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Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Hello guys
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Hello guys

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  130
Posts :  516
Posted : Jan 30, 2010 12:38:42
I will soon move to berlin, for about a year, and I am looking for some useful info about the costs of living and general stuff about the city.

if someone can detail costs of-
expences of food for 1 week
public transportation
movie ticket
glass of beer

Ankur / Virgin Suicide

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  599
Posted : Jan 30, 2010 17:05
thats really depending on you life style and the area.
but the everage for a room in a apartment with 2-4 ppl should be around 150-300€ a month. also cheaper should be possible in flats that for example use oven heating or similar inconveniences..
food then again is so mush depending on what you want, for a cheap meal you may have a dönner kebab with a coke for somewhere btw 1,5€ and3€ but ofcouse you can also have a meal for the cost of a monthly rent....
here some examples:
sushi all-you-can-eat 17€
good quality shawarma (not stinky dönner) 2-3€
choice of pasta 3-5€
pizza (few places are around 3€ with any topping, if the price gos below that i wouldnt recommend eating it)
and so on, you see is really cheap, should be about the cheapest western European capital.
2,10€ a train ticket 2h valid
dunno, never go to cinemas
in a pup 1,5-3€
in a club 2-5€

have fun in berlin!           Freqs of Nature Festival 2012
Lost Theory Label DJ
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  130
Posts :  516
Posted : Feb 2, 2010 03:33
Thanx man!

I know theres a free pass for underground and buses for a hole month, how much is it +-? 
Ankur / Virgin Suicide

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  599
Posted : Feb 2, 2010 21:07
i am a sociophatic computer nerd thats avoiding public transportation and i have no clue... but in the end if you are not european citizen they can´t actually send you a fine if they catch ya going with out a ticket;)           Freqs of Nature Festival 2012
Lost Theory Label DJ

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  48
Posted : Feb 12, 2010 16:11
Ankur gave some pretty correct prices.
I assume you come from Israel? Some things are cheaper and some are more expensive in comparison. All in all you should expect to have a total cost of living (including rent, food, transportation, reacreation) about 10-15% cheaper than Tel Aviv.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Mar 8, 2010 15:28

On 2010-02-02 03:33, "42" wrote:
Thanx man!

I know theres a free pass for underground and buses for a hole month, how much is it +-?

it is 30 euro per month. but it depends on nationality respectively the way you present yourself if they are gonna give you that. it is nice to have - you can travel anywhere with it.

wish you a nice time in berlin too. connect if you feel lonely. but berlin is not made to feel lonely:)
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Hello guys
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