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How does this site get hold of all releases so fast??


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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 20:27

On 2010-04-28 20:15, Shiranui wrote:

Go somewhere with a real underground scene and you'll find that mainstream success and money have little to do with anything.

Even in the real underground scene (in the UK at least) success and money have always had their influence. Which is why a lot of the original so called "real underground scene UK™ (circa 1995-2002)" was put on a lot of "privately educated upperclass Etonian" types....
Yeah that was real fucking shanti....


Lovely bunch of people though, just very little idea as how life was for "common people", bless 'em.

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 21:08

Occam's razor would f**k your proposition....

I disagree – but that’s a whole different discussion. Are you willing to at least consider my model for a minute, though?


BTW, do you have any experience of working with/for party/festival promoters?

Last party with a DJ I’ve been to happened in 1990. And I was just one of many drunken dancers there. In so many words – no I don’t have any experience with promoters. Have some in statistics, though

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 21:27
Of course I would consider your model, as long you recognise "the map is not the territory"

And as for statistics, I am with Disraeli on that one...

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 21:35
I am there too.
Although I thought it was Mark Twain. We won't start another war about it, though. Maybe it was Disraeli. Maybe respect does correlate with the pay. All power to Ektoplazm anyway

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 22:40
Samuel Clemens, what a guy....

Maybe logic works for me. 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 20:16
So do people think the time it takes a release to become available via pirate channels affects sales?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 22:47
To contribute a bit to this topic, I think a real artist should not feel in danger of loosing money due to this mp3 sites, first of all this mp3 collectionist is a mp3 internet culture, which exists since internet exists and they have been always like this and they will always be...secondly, if you are a dj for example I believe it is in your own interest to use original cds or at least music in wav format or whatever the original format might be, since it is so easy as to listening to the bass, and this you can easily check it out even with music that is not even psytrance, put in a original red hot chilli pepper album and listen to the bass of flea, then listen to that album on mp3, you will see it will not even come close, now imagine that to a psytrance in which the quality of the sound has so much to do with the experience. So the real dj will use original cds, because he knows the quality of the sound, and for all those little naughties out there that are downloading these mp3s, are nothing else as your propaganda, look at it like this, these people are just spreading your music, like a virus.......So enjoy it!!! So there is nothing to worry about it the people that will be doing money off djsets are using original cds, and the potheads that are sitting at home at the desktop working and just want to listen to super good music are listening to the mp3 they downloaded somewhere this will be always like this..... See the glass half full instead of half empty.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 21:19
One question that bothers me more than anything:

Why don´t sites like Beatspace/Beatport and so on ensure they actually have the music customers want to buy? What excuse is their for pirate networks to have releases in 320kbs and them not available and conveiniently somewhere else?

How freakin´hard can it be to "stock" and arrange digital releases quickly and conveiniently? Why do they have some albums only in CD format and not as download? How hard can it be? If you want to sell music you have to make sure it is EASILY available to the people who are looking for it.

Something is going wrong if the music is available more easily through whatever channels than officially.

Let me give you an example. I have been wanting to buy this album for months:

Ages ago I started this topic:

Now label says April, beatspace still says March... what is going on here. I am asking because fuuny thing I have had a promo in 320 kbs for months, but I dont play or review music that I dont buy or have approval for. It rocks, and I buy music that deserves to be bought. Unless it takes for ever, in which case I just lose interest.

If people want to sell music make sure it is available readily and conveiniently....and not after...well... months.

Seems like people dont need the money... ok then...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 21:28
Usually it is only available after a month or so depending on the label because they think theyll sell more cd's in the first month if the downloads are not yet available. At least that is the reason i think.

And yes I think cd sales are affected by piracy. I would buy more cds than I do know if i could not download any music.
Then again I only started to dj and thus bought more music because through internet I could all of a sudden have access to loads of more good music (psyshop) than my local cd shop. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 21:33

On 2010-04-29 22:47, elesdifrend wrote:be...secondly, if you are a dj for example I believe it is in your own interest to use original cds or at least music in wav format ... since it is so easy as to listening to the bass, and this you can easily check it ... put in a original red hot chilli pepper album and listen to the bass of flea, then listen to that album on mp3, you will see it will not even come close...

There have already been too many topics in this forum where it was concluded that if you convert cd's correctly you can't hear the difference between wav, flac, 320 and even 192 mp3 files..

So quit this argument 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 21:54

On 2010-05-05 21:28, supergroover wrote:
Usually it is only available after a month or so depending on the label because they think theyll sell more cd's in the first month if the downloads are not yet available. At least that is the reason i think.

If they wait for ages till releasing as downloads it goes against what should be the main selling point for music in digital format- conveinience and above all FAST availability. Isnt the whole point to NOT have to wait for the mail? Isnt that the tradeoff the buyer makes for not receiving a physical cd with pretty artwork?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 23:17
That always seemed strange to me. The pirates will release the CD in digital format a month before digital media buyers can actually pay for the release. What's the use of that? It harks back to the old ways... not so long ago you would find labels that didn't want to sell digital media at all because it would eat into their CD sales. Same with the distributors! Saikosounds and Wirikuta and all the other big players could have transformed their business and revolutionized the industry if it weren't for their attachment to physical media.

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Posted : May 6, 2010 00:11
something strange just happened.... the same guys from that .SU site started following me on TWITTER ....

I seriously feel like telling off this person / group of pirates or whoever they are... but i guess it would be a waste of time n energy!!

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 10:49
I agree it is strange to not have the digdownload available immediately. It is just the only reason I can think of. 

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : May 6, 2010 13:02

On 2010-04-27 22:10, Basilisk wrote:
Ekoplex is spending his entire summer touring around North America--a direct result of the success of his 2008 debut, Journey Of The Turtle.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around why some acts do well and others show no particular increase in bookings... I think it is some combination of free music, self-promotion, networking and connections, word-of-mouth reputation (e.g. between organizers), and style of music. (Here's a paradox: we get to release lots of non-standard music by going free but this isn't always what organizers are looking to book.)

I would never argue that free music leads to more bookings but it can certainly help if other elements are in place. This idea that there is absolutely no connection is demonstrably false however. But hey, it's a work in progress, constantly developing... perhaps we will have something completely different to say in a year or two. After all, the legitimacy of free music is surely on the rise...

On top of the amazing visibility of Ektoplazm free releases, I agree that style and connections are a key factor to get booked. I can't comment on Ekoplex connections, but his style helps him IMO. Fantastic psychedelic music, with a fullon touch that makes it more appealing for nowadays promoters and audience.
          Sérgio Xamanist
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