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Help With Samotraki Festivel In Greece.


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  45
Posted : Jun 18, 2003 13:09
any one know on any travel agentsi that
have spceal deals for that festivel.
or where i can but tickets here in israel .?
or any kind of informtion that can be handy ?

Give thanks...
Arie Molecular

Started Topics :  34
Posts :  500
Posted : Jun 18, 2003 13:41
look here :
          Don't Let Yourself Get Attached To Anything
You Are Not Willing To Walk Out On 30 Seconds Flat
If You FEEL THE HEAT Around The Corner....

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 19, 2003 08:11           Majority is never right!

"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

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Posted : Jun 19, 2003 12:38
Give Thanks For The Help ....
Ronen K

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  7
Posted : Jun 23, 2003 16:31
I would like to tell a few words about Samothraki dance festival. The biggest names of trance in the world are there, and no doubt is an important event.
What I want to write here is from the Israeli point of view: the organizers of this festival, from the beginning of this event (2 years ago), didn't want Israelis there, and I don't want to discuss the reasons here. One proof is that there is no official ticket selling in Israel (check the official festival site). I see somebody is selling tickets here, but I think it is a usual "combina" of some people eager to make some easy money.
What I can tell here is that we, Israelis, are not welcomed there. Everyone has to decide alone what to do, I don't want to suggest other big events in Europe in the summer (in order not to think I'm some kind of interested). I just wanted to let people know about these facts.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  68
Posted : Jun 23, 2003 22:57
dear ronen k
obviously u have no $@#$@# clue what u r talking about !!!!!!!!
samothraki is a very sancret place holy to christians muslims and greeks
they r avoiding any israeli addvertisement as they r afraid from terror as samothraki is very close to turkey who they have a war with. spacecat and tube (from israel btw) r playing there this year and they r on the flyer and site. my phone and details r on the official samothraki site. u can contact for details. eat the dust dude. mavet lakanaim !!!
Ronen K

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  7
Posted : Jun 24, 2003 15:25
dear bobotc
As far as I know, the Samothraki festival official site is:

I followed the links Tickets - Presale points, and the following countries are listed: Ireland, Czech Republic, Norway, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Spain, Sweden, France, Fyrom, UK, Hungary, Yugoslavia, USA, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Poland, Greece, Croatia, Australia, Mexico, Slovenia, South Africa, Belgium, New Zealand, Switzerland, Portugal, Cyprus, Indonesia, India.
Where is Israel??
As everybody can see in my previous letter, I don't try to help or promote other events, so blaming me as "kanai" is irrelevant and completely baseless.
Chaka Laka
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 25, 2003 01:17
i don't know which reasons made israeli crowd unwanted there but it's indeed frustrating not to see Israel named in their site ... as one that had been there last time - i didn't experience any situations which made me feel unwanted there for my being israeli and haven't heard of any ... but this is a real shame organaizers don't bother to abolish any doubts , and actually last year there were some same talks like this year - so they probably have a base ... imho , it's organaizers responsibility to find some spot for Israel (if they succeeded to find one for Indonesia , Cyprus..) ... if they bother ofcourse .. if not - well , everybody should act according to how it bothers him           Dance is my Trance

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  68
Posted : Jun 26, 2003 21:58
hey u guys r u blind or u didn't realy feel like checking
this is the link on the main page go down on the right frame and see on the latest news
@#$@# yourselves b4 u criticize
its also on the transportation tips and offer section inside the section: the way to...
Ronen K

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  7
Posted : Jun 27, 2003 12:58
Ok, i saw the information on the news section (last one) regarding to transportation from Israel. Hard to find... Anyway, I can't be convinced we are really welcome there. Why Israel is not on Tickets presale section? So many diverse countries there, why not Israel, which is one of the leading trance countries in the world??
The information given here previously regarding Samothraki as a holy place for muslims is false. You can read about the island's history at:
And if the reason they don't want to advertize Israeli presence because they are afraid of terrorism, so why USA or UK presence is welcomed?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2003 15:10
Ronen, if you don't want to go there, don't.
Let's not start political issues here.
You all made your points. Still to tell you the truth, I was in Samothraki last year and I was pretty happy not to have Israelis in the line-up (if I wanted I could have got it here in Israel in quantities).
And half of the festival was populated by Israelis.
So even if they tried to avoid us last year, they failed. We won.
Now, I hope this year the festival will be as succesfull as last year if not more.

Have fun ppl!!!           Majority is never right!

"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  43
Posted : Jun 28, 2003 04:26
there are plenty of countries that are not listed
paranoid or just confused?
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Jun 29, 2003 11:14

On 2003-06-28 04:26, Jsainsbury wrote:
there are plenty of countries that are not listed
paranoid or just confused?

What? Us? Paranoid?

They're really after us!!! The voices told me!!!

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IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Jun 29, 2003 11:16
And there are plenty of festivals around this summer- choose the one you want- make your own personal consideration on what's important to you.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  768
Posted : Jun 30, 2003 18:47
Its interesting coming across this thread as I had been wondering a few weeks ago why there had been so few Israeli acts on over the last two Samothraki festivals and the upcoming one.

Sad though it may seem - I think the security aspect is probably the most likely explanation (the Island is very close to Turkey and a close link to Israel may cause problems)

Of course it may be more simple - maybe the organisers just cannot stand Isareli trance

Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Help With Samotraki Festivel In Greece.

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