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How does this site get hold of all releases so fast??

Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 11:08
my antivirus is blocking the site , anyway , slsk is all anyone needs
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 11:13
Let's stick to the point and not go over the mp3 vs. wav again- enough threads about that.

A point I would like to make, and that is worth thinking about, is that we live in a society which in general measures things by how much they cost. That's a fact, like it or not.
Every one of you, if you check yourselves, believes that good things cost. You would rather pay more in a lot of situations, because you know you'll get quality. Something you appreciate and works better.

This brings about a paradox that for now cannot be solved in regards to the music world. People won't pay for music, because they can get it for free, however, because they can get it for free, they will not really appreciate it.

Organizers are not going to appreciate an artist that gives his music for free, or books himself for free. There is almost no way out of this.
You are going to be considered a good artist by the majority of people involved if people are willing to invest in you or your music.
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 11:26

Organizers are not going to appreciate an artist that gives his music for free, or books himself for free. There is almost no way out of this.
You are going to be considered a good artist by the majority of people involved if people are willing to invest in you or your music.

I agree on the playing for free. But hey 9/10 organizers do appreciate artists playing for free. They even ask them to play for free and pay their own transportation so they can pay overprices for the 10 top "stars". It's a dead wrong direction IMO. But it's up to the artists to say NO and stop being slaves! Without the music there would not be any organizers

But when it comes to the giving away music for free too many organizers are total morons! Too many see free music as less quality than artists being on some CD. But reality is not how they see it. Reality is that its just as easy to release a CD (and lose money) and because some artist is on a CD does not make the music any better. 9/10 releases are of very low quality yet the artists get bookings because they are on Label X.

I do hope this change in the future as it's a dead end when there's so many talented and may I say way more interesting artists out there giving their music away for free. Most labels bet on the safe formula releasing one artist after each other sounding the same. This is not evolution. This is stagnation! And the organizers do have a big saying whether this scene are supposed to evolve or stagnate! 

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 11:28

On 2010-04-28 11:13, shahar wrote:

....Organizers are not going to appreciate an artist that gives ..... books himself for free.....

Mosbunal Organizers I know and have met, rub their hands with glee, at fools who think playing for free might give them exposure, future opportunities etc...

There is definately a correlation between getting paid, and getting respect from Organizers in my experience. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 11:59
It's all going to change in a matter of years. What really needed is for some of these debut artists who complain about their releases being ripped to actually cultivate nuts and release their music legally free.

Seem too many substandard artists use the whole concept of a "packaged release" to justify a certain status and level of production or maturity. Especially selling their own CDs on their own startup labels or those labels just looking to keep their CDs rolling. It's all a booking ploy for lazy agents and that's the vicious circle! don't you see?

The music that's being released for free is kicking the creative ass of most of the printed releases now. So yes... stop whining and deal with it. No ones going to buy more than 300 of your CDs so truth be told if the pirates didn't exist you'd be more of a nobody than those 'free artists'.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 12:29

Also imo the organizers should invest a party with a better prices for the guests,and stop bringing the same old names again and again which make the prices huge .Instead of that bring some artists maybe from Ektoplazm -(those who had a huge amount of downloads of their works for example) - and pay them.And invest in one legend as well and a good invirionment.
Imo that would help all.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 12:38

On 2010-04-28 12:29, TimeTraveller wrote:

Also imo the organizers should invest a party with a better prices for the guests,and stop bringing the same old names again and again which make the prices huge .Instead of that bring some artists maybe from Ektoplazm -(those who had a huge amount of downloads of their works for example) - and pay them.And invest in one legend as well and a good invirionment.
Imo that would help all.

Sadly that's not going to happen for quite a while for the simple reason that the "popular" commercial artists are friends with the organizers (who most of themselves also Dj and appreciate the gigs they get in return from their friends) and are resident artists/dj's at overprices on almost every festival/event out there. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 12:50
Some sales also could be achieved, after everything Yidam and TimeTraveller said is applied. 300 copies with rich artwork can be printed for the fans, add and an amount of money from digital sales and that's it with the ' i sit and get payed' business. if you manage to make living through music, you must Write music and Perform, not sell mostly.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 18:16
Some of you definitely live on ferenginar

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 18:33

On 2010-04-28 18:16, Shiranui wrote:
Some of you definitely live on ferenginar

82nd Rule of Acquisition....

The flimsier the product, the higher the price.

284th Rule of Acquistion.....

Deep down everyone's a Ferengi.

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 19:49
208th Rule: Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 19:58

On 2010-04-28 11:28, TranceVisuals wrote:
There is definately a correlation between getting paid, and getting respect from Organizers in my experience.

It’s called “confounding”: two unrelated variables appear correlated because each one of them is correlated with some third (usually hidden) variable.

Both getting paid and getting respect from organizers correlate with
- how established you are (i.e. the size and devotion of your fan base),
- how well connected you are on the business side of music.
So, the two things you mentioned are related to a common third (and/or fourth) thing but not necessarily to each other.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 20:12
There are more than a few well-established DJs in the san francisco area who play for free all the time (usually for free events or events by new crews or at new venues).

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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 20:12

On 2010-04-28 19:58, Maine Coon wrote:

It’s called “confounding”: two unrelated variables appear correlated because each one of them is correlated with some third (usually hidden) variable.

Both getting paid and getting respect from organizers correlate with
- how established you are (i.e. the size and devotion of your fan base),
- how well connected you are on the business side of music.
So, the two things you mentioned are related to a common third (and/or fourth) thing but not necessarily to each other.

Occam's razor would f**k your proposition....

BTW, do you have any experience of working with/for party/festival promoters?

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2010 20:15
TV, parties and festivals don't work the same everywhere.

Go somewhere with a real underground scene and you'll find that mainstream success and money have little to do with anything.
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