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Hip Hop

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Posted : Jul 11, 2010 07:34:10
When it was good,

I hate everything it represents but music is universal and has no boundries all the rest of the human ego shit we attach to it is irrelevant in true musical and artistic apreciation
Wu tang was sick
and so was old dirty bastard R.I.P
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Posted : Jul 13, 2010 05:41
Loved the beats and sounds used in hip hop/gangsta but never ever understood why lyrics promoting crime, rape etc. were popular!

it's why I fell so deep in love with Drum n Bass... esp. Metalheadz n' Renegade Hardware labels... have the raw gritty sounds of hip hop/gangsta mixed to drum n' bass riddimz n' sound without the STUPID addition of rap (yeah DnB has MC's but rarely in the tracks released).           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 14, 2010 04:04

On 2010-07-13 05:41, V3NOM wrote:
Loved the beats and sounds used in hip hop/gangsta but never ever understood why lyrics promoting crime, rape etc. were popular!

because they are stories about everyday life. what rape??? If you were to live through it and were going to tell the world about what your home/hood/city were like than that's what you would get. for some of us it's everyday life. those who never had to deal with it wouldn't understand. those who glorify it also don't understand. Be very thankful that you don't understand
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Posted : Jul 14, 2010 04:29
Look, I know it's every day life for some, and yes I thank my parents and the universe every day for the fact I was born in a country that isn't full of violence and hatred etc.

I also don't like personally like lyrics about it, and that was my point. Just like some don't find the horror movie type lyrics of Cannibal Corpse or the satanic lyrics of say Watain who I like. I was trying to point out that the talent in a lot of hip hop music in the beats and sounds etc. are awesome.

I guess I was a teenage at a rather respected catholic school and I saw all these white kids at the time big into gangsta and hiphop, wearing the t's & talking the talk. Talking about beating and raping b!tches, talking like they were going to deal drugs n' shoot up other gangs.

I know they were just kids being kids, but it was just so sad and stupid to see them doing it, not understanding the reality, but twisting the messages to suit their own teenage desire that I guess it ended up warping my understanding of the music and the scene as well.

The closest I got ever go to this style was the Slayer track with Ice-T on vox, other than hearing it on radio & my mates stereos.

Anyway, I was just saying that for me there sometimes seems to be similarities in the harder n' darker side of DnB music, which is what I prefer.

Didn't mean to offend I did.

Over n' out.

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2010 01:25
not at all offended. just wanted to state that for some it's just communication and story telling to like minded folks. And for most they are just that "STORIES" (not yelling ) a lot of people like those kids at school do take it as life and continue a cycle that should be stopped. people take things way to serious (not you, the kids). but also as I said it's just the way of life for millions and millions of people and NOT always by choice or at least it takes a life time to realize.

some people's day revolves around big booty bitches,drinking,smoking and violence because to be honest there's not many other options to do with ones' day (in some places and this is true in my home) and if I spent yesterday fucked up made some cash and tapped some ass then I would share that over a beat and blunt and laugh with my friends. once realized that talking about it could actually be your ticket out of it so you could get better drugs,drink, and ass wouldn't you?

this is not at all me, other than smoking,drinking and ass but I'm one of the few that stop and choose my path wisely.

and yes a dope beat without the blah blah is also better in my opionion also. I can't stand the Mc at DnB,dubstep parties (he fucks up my buzz lol)

blaze one and enjoy you day
with love
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
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Posted : Jul 15, 2010 01:31
An old track that I love. I like to wake and bake to this one.......

sorry for the link I'm having computer issue's and the embeding is being wierd.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2010 01:38
that's wierd I deleted the embeding put a page link and now it's there. scratching my head lol
now I'm talking to my self haha
over n' out

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Posted : Jul 15, 2010 10:33
Wu Tang Forever!

Today's Hip Hop is a bad joke really. I'm sure there's some good material but it's not the same with mongoloids like Akon raping the airwaves with their whiny voices.
Kanye West and Jay Z are pretty cool some times though. Not NWA, Wu Tang or any of the old schoolers level but entertaining.
I really like this one:

Reminds me of my time in the best city in the world           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 16, 2010 05:40

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 16, 2010 05:50


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Posts :  213
Posted : Jul 24, 2010 16:41

On 2010-07-15 10:33, Pavel wrote:

Today's Hip Hop is a bad joke really. I'm sure there's some good material but it's not the same with mongoloids like Akon raping the airwaves with their whiny voices.

you just have to dig deeper it s the same thing in trance 99% is shit.


Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Jul 24, 2010 16:45
i hope you have seen this documentary


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Posts :  213
Posted : Jul 24, 2010 16:46
new stuff


Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 07:48
Nice, will check out           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 14:03
never got too much into hiphop but tupac was killa
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music - Hip Hop

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