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How does this site get hold of all releases so fast??

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 19:48

On 2010-04-26 16:34, TranceVisuals wrote:
From your friends (or at parties, or streamed over the net etc, etc), like how it worked "back in the day­™", and then you go out and buy some music, and copy it for your friends in exchange... Shock fucking horror.....

Back in what day? When a Walkman player was a status symbol? That’s the last time I remember when things worked the way you described. My apologies to those who don’t remember those glorious times, by the way


On 2010-04-26 17:11, disco hooligans wrote:
this whole thing is hilarious, even free releases have thousands of downloads on pirate sites

I think owners of those sites have some kind of deals going with the file hosts. I’ve seen a site, where it’s a policy to post only Rapidshare links, for example. The blog owner gets some bonus points from Rapidshare for that, which eventually translates into free storage space and/or account upgrades.


On 2010-04-26 17:55, Ascension wrote:
Seeing the haiti charity cd on torrent sites makes me want to vomit.

Well, that’s a different issue. This case is akin to robbing a blind man on a street. And yes, it is sick. Makes you want to hope there really is an afterlife...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 20:20

On 2010-04-25 13:20, Elad wrote:

most of this rippers even have the release before its released


they actually got the music before we ever made it

For those who can't wait for an artists next release!

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 22:18

On 2010-04-26 16:20, Maine Coon wrote:
I suspect that big labels have an army of interns who surf pirate Web sites in between delivering coffee and picking their boss’ dry cleaning.

No. They have this (and others like it):

"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 22:57
...Which undoubtedly costs them more than keeping those interns would.

The way I see it, this kind of vigilance may be of use to labels (although the costs may outweigh benefits in case of small labels). I believe in case of artists or one-man labels trying to find and eliminate all the pirated material is actually harmful.

Just by going through the “who sold how much” thread, we can see that hardly anybody sells enough to even bother releasing through a commercial label. Except for releases from a handful of solidly established professional musicians, labels in this scene are not cash machines but advertisement platforms. They bring monetary returns to you when you increase your fan base and get more bookings for live shows. And to that end piracy works much better than CD sales.

Labels just provide an added value to the release in a form of a “seal of approval”. That’s why you see more downloads from pirate sites than from Ektoplazm. Those download numbers reflect reputation of the artist, the label and the ripping team. Once Ektoplazm reaches the status of a top-notch label, the difference in download counts will decrease. Although, the whole “forbidden fruit” aspect plays a role here too. But in any case, releasing through a well known label is like going to a top-tier school. The name of the school becomes at least as important as the education you receive.

That said, I think releasing unfinished work, like it happened to Ocelot, is not just outrageous and damaging to the artist. It’s also dumb and damaging to the pirates themselves. Release a couple of premature albums like that and nobody will download your “releases” anymore. Hopefully.

P.S. While Russians always excelled at piracy, I don’t think they lead in this particular genre. I found many more Brazilian psy pirate sites so far.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 04:30
The download counts on the site linked on page 1 don't seem too high... about 500 to 1,000 per release on average. I've seen higher on some Brazilian sites... several thousand all the way up to about 25,000 downloads for an Astrix or Infected Mushroom album. Of course there are a lot of random Blogspot/Rapidshare pirate sites out there... and together they probably move a lot of data... but individually I haven't seen huge counts anywhere, certainly not for lossless audio. It's the same story with the torrent sites I know of--though releases are often available in lossless few people are leeching and seeding them (e.g. less than 100 copies of the most recent IM album). But hey, if there are better numbers available somewhere please link me--I'm always keen to know what sort of traffic other sites are drawing (both legal and illegal).
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 04:57
I don't know the numbers. Somebody on the forum mentioned that pirate sites get many more downloads than your label - I just didn't have any good reason to believe otherwise. I root for you anyway. Especially since you provide several formats and your mp3 zips don't have surprises like missing tracks or password protection with no password. And most importantly - your downloads don't affect my "karma balance"

P.S. I guess that thing about Brazilians outpacing Russians is true then...
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 12:01
My problem with these torrent sites and the pirates is not only regarding the fact they steal music but even more regarding the issue of audio quality. I do not use months to compose, arrange and produce my music with the best as possible audio quality to have these pirates convert my music into a low sound quality. My and every other artists music is intended to be listened to at the highest quality! This is what really piss me off regarding pirates editing of my music. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 13:41
definately, all of these are problems and dislikes caused by piracy wich is caused by progress of digital technology, wich btw except from piracy, helped quite much in reducing the costs of the productions in general for example.. Again, when the music makes the difference there is no real reason to worry about the quality that was played, since wherever someone listens to it, rapidly understands it's value.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 17:00
Well, I used to think this about sound quality too, since my only means of playing music right now are my mp3 player and my car stereo (and I don't drive a $80K pimpmobil). But having a choice will always beat not having one. With pirates, you are at the mercy of the ripping team. Some of them rip to 320 Kb/s at highest quality ratings from an original CD (which some of them claim they actually bought). Others just load things into a converter program and run it without bothering to check settings. Or, worse yet, rip audio out of YouTube videos or MySpace demos. With Ektoplazm, you can choose the format and quality that suits you and be assured that it's all thoroughly checked.

So, as always - all power to Extoplazm!
Dark Elf

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 18:14
.su ? stands for? .suckers? 
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 18:26

On 2010-04-27 12:01, Beat Agency wrote:
ue of audio quality. I do not use months to compose, arrange and produce my music with the best as possible audio quality to have these pirates convert my music into a low sound quality. My and every other artists music is intended to be listened to at the highest quality! This is what really piss me off regarding pirates editing of my music.

Okay this is a bit offtopic from my side now, im not into producing at all
But im curious, you say it takes months to produce, arrange and compose at the highest
quality. I was messing with Logic Pro a while ago and it actually only took me 5 seconds to change the settings from 16bit 44khz to 24 bit 96 khz. Just go into preferences man.. I saved you a lifetime now
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 19:18
I think he meant months of hard work trying to produce the best he can - just to be undone in 2 minutes by a half-ass rip. I don't think he was talking abot DAW settings.

Just open your favorite CD track in Media Player and rip it to a 128 kb/s mp3 (or "better" yet - WMA) to see what he meant.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 19:48

On 2010-04-27 18:26, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2010-04-27 12:01, Beat Agency wrote:
ue of audio quality. I do not use months to compose, arrange and produce my music with the best as possible audio quality to have these pirates convert my music into a low sound quality. My and every other artists music is intended to be listened to at the highest quality! This is what really piss me off regarding pirates editing of my music.

Okay this is a bit offtopic from my side now, im not into producing at all
But im curious, you say it takes months to produce, arrange and compose at the highest
quality. I was messing with Logic Pro a while ago and it actually only took me 5 seconds to change the settings from 16bit 44khz to 24 bit 96 khz. Just go into preferences man.. I saved you a lifetime now

Of course I meant to produce, arrange and compose music.

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Apr 27, 2010 19:49
the quality of the production would still be the same right?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 20:04
-V0 VBR is indistinguishable from 320 CBR which is indistinguishable from WAV

I challenge anyone to show, in a proper ABX test, that anyone can tell the difference between -V0 and WAV even on the best soundsystem.
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