Hallucinogen - In Dub Mixed by OTT
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 9, 2002 21:21
Atfirst I just have to say that this album (can you call perfection an album?) is something that I’ve been waiting for since the day I came aware that it would see it’s daylight.
1. Mi-Loony-Um (a floating butterfly stings like a bee mix) 11:54
2. Solstice (warwick bassmonkey mix) 08:59
3. Gamma Goblins (it's tutles all the way down mix) 10:53
4. Spiritual Antiseptic (minty fresh confidence mix) 08:16
5. LSD (world sheet of closed string mix) 09:19
6. Angelic Particles (buckminster fullerine mix) 10:25
Track 1. Mi-Loony-Um (A floating butterfly stings like a bee mix). The beginning makes me terrified. Will this be another full on album, besides what the name promises? This sure doesn’t sound like dub or chilled music. More like very energic full on intro. Those “tic tac” sounds are even faster than in the original. I’m just absolutely petrified. Will the evil bpm enter soon? At 00:40 something extremly relieving happens. The tempo get’s slower and slower.”Tic” followed by one second pause and then “tac”. Yippee! At 01:00 it sounds like the original, but played on vinyl player that was accidently turned off. At 01:30 some action can be heard, something is about to happen. A distant female voice saying something like “tao, tao..”. Well anyways it dissapears into the track. Beat get’s it shape. At 02:30 we get a dub like bassline. Is this really the same track? Cool pitched hi-hats dominate the track. Somewhere on the edge of 04:00 the dialing sounds enter, only much more twisted than in the original. A few seconds more and suddenly the track turns into reggae, well dubreggae, or maybe psyreggae? Well that’s not important. What is important is that this is just perfect. Somewhere around 05:00 we get a synth. Is this some melody from the old track? Can’t really remember. Even if it’s, well it barely resembles it. Somewhere between 06:00 and 07:00 this could be Shpongle, only thing missing is that magic flute. Lots of work done with pitching and effects here. Almost every second a new drum says “cha” or “zi” or “sziuu” or well actually pretty much everything is thrown in here. Just before 08:00 there’s sort of break part. On the background there’s a female voice saying “uuuuuuuuuh”, “aoooooooooooh”, “heyiaaaaaa”, “mayaiaiaaaaaa” and so on. It’s echoed in a splendid way. Is that Michelle? I can’t tell. At 09:45 there’s a familiar sample. “I became tuned in….”. It’s like ½ tempo of the original though.
The track starts to see it’s dusk at 10:20.
Track 2. Solstice (Warwick bassmonkey mix). The beginning is pretty much like in the original. Maybe the tempo is just a little lower and there’s more stuff going on on the backgroud. Also the synth is somehow edgy. The “pipipi, pipi pii” synth enters companied by a gentle clean bass. At 01:45 it’s “wah wah” time. After that the beat scrubs some space to slacken in to. At 02:30 there’s like “Bob Marley meets the new millenium feeling” written all over the place. Somekind of horn gets a big role here. At 03:20 this could be something like a burden. So much stuff going on on the background. The reaggae feeling comes mostly from the electronic guitar. The track keeps on changing every ten seconds or so. At first some breakbeats, then suddenly scrambled female voice saying something weird. Finally it’s time for “pipipi, pi pipi pii”. At 05:20 there’s a build up process going on. The song actually sort of truns into a track. A little 4x4 stuff going on. Well I don’t mind, it’s still perfect! At 06:30 the burden comes back, only as a lot stronger, and yes.. edgyer. Very strong and emotional moment. Streams pass. At 07:30 very trancey feeling again. Not trance “trance”, but still not so dubbish. 08:30 the track starts to end.
Track 3. Gamma Goblins (It’s tutles all the way down mix). Strong disturbance going on in the beginning. Are there some gamma goblins behind it? Oh yes, at 00:40 I can alreqady hear them. Is that water dripping? The intro of the original track is sort of presented here, only as much more twisted version. Then there’s that cool sample talking about stages and elements. 02:00 some hi-hats make their first appearance for a few seconds. 02:20 the bassline can be recognised, although it’s still pretty quiet. 02:30 the gamma goblins enter, and believe me, they do it strong, and somehow it feels like they are more twisted this time. “tiidi tiidi tiidi tiidi tiidi tiidi tiditidididi”. At 03:00 there are quite many of them. When did the bassline get that strong? And the beat? These two really stand up from the track. 04:00 it’s obvious that a lot of hours where spent at the studio. And it definetly pays off. A little before 05:00 the style is definetly psydub. Not because of any evil bpms, but the psychedelic effects. 05:30 the gamma goblins sound a little evil and even more disturbed. Just before 06:00 there’s some familiar stuff going on. Then at 06:10 a gong stops everything but the goblins. But then they turn into a synth. A sample steps on them and starts the bassline again. 07:00 also the beat get’s it’s shape and space. Goblins are still there, but mostly as echoes. They aren’t far away though.. you can definetly sense their contiguity. 07:52.. teach me how to do that effect . Dub is back and gammas are gone. 08:25 the guitar plays the “melody”. At 08:50 still going strong. Once again various stuff happening all around the track. Water.. was that a cat? Water finally beats the track at 09:40. Then a voice of a man (the man himself?), is this sample in the original too? Finally some weird bird noise and we are all set up for the next gem.
Track 4. Spiritual Antiseptic (Minty fresh confidence mix). The soundscape is interrupted at 00:30. Soon the beat takes over. Or does it? Hard to say. 01:11 it’s game over for the soundscape. It’s time to dub again. This time the bass is a little smoother. There’s really cool kalimba saying “trrrrrk” every now and then. The bassline is sort of complicated. At 02:18 there’s like the best melody ever presented to the beings of this planet or (I’m quite sure about this) to the whole universe and multiverse (which ever theory you believe in). I feel like an ancient sailor. “Is the edge of the world close”? At 03:31 it’s all about the bass, the beat and the melody. But not for long. Pretty soon the weirdo effects enter. Sometimes they are infront, sometimes behind, sometimes they come from the left and sometimes from the right. Also sometimes from up and sometimes from down. 04:45 just throw the flute in and you have a Shpongle gem! Well hard to describe now on! Just simply perfection! At 06:30 there’s somekind of human choir thing going on. And the kalimba is back . At 06:40 there’s a radical change. The masterpiece is sort of over .
Track 5. LSD (World sheet of closed string mix). Oh yeah. “I believe..”. I myself believe that this track will be just perfect.
While the man tells us about the doors that we are not wanted to go into the bassline and a fractal beat sort of sneak in. Immediately after the sample gets louder. Then a guitar playing some familiar melody. Yep it’s the one. Almost impossible to recognize the very first time. Well the beat is sort of drum n bass(ier?). 02:20 this is just perfection. Am I still here? Or in OTT Land? Is this Shpongle? It definetly could be! A very weird instrument enters. It sounds like if 100 000 people would say “miiii” at the same time. Oh yes! Bring it on! This is dub, but still it’s sooooo psychedelic. 03:10 we are told some facts about LSD and religious experience. 03:30 there’s some time to fill your lungs, you know, breath while you can. After ten seconds the bassline returns followed by the beat and the guitar. 04:29 --> this bassline is so familiar. That one part, is it from some Shpongle song?? 05:10 the effects get a huge role. I wonder if my old computer could make it through that? Probably 2.6 giga herz computer would crash. It’s just way too complicated! That familiar melody thing comes back for a little spin. But the bassline wants to be the strongest. Well their co work is terrific, splendid! 07:00 you know that the end is coming closer and closer. A familiar sample interrupts the ending. I think he’s talking something about circles. Well this track will do a lot of circles in my cd player, that’s for sure! 08:24 there’s no bass nor beat, just birds, car sounds and some other weirdness.
Track 6. Angelic Particles (Buckminster fullerine mix). Birds are still singing. Some minor weirdness stuff going on all the time. This must be something great, after all it’s the last track. 00:41 some glass drum things start a tribal beat. At 1:20 still keeping it very chilled, absolutely nothing radical going on. 01:45 you can sense that something is about to happen. This is great and rare in ambient. There’s somekind of building process going on. Everything is crystal clear, but still wicked. 02:30 that female “aaaah” beginns. Yes, it’s about the same “aaaaah” than in the original, but more dubbish . 03:08 We suddenly get a bassline and once more a mixed up guitar that has Spain written all over it. The beat starts to build up a little, it for example gets some backing up echo stomps. Close your eyes and you are there. Where? Well I’m there, where that “aaaaah” is coming from. And there’s a good reason for that “aaaaah” too. Once again, just add the flute and stir it up and voila!, it’s a chilled shpongle tune. The guitar is not so mixed any more but fingerpicked. Song keeps on getting dubbier, mainly because of the bassline. 06:15 at this point you should understand that this is just simply a masterpiece. The absolute! Then you are good to go for the incoming guitar solo. This music could be played with out computers, it’s very organic. Well there aren’t really words to describe this. The track remains pretty much the same, but still every second of it, is perfect. Close your eyes and you might notice the stuff that it keeps on collecting on the way.
Well it’s all over. What a trip it has been!
Final thoughts: Well this is simply perfection. Great candy for Shpongle lovers. Great candy for all! There’s only 1 negative side which is that the album is only 59 minutes and 46 seconds long! That’s why I only give it 9+/10
[ This Message was edited by: traveller on 2002-10-09 21:32 ]  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 10, 2002 14:42
hehe you can change your sig now I suppose traveller! :
anyway.... i want this album. A lot. Hmm maybe it is still only available from the twisted website.....
ok a little bit of Google research reveals the following.... it will be on 'general' release on about 29th October.....bizarrely this info is on the website, but I also found the same info on some random distributor's website.
Luiz Paulo
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 10, 2002 15:20
I spoke with the guys at chaosunlimited and they tell me that in a couple of weeks they will have it.
same goes for saikosounds...
  the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.... |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Oct 11, 2002 06:48
This is a great album. traveller great review, its a voyage into a colorful music world as it always is the case with simon... Kaz i'm surprised you didnt jump at the chance to write the review for this one..
  "On the other hand, you have different fingers." |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 11, 2002 15:20
indeed great album! its funny to read your reviews sieni and listen to the music at the same time..
  Follow u'r Spirit without hesitation. |
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Posted : Oct 13, 2002 21:49
Again Simon is presenting a masterpiece....
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 13, 2002 22:03
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Posted : Oct 14, 2002 21:27
unbelivebale masterpiece no words go and get it
  go and build karahana |
Dr Gonzo
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 14, 2002 23:29
ur very professional critic Traveller !
damn!!! this is a long review !!!!
but i'll try to sum it in less words -
a masterpiece indid ! looks like this posford dude cant do it in another level ...
[ This Message was edited by: Dr Gonzo on 2002-10-14 23:31 ]  I want you to understand that this man at the wheel is my attorney. He's not just some dingbat I found on the strip, man. He's a foreigner. I think he's probably Samoan. But that doesn't matter, though, does it? Are you prejudiced? |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 15, 2002 13:34
Beautiful CD !!
LSD and Mi-Loony-Um Are awsome !
  ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 16, 2002 21:53
Ohh my god. I've been waiting since Samothraki for this album, and it didn't dissapoint my (spectacularly high) expectations. Each track is a world of it's own. Some of the most "complete" works I have ever heard, with the soundwork brought to a new level, with complexities and richness which outshine even the Shpongle albums.
After five albums (2 hallucinogen albums, 2 of shpongle's, 1 as celtic cross), all of them amazing pieces of psychedelic work, this last installation does not fall short. Yet another CD that I will listen to forever. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 16, 2002 23:14
GREAT REVIEW traveller rock on man keep up the good work....
  ....good fudge comes on slow!!! |
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Posted : Oct 17, 2002 08:44
Hey thanx people...
Glad its making people's ears smile..
Ott xxx |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 17, 2002 14:46
  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 17, 2002 14:52