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Have you ever compiled an album before?

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 16:37
i had some very constructive advices from labels as beginner.. specially parvati records , which i ended up release there
i defiantly will remember Giusseppe for good , those advices helped me alot to get out of the bedroom with my music.

offcourse , once he said the music got to the level desired , i could choose what track will release..

so i think he did it perfect way , helping rather then dictate , and let you keep your artistic freedom as much you want.
no wonder is the best label around for long time 
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 16:46

On 2011-03-06 16:35, psytones wrote:
Ok, just curious, which compilation was this and was it just about removing the sample or to make something else of the sample vibe? I guess to remove a sample like that would empty and almost kill the track, unless the track itself was/is extremely good able to stand on own legs (which it should anyway, right?)

^Question, have you (or any other artists reading) ever been a part of a 'concept' album/compilation? How did you work to get the result needed to complete the concept vision?

*Thanks for the interesting replies btw

They wanted me to remove the sample and use the track without it.

I cant remember the compilation's name but the track ended up on my own album Regenerated. It was a remix of "Keep It Cool". Funny enough i replaced that sample but only because i heard the old sample being used in another tune by another artist - cant remember who and till this day I wonder how that artist got that sample as it was a very rare one from an old old vinyl.

Anyway I was approached by TIP asking to release that Keep It Cool remix but first with a few "changes" (The also wanted me to cut the length and bpm of the tune) to fit it into their compilation. To me that is very rude to even ask an artist to fit an already excising tune to suit their vision.

I've had another even more bizarre experience (trying to change my music into a more full-on sound) but I'll keep it to myself as I don't want to get into a fight with a certain label here on isra

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 16:57

This is a cool version, and funny that the track you where talking about was a track I already posted on page one :;)
::Now that’s synchronized magic!

Elad,Yeah, always hear good things about the people of that label

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 17:33

On 2011-03-06 16:57, psytones wrote:

This is a cool version, and funny that the track you where talking about was a track I already posted on page one :;)
::Now that’s synchronized magic!

Yes funny coincidence

But not the version I was talking about. The remix i had in mind is from 2002 and is part of the album "Regenerated". But thanks for the thumbs up

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 19:19

On 2011-03-06 16:16, Beat Agency wrote:
... at the end of the day it's up to the painter to say no or yes.

Which means there is no "right answer" regarding changing something in your music.
I mean if the compiler knows his stuff, he knows what "X" artist sounds like, so when the compiler asks for a tune, and gets something that falls well within the style of said artist, then saying I don't like the style, would be unprofessional.

Regarding changing little things in the music, and from a personal point of view, I think its perfectly acceptable. At the end of the day you are working with other producers to form a bigger picture. But obviously the person compiling the CD needs to know what s/he is doing to avoid people wasting their time and energy...if you call making music you like wasting time, but regardless, its best if people have done their homework and have a good idea of what it is they need to be doing.

Peace out.  
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