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How does this site get hold of all releases so fast??

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : May 6, 2010 13:44
Question: How does this site get hold of all releases so fast?

Answer: Because often the pirates are more passionate, clever, skilled dedicated and HARDWORKING (!!) than many distributors and labels.

Distributors of digital music should watch, maybe they will learn something.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  315
Posted : May 7, 2010 13:46

On 2010-04-26 08:51, PsyUNIT wrote:
Well there is a small positive side to this as well. I own around 500 original CD's & around 300 tracks purcahsed from Beatport & Juno. Each & every one of them was purcahsed after listening to a downloaded copy.

I download & if I like, I buy. I will never buy a CD without listening to it completely around 4-5 times. Samples on Saikosounds or Psyshop do not satisfy me.

So if a CD is not available for download anywhere I don't buy it.


same works for me.... its too much music today I cant buy it without listening before!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - How does this site get hold of all releases so fast??
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