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how do u define dark psychedelic trance/night time psy technically?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 8, 2010 16:25:55
hallo my dear friends just wanted to know how does this sub genre dark psychedelic trance defined technically like in music theory and want to know about the typical stylistic feature which defines this sub genre and makes it different from fullon morning psy or any other form of psy?trying to get info about this but no luck...even wikipedia cant define this sub genre in a proper manner

p.s-sorry if this has been discussed before

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 8, 2010 16:51
The problem is that "dark trance" and "night trance" both refer to a group of styles rather than one particular style.

When I think of dark trance, here's how I tend to distinguish it:

Dark trance's bassline tends to be a single tone (or even atonal) and deeper than fullon trance which tends to have a more melodic bassline.

Dark trance tends to use abstract, atonal, "noisy" sounds, as opposed to morning trance's use of tonal melodic leads.

A morning set usually has a variety of kick and bassline rhythms, but many styles of dark trance have an unchanging KBBB rhythm with emphasis on the kickdrum, and the bassline notes having the same velocity.

Some dark trance has a very chaotic structure and is very anti-formulaic. It's very common for extra measures to be added into the phrasing structure.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 8, 2010 16:59
I guess the best way to define dark is by defining what it isn't. It isn't any kind of morning music, it isn't progressive, and it isn't nighttime fullon.

Progressive and morning music should be easy to identify, but it can be hard to distinguish between nighttime fullon and dark sometimes (I'm not even sure how to do it myself).

This track by Penta illustrates the difficulty

It has no melodic lead, lots of abstract trippy noise and a deep bassline like dark trance

BUT it also has the groovy rhythm and regular phrase structure of fullon

So I would call it night time fullon (of course not all of Penta's tracks fit into that category)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 8, 2010 17:15
@shiranui get ur point okie what if the bassline pattern keep changing say every 64 bar?? yehh i do agree most of the dark psy i hear has got constant bassline pattern kbbb and some minor changes during the breaks or during the intro and outro to something like triplet or single note basslines

okie talking about melodies yehh wht ever i ahve heard full on morning has got lot of melodies..and in drak psy no melodies or may be very small hint of it...and also do u think chord progression in dark is very less used?

talking about the above track for me the track sounds very very groovy due to the bassline pattern apart from taht the atmospheres, wooshes, leads sounds like typical dark tarck..but i think if the same track had kbbb pattern it would have ahd more agreesive and draker feeling to it..its just my view..

more views on this please
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 8, 2010 17:17
and also i want to knw is there any typical structure in thsi sub genre like say for hw long the intro should be and for hw long the breaks should be and hw about the build ups and break downs is it as significant as other form of psy trance?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 9, 2010 05:23
Dark trance is any trance that has a sinister moody atmosphere. Simple.

All this stuff about dark trance not being melodic as a rule is silly. The darkest music of all has very haunting melodies.

Forget about rules for structure. This is no way a definition for genre, but only a testiment to the character of the creator.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : May 9, 2010 17:25
dark is killaaaarrgghhhh!!!

lol couldnt resist 

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Posted : May 9, 2010 18:37

well most of it comes from people without any real talent, skills or technical knowledge on how to come out with a decent dance music track, so they find this genre fitting since none of the people in the crowd cares about quality anyway, the just kick their frustrated attempts to 170 bpm, et voilá ... Its a perfect combination really.

Started Topics :  37
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Posted : May 9, 2010 23:42

On 2010-05-09 05:23, soulfood wrote:
Dark trance is any trance that has a sinister moody atmosphere. Simple.

All this stuff about dark trance not being melodic as a rule is silly. The darkest music of all has very haunting melodies.

Forget about rules for structure. This is no way a definition for genre, but only a testiment to the character of the creator.

I absolutely agree with you           Facebook: |
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Inactive User

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Posted : May 10, 2010 02:20
Pretty simple, it sounds like music you'd play at night time n' not day time.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2010 05:15
when i say technically that means define in terms of stylistic features..
Inactive User

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Posted : May 10, 2010 05:21
I suggest for technical details you contact a dark psy artist and ask for his tips on how to produce the style.

I currently make only drone & industrial noises in my *ahem* studio for my nephews cyber metal band so I have no right to comment on the technical aspects of this music.

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2010 09:09
@v3nom production is already done..but just wondering like are there any specific things which defines the genre..i wantt to knw this because doing a research project so i need to reference

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 10, 2010 09:12
lemon psy is the new thing,forget about everything else
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2010 18:29
dark is Exhibiting or stemming from evil characteristics or forces; sinister:
it has that morbid feel to it ...whether you guys like it or not dark trance is the trance twin of goth/vampire stuff.. DEATH has a central position and all the dark trance that you listen to has an echo of death, some thing sinister and eerie           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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