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How does this site get hold of all releases so fast??

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 25, 2010 16:12
Just to add something:

People, if you have the privilidge of receiving unreleased material, don't give it to anyone who is not supposed to have it. If everyone who receives unreleased work keeps integrity this problem would be almost non existent.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 25, 2010 16:22
How about the distribution part? If all of it is released before the release date wouldn't it be reasonable to assume something goes wrong at the distributor? 

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Posted : Apr 25, 2010 17:04
Its because this scene is made up of 5% music pirates, and 95% of people who lie about not pirating music when they post on message boards... 
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 25, 2010 18:13
It doesn't really matter if a label and the artist stop to send out promos all together. At release date some bozo will buy the release (and after that stop the payment on his credit card so the shop also loose money) and spread it and then the release will spread like a bush fire and in a matter of a day all Russian torrent sites will have it available for all the million of greedy leechers out there who rather use their money on coke than buying music. That's the reality. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 25, 2010 21:07

On 2010-04-25 17:04, braininavat wrote:
Its because this scene is made up of 5% music pirates, and 95% of people who lie about not pirating music when they post on message boards...


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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 02:21

On 2010-04-25 10:04, shahar wrote:
How to remove your copyrighted material from the hosting services:

1. Every service has a way to report abuse- some email- f.e., other through a form (like here:
You can find these usually at the bottom, or as part of the FAQ or TOS (terms of service).

2. Send them the following text

Dear Sir/Madam,
Please note that my copyrighted release/material- enter release/s name here- is available for illegal download courtesy of your services in the following links:

enter relevant link/s here

Courtesy of the following pirate website:

enter relevant link/s here

The use of the copyrighted materials described above on the allegedly infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Please update me on the removal of the material at once, or I will be forced to take legal action.

enter your full name, address, webpage & phone number here

They all, including the Russian ones, remove your material once you've written them. It make take a day or two, but it is always removed. Pretty simple.

its actually not clever to do it.
people wont start buying a release if they cant download it.
people who download wont buy it anyway,
so its not making any change for you,
except u will be less popular if u put downloads off and will get less bookings

it will just take time for u to find the download links and it wont change ur cd sales.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 08:50

On 2010-04-25 14:17, makus wrote:
There are 3 main reasons why pirates get the music before the official release:
1. an artist gives his music to someone who can't be trusted
2. someone at the label gives the music to someone who can't be trusted
3. mastering engineer gives the music to someone who can't be trusted

Pirates neither can magically get the release out of AiR, nor they can anyhow synthesise the release. So please be carefull with people who you work with. It is possible, for example, my album was ripped a month after the release.

agree with you on this. these rippers dont' magically make the music appear it is leaked by people. For example the latest Quantum Frog release was under very tight control until the release date, and as a result the album didnt even show up online until atleast a month or two after it was released officially
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 08:51
Well there is a small positive side to this as well. I own around 500 original CD's & around 300 tracks purcahsed from Beatport & Juno. Each & every one of them was purcahsed after listening to a downloaded copy.

I download & if I like, I buy. I will never buy a CD without listening to it completely around 4-5 times. Samples on Saikosounds or Psyshop do not satisfy me.

So if a CD is not available for download anywhere I don't buy it.           ********************************************
Travel, Without Moving.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 09:17

On 2010-04-26 02:21, Kasmakaja wrote:

people wont start buying a release if they cant download it.
people who download wont buy it anyway,

That's a vicious circle you present here. According to it no one will buy the music anyway. Except from PsyUNIT, but how many people like him exist? Very few I'm afraid...

But yes, there is a promotional value to having the release available right after release date. However, I don't see nothing wrong with making people work for it a little after that...

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Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 09:31
Finaly, removing your music Is a bad sign to show to the audience isn't it? Why do I have to look more to find it free? where will i listen to it and then Buy it maybe?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 16:20

On 2010-04-26 09:17, shahar wrote:

That's a vicious circle you present here. According to it no one will buy the music anyway.

That's just it - nobody will. According to this logic or any other.
I’ve been thinking about this issue for awhile already and I can come up with only 3 reasons why anybody would buy a CD:

1) You need it as a gift – just because it looks better than something you’d write on your computer and label with a magic marker;
2) You need it to fit in – everybody in your school has a CD of Jonas Bros., so you have to have it too;
3) You’d buy it primarily as a way to thank the artist and/or support your scene in general.

Reason number 2 is stupid to begin with and applies more to super-popular musicians anyway. Reasons number 1 and 3 are completely independent from piracy. If anything, they are probably encouraged by it. You download an album, you like it, you buy it as a gift for your friend – and support your favorite artist in the process.

Anyway, all this kinda deviates from the main point of this thread...
I wanted to say that the method described by Shahar does work. I have seen Rapidshare lock files less than an hour after the links were posted on a pirate blog. I suspect that big labels have an army of interns who surf pirate Web sites in between delivering coffee and picking their boss’ dry cleaning. Interestingly, it’s European have-beens like Dschinghis Khan and Bad Boys Blue who are most vigilant.

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 16:34

On 2010-04-26 09:31, JohnTaramas wrote:
Finaly, removing your music Is a bad sign to show to the audience isn't it?

Not really. Fuck the audience, if they don't give me any respect, why should I give a fuck about them, its a mutual thang...


On 2010-04-26 09:31, JohnTaramas wrote:
Why do I have to look more to find it free?

Because you are a parasitic leech...


On 2010-04-26 09:31, JohnTaramas wrote:

where will i listen to it and then Buy it maybe?

From your friends (or at parties, or streamed over the net etc, etc), like how it worked "back in the day­™", and then you go out and buy some music, and copy it for your friends in exchange... Shock fucking horror.....
Infact I find the "Friend Filter" generally one of the best reality plugins I have come across.

(All said with "tongue in cheek")

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Martian Arts

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 17:11
this whole thing is hilarious, even free releases have thousands of downloads on pirate sites  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 17:55

On 2010-04-26 17:11, disco hooligans wrote:
this whole thing is hilarious, even free releases have thousands of downloads on pirate sites

Yep. Seeing the haiti charity cd on torrent sites makes me want to vomit.  - Midwest based psytrance group
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 18:16

On 2010-04-26 16:34, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2010-04-26 09:31, JohnTaramas wrote:
Finaly, removing your music Is a bad sign to show to the audience isn't it?

Not really. Fuck the audience, if they don't give me any respect, why should I give a fuck about them, its a mutual thang...


On 2010-04-26 09:31, JohnTaramas wrote:
Why do I have to look more to find it free?

Because you are a parasitic leech...


On 2010-04-26 09:31, JohnTaramas wrote:

where will i listen to it and then Buy it maybe?

From your friends (or at parties, or streamed over the net etc, etc), like how it worked "back in the day­�quot;, and then you go out and buy some music, and copy it for your friends in exchange... Shock fucking horror.....
Infact I find the "Friend Filter" generally one of the best reality plugins I have come across.

(All said with "tongue in cheek")

come on, if you don't realy deserve respect you never get it, specialy these days. internet, friends and parties is not enough for me, for you maybe yes. hate all you want you're not getting it probably, there are reasons why all this is happening, articles also that explain it. you know, things change in all sectors, should upgrade.
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