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Headphone Impedance Question!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Sep 8, 2015 15:11:17

i'm planning to get a new pair of headphones (open back) and my first choice are the AKG K 612...i like AKG sound and the 612 offer some great specs! I'm only affraid that my interface headphone output (36 ohm) is not enough for the headphone impedance (120 ohm).

I dont care so much about the volume but i dont want to loose any detail and/or true translation of the mix (specially on kick&Bass) on the headphones because of this difference....also an headphone amp is out of the question.

So what says you? 36 ohm output are enough for these headphones or i should look somewhere else?

Many thanks  
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  202
Posted : Sep 9, 2015 06:19
Let me ask you one question, whats the point of all those specs when your device can't drive them properly? Volume will be lower and specs/soundstage will decrease - just go for some professional low Ohm headphones.

I know you don't want an amp, but if you ever change your mind this will be all you need.


I actually own a pair of these headphones:

I can tell you first hand they are an incredible tool, very accurate and precise. Bass reproduction is the best i have heard so far on any headphones.The sound stage is very good, with precise instrument separation, very much like a speaker. The downside is they are not cheap, but very easy to drive (24ohms).


IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Sep 9, 2015 11:30
Thanks for the input...that was my initial doubt...the interface cannot drive properly the headphones without an amp (which i dont want to buy right now).

Regarding the Sony...i already own a pair of closed back headphones and want to go open or semi-open...also the Sony cost more than i can spend!

Anyway thanks for your input!  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Sep 11, 2015 14:08
here brother buy this cheep headphone and you will be surprised how they sound for this price
they sounds batter then AKG 612 - 712

pioneer SE-A1000          -------------------------------------------------
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Sep 16, 2015 16:36

On 2015-09-11 14:08, smoker wrote:
here brother buy this cheep headphone and you will be surprised how they sound for this price
they sounds batter then AKG 612 - 712

pioneer SE-A1000

Good for mixing, monitoring?  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Sep 17, 2015 02:30
batter then Akg for sure ! and cost nothing
i will put them on Quality next to sennheiser hd800 . and sennheiser cost 1000-1500$
don't forget brother you pay this money only for the name , nothing more !
and yes they good for mixing .
just go to music store and compare them with Akg and you will see
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Sep 29, 2016 19:24
So coming back to this topic....

I didnt get the ones you suggested smoker...i never managed to try them and though i dont doubt your words they appear as "just" solid hi-fi cans in all the forums and reviews i read!

i'm going either for the:

AKG 702 or
Roland RH-A30

I'm running them from my baybaface and have no means to get a dedicated amplifier.

Some say the AKG need an amp to perform to the fullest and that's the only reason why i dont choose them at once.

Anyone has this set of cans running from their interface? Do you think they will perform well straight from the babyface?

I dont care about loud volumes but i want the full clarity, definition this cans are said to have...

I want a pair of open backs so my other choice was the Rolands....lowe impedance and few but great reviews. They are said to be the ATH-M50 open back and less hyped in the lower frequencies.

What says you? Babyface can handle the AKG or better find another option - like the Roland?  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Headphone Impedance Question!
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