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Groving bassline with melodies

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  51
Posted : Apr 25, 2014 18:14:37
The boring man as back

Now to ask, about some tips to make a good groove in bassline with melodies

Can someone help me?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  1493
Posted : Apr 25, 2014 18:30
not as borrrriiinnn as me ...

but with different Counterpoint Motions..

yes, ive doin my homework..and u should do

im watchin dvd the 8th time lol... tookn awhile to get my head round and stil hasnt sunk yet... aint guna lie it is wel frustratin to get head around at first..

but it defo opens up a whole new level of rule braking door once it sunk in the skull..

infact wel worth getin the whole 1-7 series
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  685
Posted : Apr 26, 2014 15:41
Work with note changes and rhythm with the changes.
Dont just randomly change notes, but find a pattern.

Octave changes can be cool to.
But the rhythm is the most important for the groove.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
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Posted : Apr 26, 2014 21:12
Changes in velocity, length of the note, key and don't glue it on the grid! 

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  657
Posted : Apr 27, 2014 04:46
Everyone is spot on, take all advices, especially what jizy suggested, it will give you another perspective and influence the way you actually go about many things

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  71
Posted : Apr 27, 2014 12:40
I wouldn't get too hung-up on that counterpoint stuff, who writes like that apart from composers who notate their music. A good understanding of scales and intervals is enough, then use your ears.
What sounds good to you in the scale you are using.

Only watched the trailer to the counterpoint course, but to me its far too ott or ocd maybe.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  1493
Posted : Apr 27, 2014 16:32
your not far off right mj... right in the sense that you dont have to learn it..

but if u do, its defonatly a plus where melodic structures are concerned ...handy to hav it under your belt...

then do some rule braking .. i dont wana be ignorant b4 braking a few rules.

when in the 4th species.. u seriously can start having alot of fun , but going about it your own way ,but keeping the principles the same... the offbeats ,dissonance, Consonance in syncopated grooves..

worth knowing .. then go mad

bet yeh quite right.. doesnt hav to b known but as Xsze mentions it does give greater perspective and influence the way you go about many things!
than throwing notes all over the panio roll in hope that it fits and runs smoothly with the rest .


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  657
Posted : Apr 27, 2014 17:23
Exactly jizy, you can actually imply some of that without even knowing it, but it will get you more trial&error to get there, opposed to fact you actually know what you did and what you bended to get there, some things works and some can be modified to work for you, but generally, you can’t brake the rules if you don’t know the rules, one can benefit from expanding his knowledge and be confident about it in his further journey and experiments, so getting solid foundation in the begging of the journey can go long way, who knows, even for example some guy mixing pop in Pro Tools, one don't need to like pop or use Pro Tools to gain some knowledge and insight from it, at least pick up some mixing tip and trick, same goes for this, you can gain something valuable from it.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  1493
Posted : Apr 27, 2014 17:27
exactly ! wel sed m8
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Groving bassline with melodies
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