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How 2 spot a RAVER!


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  164
Posted : Jun 1, 2005 14:00

On 2005-06-01 13:55, KooKiKaBOOM wrote:

sorry if the approach was funny....

hmmm.., the approach was rather psychedelic i mus say... lol.

drove me into complete thought.. lol



          Always in Xtacy:
A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.
*tsk..! *tsk..! BOOM!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 1, 2005 14:18
when at work.. in office.. u are browsing isra forums...           .............................................

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Posts :  164
Posted : Jun 1, 2005 14:29

hehe, well@work nd in office.. nd always logged on to isra lolz.. nd not to 4get some nice psy music always bhajawinnn on my small lil pc speakers... as long as i do moi work.. nd get paid.. hehe, who cares..

i liketa multi task, nd yea, no one in office here knwz whts isra trance, lol. they keep on askin me, whts tat re.. one blue colour screen u always got on..

my hands are always ready to hit the ATG + Tag button to switch back to work windows

isra keeps moi day goin


*poof*           Always in Xtacy:
A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.
*tsk..! *tsk..! BOOM!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 2, 2005 03:06
On 2005-06-01 14:29, crazymaharaja wrote:
my hands are always ready to hit the ATG + Tag button to switch back to work windows

save it for other 'love' sites...           <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 2, 2005 08:02
I like the 29th one, very true, very.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  164
Posted : Jun 2, 2005 10:25

On 2005-06-02 08:02, psytouch wrote:
I like the 29th one, very true, very.

29) Ravers define the style of music they listen to as "good".

Well.. u mus say.. nd everyone out here will say, the musix we listen to nd groove all the way to space thru.. is not only good, its very very gooooooooooooooodddddd

BOoM >>!!!

*poof*           Always in Xtacy:
A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.
*tsk..! *tsk..! BOOM!!!

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Posts :  1
Posted : Jun 2, 2005 12:27

On 2005-06-01 13:53, crazymaharaja wrote:

very phunnyy... lol

Keep the fun comin nd watch out for lotsa potsa more... PLURR...

BoOM >!!!


wat a fag. dude u need to smoke sumthin els. try ganja.(*)

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  164
Posted : Jun 2, 2005 12:37

On 2005-06-02 12:27, fcukin_trippin wrote:
wat a fag. dude u need to smoke sumthin els. try ganja.(*)

PeACe be wid u...!!

*poof*           Always in Xtacy:
A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.
*tsk..! *tsk..! BOOM!!!
Rubal / Soundkraft

Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Jun 3, 2005 12:13
need sexxxxxxxxx???????????? go to gb road
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  422
Posted : Jun 3, 2005 12:21

On 2005-05-31 18:00, crazymaharaja wrote:

1) Ravers can perfectly understand and have amazing conversations with anyone under the age of ten.

3) Ravers get the most mileage out of their shoes. The toes and heels always curl up because they're so worn down.
4) Ravers always wish the dj would spin that OC Transpo track that they keep hearing on the bus ride home.

6) Ravers always consider every new place they go to as a possible location for a party.
7) Ravers hug EVERYONE.
8) Ravers can DANCE.
9) Ravers can be found dancing everywhere EXCEPT the main dance floor.
10) Ravers understand the art of the bathroom conversation.
11) Ravers choose their clothes by texture, colour, and size.
12) Ravers love homemade clothes because they've seen the price tag on a pair of Lithiums.
13) Ravers get the most enjoyment out of gino/guito stories.
14) Ravers always order water when they go out to clubs. Ravers realize that "Evian" spells "naivE" backwards.
15) Ravers notice that the doors near the Mackenzie King Bridge have an "e" on the handle.
16) Ravers always know the most likely spot to find other ravers within a one-hundred foot radius.
17) Ravers don't bother planning to meet their friends ahead of time, their friends are always already there.
18) Ravers don't say "Nice shoes, wanna fu@k?"
19) Ravers give the best hugs and massages.
20) Ravers have a one track mind. It goes "thump thump tweet thump tweet thump".(this is actually true about my mind!)
21) Ravers constantly point out the trippy visuals in everyday life.
22) Ravers helped Adidas through the "lean" years.
23) Ravers never know the name of their favorite tracks.
24) Ravers know how to SMILE.
25) Ravers always choose "e" on multiple choice questions.
26) Ravers are good at playing "guess what he's on".
27) Ravers will say "hi" to those people they don't know, yet always see on the bus.
28) Ravers can't watch Electric Circus without it being muted.
29) Ravers define the style of music they listen to as "good".
30) Ravers know what to do with a dead glowstick.

BoOM >!!


true true true....totally..........

@kookikaboom seems like junior member scene is all on ure mind..........courtesy......ure topics...........           No... no more scientists, no more laboratories, no more experiments, I thought you`d be able to understand that. No more!

Started Topics :  93
Posts :  2190
Posted : Jun 3, 2005 12:29
@Maharaja - haha.. dude i guess we have no work AT WORK .. so we'r always busy on the forum.. or on msn.. !!

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  164
Posted : Jun 3, 2005 12:37

hahaha!!... lolz

well, half of the folks at work ask me, wt is tat blue colour screeen, tat u always on.. hehe.

well, isra is a good way to get in touch wid ppl of your same wave length, espec. after ya smoke an early morn dobbie, nd head to work... nd like a daily prayer, open hehehe

its like an online, outdoor gig hehehe... nd since i'm in an e-com firm, surfin online.. hehe, its mandatory here 4me. lol

BoOM >!!

*poof*           Always in Xtacy:
A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.
*tsk..! *tsk..! BOOM!!!

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  291
Posted : Jun 4, 2005 22:36

On 2005-06-03 12:13, rubal wrote:
need sexxxxxxxxx???????????? go to gb road


bum bhole
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  354
Posted : Jun 7, 2005 11:00

whatzzzzzzzzzzp !

On 2005-06-03 12:13, rubal wrote:
need sexxxxxxxxx???????????? go to gb road !

hehehehehehehe dost must be stoned out of ya mind!

--> --> -->
          Of All The ThinG i hAve TriEd,"TryIng" Was The HaRdeSt!!

(((((((Jai Hind)))))))
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  472
Posted : Jun 9, 2005 10:53

On 2005-06-03 12:13, rubal wrote:
need sexxxxxxxxx???????????? go to gb road

i think u r the one who has started this shit in this forum
how the hell u can write sum thing as disgusting as this,
this is a trance forum dude.
respect it.
          U piss me off & i ll 'let you go!!
Trance Forum » » Forum  India - How 2 spot a RAVER!
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