive and creative in a positive way ... take a degree in chemistry and build some new drugs cause these ones around are getting us nowhere 

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 16:39

^ Agreed

I think shaking your ass in a shitty club with shitty music is much better than sitting behind the pc and thinking that you are in a party.

Come on guys...most of us are spending more than enough behind our computers

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 16:57

On 2009-11-10 16:39, psysnoopy wrote:
I think shaking your ass in a shitty club with shitty music is much better than sitting behind the pc and thinking that you are in a party.

The second option sounds much more convenient, just log in and experience music in second person. it could turn out to be much more exciting if you are paying to see the artist you love perform in your bedroom. you could call your friends over and make it a rocking scene. no need to make all the effort to drive to a party etc experience everything in the comfort of ones room.
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 17:16
well you will run out of breath after you blow 2 of these

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 17:29
Personally I hope there will be a day where I would like to give up all my techonlogy and live in the forest like a pagan culture.

But going back to the reality is that it going to happened and happen fast specially in the psy culture whre people are so technology drawn.
Absurd is to not see the reality that technology is going fast so fast I dont like it either!
Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 21:44
i wouldn't give up technology ... i think it can be used to our enjoyment and it definetively brings us all closer and that's very positive ...
... but i would never use technology to replace stuff that feels much better when its actually lived in the physical world ... in a virtual party you would never feel the energy flow, wouldn't smell or feel anything else than your ass on a cushion and the music on the headphones ...
... ok use technology... do some 3d projections at night with those funky glasses and have a laugh on the party ... but let's call things by their name ... what is being sugested here is a game with a soundtrack ... not a freekin party ... The Sims go Psychedelic ... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 11, 2009 21:18
I would give up technology in heartbeat if had the money to buy some land in panama or rain forest. I dont understand first you say one thing than another

"i hope it never happens ... people are detaching themselves from each other more and more ... and these kind of ideas are absurd from my point of view ..."

"i think it can be used to our enjoyment and it definetively brings us all closer and that's very positive"

Make up your mind which is it bring us together or apart, pro or against technolgy? I dont know I think there is more lonely people now than ever.

NO is not a game, I would never spend hours and hours living some ridicolous virtual game on a computer Is more like you have nothing to do and before you go to bed you watch a friend or a dj you like spin live with video stream THIS IS not A game. NEver replace the real thing being inside a beautiful forest.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 11, 2009 21:28

On 2009-11-09 10:39, makus wrote:
virtuality and virtual life don't have to take place of real life. things like virtual clubs or massive 3d multiplayer games will bring more fun to it.

How can you be sure that reality is real?
Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 12, 2009 01:32
@ krod20

you have to put the stuff i said into context ... i hope this virtual club never happens and just the thought of people wanting it makes me say that we are detaching ourselves from each other more and more ... but i never said im against technology on that post ... nor or any other ... technology is very positive if we use it wisely
... the part about bringing us all closer is about communication development ... for example just being here on this forum sharing ideas with people from all around the world brings us all closer don't you think ?? in some ways technology can bring us all closer and apart ... just depends on how you use it ... i thought i made my point clear but you misinterpreted my words ...

if you lived in your land in the rainforest with no technology whatsoever you would have to work really hard just to put food on your table ... you would have to use technology in some way to make your life easier ... and i'm not talking about computers ... technology presents itself it many many ways ... don't say that you would give it up in a heartbeat ... cause maybe if your heart would stop you would cry out for some technology to kickstart it again


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Posted : Nov 12, 2009 13:01

On 2009-11-09 21:12, Ket Sci wrote:
be productive and creative in a positive way ... take a degree in chemistry and build some new drugs cause these ones around are getting us nowhere

can you think of anything less trite?  

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  3087
Posted : Nov 12, 2009 13:03

On 2009-11-11 21:28, Shiranui wrote:

On 2009-11-09 10:39, makus wrote:
virtuality and virtual life don't have to take place of real life. things like virtual clubs or massive 3d multiplayer games will bring more fun to it.

How can you be sure that reality is real?

why not? something should be real (otherwise we come to a paradox). why not this real is reality?  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - How long till the 1st virtual club?
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