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How do you manage your energy in parties and festivals?

MorNinG MaGiC

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Posts :  1815
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 06:14

On 2010-04-19 23:49, almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .) wrote:
WATER..Juices & Fruits for sure ....

IMO Festival is where people gather to Experience Music & vibes , So line up is indeed IMP & I take regular Naps According to my Favourites So I wont miss any of the Acts

Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
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Posted : Apr 21, 2010 12:23
.          Nothing is said that has not been said before.
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 21, 2010 16:10
Okay .. call the Mods           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 22, 2010 02:16
i like to wake up around 4/5 am for my favorite hours ,it s special cause insteed of partying the night ,it feels like its the morning and if you like drugs it s even better
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 22, 2010 03:49
Since I started looking into my long term health issues, seeing a holistic medical practitioner, my energy levels have sky rocketed.

I found I was deficient in a lot of vitamins & other important things, so this has helped.

I also am taking up Bikram yoga this weekend, which my sister has done for 2 years now and she says it has improved her health & energy hugely.

Good food, and managing my food intake so that it is healthy & not over-eating also has helped losing weight & energy.

Water is good as well, drink lots of it & pace yourself for the act/dj's you really want to see and take time out for others regarding dancing.

Have a good time all the time!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - How do you manage your energy in parties and festivals?
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