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Having fun when you don't know anyone

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  21
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Posted : Jan 2, 2009 19:03:02
I went to a party on NYE and while I loved the music, I felt a vibe of distrust between myself and everyone at the party. It was away from my home scene and only one person knew me and even he didn't really know me.

People looked at me suspiciously and I think everyone thought I just came to the party for drugs (I don't need to do that, I can get all that I need at college, lol). I even had one guy accuse me of being a cop.

The vibe reciprocated and I started getting suspicious of everyone there, thinking that they were all trying to steal my money (I couldn't remember how much money I had spent and I felt like some of it was missing).

It seems like everyone else had fun, so what is the trick?
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Jan 2, 2009 19:16
i love going out alone. best chance for an intresting night... meeting new people, free to do whatever you want. sure, it could get paranoid and/or lonley but it could just as well become a special night.

two sides to every coin, sorry to hear you didn't have fun, on any given sunday you can either win or lose...           
The Way Back
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 2, 2009 19:16
no trick ,, trick trick 1
trick trick 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,

Have Fun & Enjoy whenever you go to the Party ,,, Trick trick 3 ,,,

Boom !!!           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 2, 2009 22:14
yea very subjective.....

i would suggest you to look at my signature, doughcherry said something very warm           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 00:14
Used to love doing that when I was younger but now I am very selective about the gigs I got to after 10 years, and I like to go with my own group of mates because we all know each other and guarantee a good positive vibe, but is hard to organise 10+ people to go to a gig when most are announced very last minute.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 13:10

On 2009-01-02 19:16, almost_human wrote:
Have Fun & Enjoy whenever you go to the Party

u go out to have fun cause yourself
If Im alone, Im sure Im gona find one way or another reason to have great night..and I dont eliminate the fact, u gona for sure meet someone, with who u can chat a bit =)

but always is better 2 be with your crew, chasing smurfs all night, and hell yea have a great time           LIFE Is Just The Choice Between FEAR and LOVE.
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 17:54
Too bad man.. I have gone alone to other contries for festivals and had a blast, I usually seem to connect with like minded people, so it works fine...

I think you just need to get to talk to some people you think you can connect to...And then you have some new friends for this party (and another)..

But maybe indoor parties are not so easy going..            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 18:53
I was the first one out of my metal friends in 1994 to go to parties in the forests. I was alone, met new people and had my first trips within my own conciousness without talking to anyone about it...just getting lost in my self more and more and had to find my own way through.
Was intense, a massive learning and character building experience.
Had an absolute blast!  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 19:24
i have spent most of the parties in my life without knowing anyone. travelling from place to place, country to country, mostly alone. since the very beginning. i was 15 hichhiking through different countries totally alone. it was fine. sometimes you get to know some of them, sometimes not. but you learn with the time to rely only on yourself.

but it is a hard thing, i know....i had so many bad experiences in life, really bad trips because of being alone at parties. then i got used to. mostly i could make the experience of all encompassing love when the borders between you and the others you dont care you dont know them. you know them all, THEY ARE YOU, one and the same spirit in different bodies. or i just danced and this was all i needed. dance. at this years night i was again alone not knowing anyone. i am in a new city right now. but so what. i go, i dance. for hours. most of them go home, i still dance. most of them take drugs, i still dance and dont care. they can do whatever they want. they all look fine and happy. i probably dont look, i look alone. sometimes ppl come to me, talk to me something, want me to go home with them or to go to the toilette with them, or talk to me total bullshit. i cant listen. and i close my eyes and dance. i will dance till i can. after that i dont know. and even if the world ends or if i die dancing alone, it will be ok. i am never gonna be alone. cause if you really dance, you are ALL, you are not alone. you are everyone trascending your boundaries.

but so what. i spent so many years changing places, i just dont have a native or local tribe or some sort of known faces at parties. they are always different. i love to meet new ppl. it is totally charming.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 21:17
there are +/- to this argument too....

ddepends on your experience/ppl u met!
i met sum fantastic ppl durin my solo trip           <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 22:34
btw there is a trick about it, that i noticed to be very effective. tune yourself into the cosmic synchronicity. this is the so called synchronicity or cosmic coinscidence - everything happens at the right time. so if you tune in, and follow the signs, you will meet exactly whom you should. it works. sometimes. but other times not. it can be really really frstrating to be alone at parties where you meet only people you dont know. you can feel lost. i felt lost so many times too. or suddenly i saw myself between people with whom i dont wanna have anything to do at all. and you cant escape. and if it is winter time you cant even go. it is very frustrating, i know this feeling.

it can even have some hard psychological consequences if you are on something....
you can meet only people who try to abuse you, and do abuse you, or just try to drag you into the toilets for an insomnia session or whatever, it can be really really bad. but anyway, if you follow the signs, you will always experience what you should. good or bad. the cosmic power knows what it is doing and why.

follow the white rabbit
Solid Snake

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Posted : Jan 4, 2009 01:17
oh my god.

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Posted : Jan 4, 2009 02:13

On 2009-01-04 01:17, A.Rosengren wrote:
oh my god.

who is it ?

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