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Heading off to the underground.....

Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  579
Posted : Jun 11, 2010 01:11
is a mass VJ boycott of isratrance ?
is it a conspiracy ?
is there a new forum ?
let me know please, , I will join !
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Jun 11, 2010 01:38

On 2010-06-11 01:11, Hero #1 wrote:
is there a new forum ?
let me know please, , I will join !

What if they are just sick of you?
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  579
Posted : Jun 11, 2010 02:27

On 2010-06-11 01:38, Maine Coon wrote:
What if they are just sick of you?

I guess better for me to also go undergroud
only there will be much rejoicing methinks
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  579
Posted : Jun 15, 2010 07:23
Actually, i really am following suit. (Otherwise , I think I will be banned soon anyway by Full_On who has warned me several times )
Just thought i'd write something in case someone starts wondering as I don't deserve my own thread
For all those who rejoice, good luck in your travels of life.

-The Donkey has left the room

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Jun 15, 2010 08:09

On 2010-06-11 01:11, Hero #1 wrote:
is a mass VJ boycott of isratrance ?

That would be the funniest thing ever.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 15, 2010 09:10

On 2010-06-07 17:48:03, TranceVisuals wrote:
Well I wanted to thank all the people on this forum, past, present and future for all the topics, comments, responses, head-smashing-against-the-monitor-inanity, and interesting pixels, and sounds....

Anyway I am off, and don't intend to be back.

So have fun, thanks, and maybe see some of you in the flesh....


Well I won't say I won't be back but I am taking a hiatus from here and forums online in general for whatever feels right... I'm having fun getting back into my old drum & bass collection, exploring some dubstep & selling music on ebay.

I'll post links to psy related ebay sales in the second hand section tho.

Have a good time all the time!

So long and thanks for all the fish!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Jun 15, 2010 17:18
me too but I guess I come back here for occasional fishing. 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Jun 15, 2010 20:14
I wonder if shitty weather and long evenings will reverse this trend half a year from now.
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