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How do you listen to digital music?


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  17
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 03:12
So I've been running a windows emulator on my mac and messing around quite a bit with Foobar2000 and WinAmp - man do I miss whipping the lama's ass. What a great program WinAmp is. Just can't quite tell a big difference between iTunes being a ram hog and having the windows emulator be a ram hog to run something else. I should point out that Songbird (mac or windows) is a very cool program (runs on java so its a little heavy) that is fully customizable, skinable, modifyable, and also has a great web browser in it. Its very mozilla looking so its kinda like the firefox alternative media player. They are also adding video support soon so it do all your web, music, video etc. Also syncs with mobile devices including iPod which is pretty cool. Will also do watch folders or even just monitor your iTunes library - which is kinda how I'm using it now. Using iTunes as an editor/manager and then using Songbird as the player. My 2 additional cents. Peace everyone            [- Psy is a state of being -]


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  89
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 15:08
on my pc.. audio cds converted to wav / mp3, drop the files into their folder (always: LABEL-ARTIST-ABLUM TITLE or: LABEL-COMPILATION TITLE).. open up traktor, listen away... put tracks i like into a playlist (usually sorted by time of day / night best suited for)... This system is great, cause I get to see the bpm, a nice little pic of the album cover (if bought via beatport)..

If im just listening casually to some music in the background while working, windows media player works fine..

if i want to listen to it nice and loud, plug the external (again filing system arranged LABEL - ARTIST/COMP) into the dvd system..

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