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how about creating website change ?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Mar 5, 2016 19:09:18
who is the admin here ? how about renew the website
such as putting Soundcloud that will displayed the track here ?

and redesign the website for something new ?

let's put some money each member and reborn this website again .


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Mar 5, 2016 22:37
I'd love that

I actually volunteered to do it for free, I would take up all the work and implement it all, no sweat.. but good luck finding the super-duper admins I think they went to a party and stayed there forever, maybe someone mixed up "micrograms" with "milligrams", and the whole world suddenly went MIA.

Cheers and good luck           Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2016 00:38

On 2016-03-05 22:37, knocz wrote:
I'd love that

I think they went to a party and stayed there forever, maybe someone mixed up "micrograms" with "milligrams", and the whole world suddenly went MIA.

Cheers and good luck

Hahaha +1
i think we should do something with this website redesign it and organize it , and delete all the spam
which has no benefit from that, and all death users .

it will be great if someone will find the admin ,
we can even put money for the security part after the redesign it .

i have so motive to reborn this website again that more people well come and start sharing cool stuff even create some tutorial thread , with a subgroup /k&b/Lead/Prec/....etc
and thread with a free Preset for downloading

there is many good stuff which can be done in this website           -------------------------------------------------
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 6, 2016 05:04
The problem is that most people today engage with the social networks and its dedicated groups much more so then they do with forums like this.

That alone explains a part of the traffic's decrease here. But not all of it. There's still some very active forums around with tons of daily posts and a lot of enthusiasm from its users. It's not just the "medium" that's outdated.

No. It's certainly not a lack of interest for psytrance as there's probably more people going about it today then ever before. Even just starting out as music producers. This people go seek their info where they think it's best. Activity is a good indicator for people. If they ask questions that they don't see answered or if they only ever get to get answers from a handful of local resilient users, then they're sure to sail elsewhere.

A change is indeed in demand. But even that seems like a mirage when there's no sign of the commanding crew.

Maybe this party they all went to was epic. In my opinion it's a shame to see potential wasted, no matter where. I feel that's very much the case here. Cheers
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2016 23:29
production pages are the only relevant left overs from this site, maybe hang them under the uk psy forum and call it a day for this site. 

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  287
Posted : Mar 7, 2016 07:23
there's still people who post the most relevant news. I have shortcuts in my webbrowser. I check the prod & music making and the music software daily.

some popular commercial labels are also releasing psytrance. I thought that would bring more producers and revive the forums. but not really.

I'm not sure if a site re-design will bring more people. now plenty of producers hang out at facebook groups.

the admins dont seem to be active here. but there's someone paying for the hosting costs and domain renewals.
two psy forums in my country closed down, less traffic, no funds.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Mar 7, 2016 18:46
i don't agree with you spikz

there can be done a lot of cool stuff in this website that will start bringing more users and more topics
even money for the admin . and users .

for example the admin can create a youtube channel
every tutorial which the user will make , it will be upload to admin channel , that's means there will be no death posts and the video on the post will stay forever .

we can add free tutorial and payment tutorial posts
that will give options to users and admin to earn money.

we can add subGroups post , such as /full on /Psytrance /psychedelic ....etc .

there can be added AutoPayload which will delete automatically the death post such as
when user will open the threat with his track "soundclud" then if the Autopayload will not see the track it will Automatically Delete the whole post .

there is many ideas which can be done to this website, that will Boost this website to the sky .

Change is the key for success !!!!

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
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Posted : Mar 8, 2016 01:37
Yes, change is the key for success!

Now if only we could find the administrators to let them know about it... (pun intended)

If we're perfectly honest here, I'd say we're suffering more from a general lack of interest then any other functional or aesthetics related thing. I mean, it's easy enough to share information here, it's easy enough to post links to tutorials and other material. The site is pretty damn fast and provided it's a forum (old school style) it's certainly not that far behind from the competition as far as aesthetics are concerned. Take a look at Gear Sluts, and they seem to be doing pretty damn well - if you don't mind endless, highly biased arguments about everything, that is. But if you take traffic alone as an indicator, then they're doing more then well while looking just as bad or worse then this one.

So what's wrong? Well, times have changed. People spend a lot more time promoting themselves on social networks then connecting with other people, unless of course they're fans. It's not so much about sharing, unless of course we mean our own credentials and just about anything that makes us look cool and successful. Or maybe blink an eye and suggest some paid for tutorials in a public forum where the whole idea is to share or shut the f$%& up, right? People need money, I know. But it somehow feels a bit rude to be publicizing your paid for shit when there's so much here for free and people still playing the game on this terms (yes, pun intended again).

So I guess one design change that could be easily implemented here is to give each and everyone a blue name, so we could all sing together "I'm blue..." and maybe it would sound like proper blues, you know, like on that scene in tatanic with the band playing while the ship sinks...

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  287
Posted : Mar 9, 2016 00:47
if the admins wanted to make money with the forum, they could place some ads.

there's plenty of useful content in the forum. and amazing legacy threads. an idea would be to compile all of that and make an ebook or something.
the isratrance ultimate production guide
or something more historical.

it seems that a lot of producers evolved, their careers progressed. and they dont have time or the desire to teach.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
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Posted : Mar 9, 2016 02:54

there's always the chance to monetize stuff. but call me an idealist here, I think it's fair to keep it free and that people should share what they feel comfortable sharing without expecting anything in return, but the cheer joy of knowing that it might have helped someone on the long run.

Ultimately it wouldn't make much of a difference to me, as I'm a firm ad block user - and always have been.

Your intuition is right when you say that many people have evolved and don't care to look back much. This is hardly one of their best personality traits. You can rest assured that there's plenty of people here who could all but elucidate nearly all the questions in one go.

A part of it is perhaps to do with the perception that some people are just not willing to dig enough on their own and sort of demand that someone goes out of their way to present them with the conclusions without them getting a feel for the path. Ultimately it's all about the path. You must enjoy taking your time, you must enjoy challenging yourself and you must have a taste for continuously look for ways to perfect your craft.

Another thing that's quite obvious is that anyone who's managed to have a career must be busy with it. It takes a lot. Everyone of those guys filling line ups has managed to make their way through the maze, most of them in a time where information wasn't as readily available as it is today.

I don't know about that book. I'd be cool with a better search engine. These days I don't bother to go back and read any longer. Don't believe I've done much of that, besides the huge mother of all Bass thing to find out those gems everyone kept talking about. Somehow everyone just has to find their own way.

More then that. There's probably more straight to the point information in paid for videos, real life courses and books.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2016 14:43
If this forum would be spam-free, and youtube links would work everything would be better again. Maybe some interviews with artist again and a small touch of graphical improvement to the known blue fundament.Dunno maybe some shadows on some right outlines, some kind of depth or something tiny and nice. 
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4139
Posted : Apr 10, 2016 14:57
The guy with access to the core-code is MIA, the only changes that can be made are the one's not affecting the architecture of the forum. So there's as you can imagine limitations to what can and can not be done

Also most of us who's been here since the 90's moved on to other things in the world of the webs

IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  147
Posts :  377
Posted : Apr 18, 2016 14:27
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - how about creating website change ?
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