Holographic Universe and Time - Ahmed Baki
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 9, 2009 17:39:57
Holographic Universe and Time
‘Time’ is never something as we consider it, for we understand ‘time’ depending on our way of observation and perception capability. ‘Time’ is shaped (sculpted) in our minds based on a way we, the humans observe the universe, and is a product of our five senses perception.
However in fact, it is only the eternal, undivided, ‘universal one whole moment’ that exists, and that ‘one moment’ is considered as ‘time (passages)’ in the presence of an observer, the humans, from a perspective associated with the restricted area of perception.
The discovery of ‘hologram principle’ has made it easy for us to understand that the entire information possessed by one limitless and eternal being that is the origin of universe and is a WHOLENESS, is contained holographically in every atom of existence as a whole. It is that every piece of the universe contains (enfolds) all the information possessed by the whole, for the universe is structured like a hologram.
Despite our five senses tell that the universe is composed of independently existing units, and despite the apparent separateness of all things in our physical level of existence, the hologram principle shows that everything that comes into sight in the universe stems from a wholeness and the entire universe is made up by that basic undivided, unbroken ONENESS.
In like manner, every event and every formation that we have observed in the past or will observe in future, that is the entire past and entire future in another way of saying, are contained within the holographic structure of the universe nontimely and nonlocally as an undivided ‘information’.
Accordingly, each individual observer taking part in the universe can reach that holographically-designed-information at the extent its perceptive capability allows to access. Because of the reason that there is neither a limit and thus nor a center determined for the ‘wholeness of information,’ the whole information that appears as universe to our senses, is nonlocally open and presented as a whole to any point where an observer stands.
This means that each smallest region of space and time is open to an information in which the entire past and entire future is undividedly complete one and whole.
However, an observer can only access that information at the level its capacity allows to access, which determines one's space and time conception. It is therefore that, the information observed in the world of our senses is a product of our perception and is there from only one perspective. The observer himself is also nothing other than the unfoldment of nonlocal information from within its standpoint.
For the fact that all happenings and formations in our world wholly existed as a holographic information within ‘one undivided cosmic moment,’ all our experiences are in a state of ‘completion’ at such a dimension. They have entirely been accomplished, and all is nothing more than a complete information... This means the whole universe is destined already and our RELATIVE future is foregone at some other conception of time.
It is that, everything that happens in the world of our senses (in our universe) has totally taken place and already been accomplished at the sight of ‘one universal moment’. There is a dimension where everything has already finished up and it is self-contained as a whole information.
Yet, the individual observers limited by their perception, can only access into and be aware of that nonlocal ‘information’ at the level of their perspectives. Therefore, we, as humans are able to observe only one level of that holographically-designed-information, and it is that information that makes up ‘our world’ totally we live in.
All of the existence that we have been perceiving at our present state is simply one panorama of information received from within a limitless being and it is there in front of our eyes (is real from our perspective) as ‘our universe’ as a product of limited capability of our sensory means. As a result of that, we comprehend the unique ‘cosmic moment’ shaped and represented in terms of years, months and days fully based on our way of conception.
If we were to perceive the holographic universe from a different perspective of a higher level, our conception of time would completely alter and our ‘actual lifetimes’ in this world would most likely represent not longer than a few seconds of such a dimension. Because, ‘our worldly lifetimes’ cover just a particular domain of the holographic structure of universe, and such a domain is maybe nothing more than a drop of water in an ocean if compared to the ‘cosmic moment’.
So, we live in time passages as established on a conception as we sculpted the cosmic moment in our minds according to our way of perception. Another conception of time from a different perspective will never liken our current conception of time from our actual state.
As a matter of fact, if compared to the theoretic ‘cosmic year’ that persists since the birth of ‘our physical universe’ with a big-bang, a human lifetime in our actual dimension do not scale more than a few seconds experienced in the whole history year of time...
If we realize a leap in our consciousness to a higher realm, that is, if our consciousness comes to interact with an information from a perspective of a higher level, in other words, if an information from such a dimension is revealed through ourselves, our current life dimension in this world will represent nothing more than an ILLUSION to us. Reckoned in terms of a galactic time dimension even, our lifetimes with all our memories in this world will be remembered like a DREAM of a sleep.
And we may have a leap in consciousness only if we become aware of our essential role at the sight of the basic Essence of universe, that is, at the sight of the universal ONENESS, to be NOTHING more than nothing in Its dream, we might then suddenly experience the awarness that it is all an ILLUSION experienced.
Everything that took place in an observational process are understood only in terms of the interaction of information with the observer, and they are simply signs and samples drawn out at a perspective of a limitless holographic universe. We have been viewing a realm of total information interacted with ourselves as our actual lifetimes and looking at the rest in accordance with that.
With respect to the ‘One Cosmic Moment’ and at Its sight, everything dwells in a holographically-designed-information within ITSELF and all times are foregone. That means all times have already been KNOWN undividedly within Oneness Itself. Because, the universe and everything without exception dwells in His knowledge. We, too, are nothing more than individual images made from and formed within His knowledge. Yet, considering the ‘consciousness’ we have, the entire information is undividedly open to us as a whole.
Through a leap in our consciousness toward the essence of being, our essence can attain the wholeness of information enclosed in the Universal Oneness. It is that, the ONE will be revealing and observing Its own knowledge, by means of ourselves in Its presence. This is the ultimate case even now at all states and is the truth. Because, it is just one ‘Whole Being’ and one ‘Undivided Moment’ alone that is under consideration at that dimension. In addition, the holographic universe is nothing other than the qualities that the ‘Eternal Moment’, or in other words the ‘Holder of Information’ possessed within Itself, and the expression of those qualities exhibited to Itself from within Itself...
This fact has been mentioned in Sufism as ‘all the universes are originally illusion and everything has taken place and already been completed within the knowledge of Allah.’ These universes mentioned are nothing other than the realms of information designed holographically...
Everything, every answer and every experience are actually available in an unfragmented universal holographic information, but it is the TIME that will SHOW them all to us when due...
Ahmed Baki
Sept. 30, 1990
Ankara, Turkey
(This essay was published in October 1994 issue of a Turkish Science And Tech Magazine named ULTRA and in July 1995 issue of Turkish Popular Science Magazine.)
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 9, 2009 17:40
Ahmed Baki - Holographic Viewing
Explore the connection of your consciousness with the creation and wake up to your own reality
For centuries, Sufi masters have tried to share with people that within the essence of this world of seemingly separate entities, there is infinite Wholeness all alone, and all that we perceive through our five senses are in fact subject to and organized by the will and power of that Wholeness within. They have discovered that reality through their inner experiences which enfolded to them as a result of the spiritual practices they fulfilled, and today’s science also explains the same facts through laboratory findings as a result of scientists' physical efforts.
The findings of Quantum Physics, Holography and Neurosciences have particularly exposed the realities to the interest and understanding of modern humans, which spiritual masters have often tried to denote through symbols, metaphors and parables in the past.
Thanks to that grasping such basic matters of belief as oneness of Allah, destiny, spiritual consciousness, life beyond death, and the like have been ever easier than before.
This book, which mainly discusses the origin of the universe and the potentials of human consciousness, explains that it is a necessity now for scientific thinking brains to truly understand the system operating in the universe and their position within this system, and that, in order to get that understanding we need to reconstruct our point of view toward the world and ourselves on a holographic basis of observation!
Ahmed Baki (translation in progress) |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 15, 2009 02:56
very interesting