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Haiti Earthquake - Disaster Relief (PLEASE READ!!!!!!)

Silent Horror

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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 17:19
^ gr8 initiative .. wish u the best!           ------------------------------

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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 19:05

On 2010-01-15 19:58, Inner Demon wrote:


yes it is a disaster but disasters happen everyday..

No, they don't.

O RLY?????????

Have you watched the news in the recent 100 years? For half the people in this world, the whole life is a disaster day by day...

What's happened in Haiti is terrible, I think everybody would agree. But why does it need such a dramatic catastrophy for people to start caring for others?

What's up with Africa?

People disgustedly turn off their TVs when the news shows pictures of starving children, but when something happens like in Haiti, people are glued to their displays for the sheer sensation of it, draw their credit cards and become aware, caring people for that one single moment...

Do whatever you think appropriate in terms of charity, but don't criticize the people who still see the whole picture, who beware the same coolnees as everybody does facing the silent catastrophies happening everyday!

          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
Inner Demon

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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 20:39

On 2010-01-16 19:05, Anak wrote:

On 2010-01-15 19:58, Inner Demon wrote:


yes it is a disaster but disasters happen everyday..

No, they don't.

O RLY?????????

Have you watched the news in the recent 100 years? For half the people in this world, the whole life is a disaster day by day...

What's happened in Haiti is terrible, I think everybody would agree. But why does it need such a dramatic catastrophy for people to start caring for others?

What's up with Africa?

People disgustedly turn off their TVs when the news shows pictures of starving children, but when something happens like in Haiti, people are glued to their displays for the sheer sensation of it, draw their credit cards and become aware, caring people for that one single moment...

Do whatever you think appropriate in terms of charity, but don't criticize the people who still see the whole picture, who beware the same coolnees as everybody does facing the silent catastrophies happening everyday!

*Sigh* Your reasoning is fallacious. And I do watch the news occasionally

We don't experience earthquakes everyday, far from it. This is something we can help each other with. Most of the human suffering that silently goes on everyday (starvation etc) is typically caused by other humans, effectively reducing yours and my own opportunity to help out to zero. That's not the case in Haiti. Apples and oranges.

What's up with Africa? I've traveled the continent extensively. There's little you can do - in the cases where people are in a state of misery its more than anything due to corrupt governments unwilling to change their ass-backwards economies while letting the western world plunder their natural resources. Which means they can't handle droughts etc. If you send aid money it may end up as bribery or used for buying weapons further fueling conflicts. Problems that have to be solved from the inside.

People in North Korea are starving by the millions, what are you going to do about it? That's right, nothing - because you can't.

This is a _natural_ disaster in a country where we can help. Doing that doesn't mean that we don't care about everyone else that's suffering or that we don't see the big picture.

What bugs me is you people who refer to the big picture as a reason to sit on your ass and do nothing for anybody. If you witness a car accident, would you not help out thinking that "Well, at this very moment there's another 100 car accidents happening around the world and I can't help with those" ???

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  2395
Posted : Jan 16, 2010 21:12
You can do a lot for the people in Africa - not through the usual NGOs who support corrupt regimes indeed (I'm with you on this one), but everyday normal people who sacrifice their lifes and help there directly. Search the internet for Lotti Latrous for example, a selfless Swiss woman who I venerate a lot. I'm dealing with such people in my everyday job, so I know what I'm talking about here.

Further, it might be my post did come across a bit wrong. I'm not saying that people who donate for the cause of Haiti don't care about anything else. But your sentence I quoted just provoked that sort of answer. Because a disaster is a disaster, no matter if caused by tectonics or corruption.

Finally, to your last point: That's fallacious reasoning from your side I'm sitting on my ass right now indeed, but that's because it's uncomfty to work on a laptop when standing.
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
Inner Demon

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Posts :  321
Posted : Jan 17, 2010 03:00

On 2010-01-16 21:12, Anak wrote:
You can do a lot for the people in Africa - not through the usual NGOs who support corrupt regimes indeed (I'm with you on this one), but everyday normal people who sacrifice their lifes and help there directly. Search the internet for Lotti Latrous for example, a selfless Swiss woman who I venerate a lot. I'm dealing with such people in my everyday job, so I know what I'm talking about here.

Further, it might be my post did come across a bit wrong. I'm not saying that people who donate for the cause of Haiti don't care about anything else. But your sentence I quoted just provoked that sort of answer. Because a disaster is a disaster, no matter if caused by tectonics or corruption.

Finally, to your last point: That's fallacious reasoning from your side I'm sitting on my ass right now indeed, but that's because it's uncomfty to work on a laptop when standing.

Haha.. I'm on a laptop too.. and guess what.. yup - I'm on my fat ass haha

Obviously you can do stuff for the people of Africa if you so desire, I'm just thinking most people probably don't want to change their lives and go there, but just to do whatever little bit they can from a distance. After all, its very much a numbers game you know.

I suppose I was a bit provocative (kinda the intent hehe).. and while I agree that a disaster is a disaster, I still hold firm that there are major differences in what you can expect the surrounding world to do. We're all equals in the face of tectonics and there are no politics.

Also (not particularly directed to your post Anak) I would think about disasters mathematically. If we go with the reasoning that we should just let them be because making a choice in which one to donate to would be immoral - then no disaster sites would get any help.
On the contrary just choosing a single one would probably reciprocate in the way that a third party would support you if anything happened. So you see you don't need to feel like you have to care about everyone, just do something for someone and someone else will do something for you. Its a big world...


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Posted : Jan 17, 2010 03:23

On 2010-01-15 01:53, Xolvexs wrote:
does anyone have sounnd samples recorded? they would make a great samples for dark psy tracks.... you can donate all you like but remember the dead are not coming back at least not in the form you last saw them..and the survivors will survive exra money will not mean that they live longer..its not a video game where you can buy an extra life because you have more points and no there is no bonus round...mario is dead

And to ask others for sound samples? Dude, you are a sick sucker! And cheap on top of it. Why don't you get your ass there to get your samples? Instead of telling us to go!

Full support for Haiti! With donation, just everyone make sure the charity you donate to does give the money to Haiti, not keep 50% (or more)

And here something more!

AMERICAN AIRLINES is taking doctors and nurses to Haiti for free. Please call 212 697-9767. Spread the word. Thanks!

@ Demoniac, great idea, you'll hear from me soon!

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 17, 2010 05:32
for some of us , donating is not as easy as sending an sms , and i think organizing celebratory events to raise funds at this point , when the tragedy is so fresh is in particularly bad taste .. give it a month or so , they still pulling the dead and injured from under the rubble .. and it was me , who posted a rather off color remark first post , it was about this being a job for fuck for forest , eheh
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 17, 2010 07:33
I don't think any kind of celebration would be in order even a month later. But if there is already an infrastructure is it wrong to channel finances for something meaningful rather than just fueling a capitalist agenda?

this is not like helping an impoverished nation. we live in one and there are loads of things we can do in if you're looking at being a charity.

This is something that needs instantaneous action... this is a shock to the balance of things and money actually doesn't make much of a difference to those affected.... BUT it does make a difference to the aid-workers on the ground... the ones pulling people out of the rubble, the doctors providing medical attention, the food camps, supplies. who pays for them? this is not just a donor to mouth thing we're talking about here.

@ Anak. What you say is true. But, it is still the one of the few things that we still do. Even if it's glorified donations, I really don't think people on the ground give a damn. Yes it does take a disaster of this magnitude for the people of the world to wake up from their states of hypnosis. That how the world is today and you have to deal with it. Sorry.

I see your point though, and yeah it would be great if we can use this to get something consistent going. If you're willing, we can work on making an annual aid fund if this gets off the ground.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 17, 2010 10:52
if you really cared for haitians why would it take you a disaster of this magnitude to think about them...most geologist are aware of the seismic activity in that region.....the thing is you guys woke up too took 200,000 lives to wake you and now you want to compensate your unawareness by doing "little" things and telling yourself that you have compassion? when 200,000 people die all at once its shows you how insignificant you are in the eyes of intellect, your dreams, your aspirations of changing the world and making it a better place, a world of peace etc are just your perceptions and in the eyes of nature they mean nothing...yesterday an earthquake today bomb blast tomorrow chemical leak ....shit happens, people are not designed to live for ever...your life is a perishable commodity which has an expiry date..your view on death is fueled with fear, you think death is this bad thing...well it is not..those 200,000 people are better of dead than they would have been alive, living in those slave camp outposts of Haiti...and as far as the survivors go... for them life goes on a few days of media excitement and attention...a few years of attention from the so called charities and then they disappear into the void...10 years down the road you wont even remember much about it as there would be many such cataclysmic events...and every such time where hundreds and thousands of people are killed it will be reported to you and at that point again you will "wake-up" for a couple of days and in those moments of waking up you will again contribute 'little" pebbles of money and will make yourself feel big and then again fall asleep. thats how it is ...i am not saying that its bad to be asleep all i am saying is that numbers dont mean a thing..a number 7.5 destroys 200,000
everyone would agree 7.5 is less than 200,000...all you do is contribute numbers and this number game and number crunching, is holding you back and fueling your see all your fears come from numbers...9months, 1 year, 100 years, 5 days, 7 sins, 9 lives, $1million, 25 years, 300,000 dead, icebergs are melting at an "alarming rate"- 2012, Y2k, 911, 2611, 6 years in prison, 52 killos of cocaine, 7billion people on earth, only 0.023% of them make more than $100,000 a year, gdp of 10%, 10 terrorists, 3.25 million votes, 6 million blogs, 100,000 bags of wheat, 80million liters of water, blood pressure-160, About 1 in 3 adults in the United States has high blood pressure, really think numbers can make a difference? You only give a dam about Haiti because of the number...had the same earthquake taken place and 20 people would have died, you would not even know about it...its just a number game...larger the toll bigger the calling..Number junkies           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 17, 2010 13:36
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 05:03
Good Luck with the charities projects, is beautiful to see peoples helping others...

Venzuela, Honduras, China, Iran, Haiti, Tsunami, most of them... just one word my friends: HAARP

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 05:14

yes it is a disaster but disasters happen everyday..


No, they don't.


O RLY?????????

Have you watched the news in the recent 100 years? For half the people in this world, the whole life is a disaster day by day...

+ 1

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 09:56

On 2010-01-17 10:52, Xolvexs wrote:
if you really cared for haitians why would it take you a disaster of this magnitude to think about them...most geologist are aware of the seismic activity in that region.....the thing is you guys woke up too took 200,000 lives to wake you and now you want to compensate your unawareness by doing "little" things and telling yourself that you have compassion? when 200,000 people die all at once its shows you how insignificant you are in the eyes of intellect, your dreams, your aspirations of changing the world and making it a better place, a world of peace etc are just your perceptions and in the eyes of nature they mean nothing...yesterday an earthquake today bomb blast tomorrow chemical leak ....shit happens, people are not designed to live for ever...your life is a perishable commodity which has an expiry date..your view on death is fueled with fear, you think death is this bad thing...well it is not..those 200,000 people are better of dead than they would have been alive, living in those slave camp outposts of Haiti...and as far as the survivors go... for them life goes on a few days of media excitement and attention...a few years of attention from the so called charities and then they disappear into the void...10 years down the road you wont even remember much about it as there would be many such cataclysmic events...and every such time where hundreds and thousands of people are killed it will be reported to you and at that point again you will "wake-up" for a couple of days and in those moments of waking up you will again contribute 'little" pebbles of money and will make yourself feel big and then again fall asleep. thats how it is ...i am not saying that its bad to be asleep all i am saying is that numbers dont mean a thing..a number 7.5 destroys 200,000
everyone would agree 7.5 is less than 200,000...all you do is contribute numbers and this number game and number crunching, is holding you back and fueling your see all your fears come from numbers...9months, 1 year, 100 years, 5 days, 7 sins, 9 lives, $1million, 25 years, 300,000 dead, icebergs are melting at an "alarming rate"- 2012, Y2k, 911, 2611, 6 years in prison, 52 killos of cocaine, 7billion people on earth, only 0.023% of them make more than $100,000 a year, gdp of 10%, 10 terrorists, 3.25 million votes, 6 million blogs, 100,000 bags of wheat, 80million liters of water, blood pressure-160, About 1 in 3 adults in the United States has high blood pressure, really think numbers can make a difference? You only give a dam about Haiti because of the number...had the same earthquake taken place and 20 people would have died, you would not even know about it...its just a number game...larger the toll bigger the calling..Number junkies

you are not wrong but you dont really have to be so cynical too

Started Topics :  8
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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 11:44
i dont think that everyday are dying half milion people at once
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 12:00
It should have happened in China and Washington

we wouldnt give a shit then
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Haiti Earthquake - Disaster Relief (PLEASE READ!!!!!!)
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