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Groups/duos sending only one person for a gig?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 12, 2011 20:11

On 2011-05-12 01:10, Colin OOOD wrote:
If an act is dancing 100% of the time, chances are they're not actually doing much live! Playing an instrument/manipulating Ableton whilst dancing is hard. I'm getting better at it the more practise I have, but it takes an effort of will for me to even look up a lot of the time when we're playing.

Oh yeah, totally. My point was more along the lines of 'if you aren't going to really spend time mixing or putting a lot of effort into live interaction the LEAST you can do is fucking dance'

Live shit is definitely really, really hard....let alone doing it while dancing.

My deal is usually press play, make sure everything is lined up for my next mix...then dance like crazy until that point


On 2011-05-12 09:24, rich wrote:
Yeah, no dancing necessary if you're playing live (for real). Bobbing of head is all, only but if you feel it. I don't come to the party to watch nerdy English men trying to dance

Well, yeah - I go to parties to hear good music and to dance with friendly people...not to watch the DJ dance...BUT! If the DJ/act is dancing (or visibly excited by and into their music) that vibe spreads out onto the dancefloor. You don't need to be providing the kick drum with the stomping of your feet or anything...but if you care and are excited, I will care and be more excited.

Case in point - festival 2 weeks ago. "Live" act comes on, super drunk. Horrible mixing. Left a couple of loops in ableton for 2-3 song lengths without noticing. Had two basses playing over one another that didn't match. TOTALLY FUCKING INTO IT and the crowd loved it. Hell, I loved it simply because it was so hilarious - and ended up having more fun during that set than the one before it where the guy was mixing well but seemed bored.

Stage presence matters.
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 12, 2011 20:31

Stage presence matters.

Absolutely. I'm all for that.
But I also wouldn't mind if they were behind a curtain.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 12, 2011 20:51

On 2011-05-12 01:10, Colin OOOD wrote:
If an act is dancing 100% of the time, chances are they're not actually doing much live!

Like practically every other "live" act out there. I would say easily 9 out of 10 live acts I've seen just pressed play, and optionally pretended to turn knobs or just threw a few FX on.

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Posted : May 12, 2011 20:54

On 2011-05-12 20:31, rich wrote:

.....But I also wouldn't mind if they were behind a curtain.

Or even better a nice screen of high quality psychedelic animations syncopated to the music. 

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Posted : May 12, 2011 21:00

On 2011-05-12 20:31, rich wrote:
But I also wouldn't mind if they were behind a curtain.

^ curtain , lol .. but i i get you , a desk somewhere in a corner under a tree or something works just fine , of course wont work if its a huge festival or an act with lots of equipment or something , but really , what the fuck is there to see if a guy is mixing on a cdj , or even a laptop , no reason for huge stages for psytance unless it comes to crowd control or something
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 12, 2011 21:15
I heard of a party where the DJ booth was obscured behind a wall of speakers. The wall of speakers had cameras mounted on it and the DJs could watch the crowd on a monitor.
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Posted : May 12, 2011 21:44
^now whats the point of that ?

but you can find a couple of those parties in goa even now (and im sure many other places all over) .. reasonably big crowd , and dj desk somewhere in a corner under a tree level ground,.. go there and dance and toke all you want , why is that not better ? folks who want to , get a real up close look , better even for djs ? connect more etc , just from not on top of a mountain , again , dont see the point of seeing a dj "perform" , wtf , when you go to party do you just keep watching the dj or what ?

ps : im talking generally , this is not about goagil in case yu thinking , LOL

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Posted : May 12, 2011 22:16
In my experience, when the DJ isn't placed on the stage like a band/performer, even better when there isn't "a stage" at all, the dancerfloor tends to naturally take on a circular dynamic of everyone facing into nothing at the center, but each others smiling faces across the void.
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Posted : May 12, 2011 22:26
circle pit ? no , multidimensional spiral pit motherfucker , .. way more violent and only in ya brain , lol
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Posted : May 12, 2011 22:33

really , a party with the whole thing geared to watch some dude twist a few nobs is not proper
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 12, 2011 23:27
I watch DJs. Then again, I'm a producer/DJ so I am intensely interested in what they're doing. Most people probably not so much.

I get the whole 'egoless' thing that people are espousing here..what with the non-elevated stages or lack of stages etc. I also get that some people might not be into watching someone turn some knobs and whatnot.

However, for me I enjoy the aspect of the DJ guiding everyone through a journey and I feel that their presence on the stage or behind the decks or whatever affects the crowd.

Some of my favorite psy moments were at parties where the 'stage' was very minimal, non elevated - intimate. Where you can be feet away from the performer, look them in the eye, pass them a joint, give them a high five etc. In those situations I feel very close to that performer and they become a part of the dancefloor

I personally would enjoy a show less if I could not see the performer. I like being able to have eye contact with the DJ, feel how personal the experience is...and of course give them some positive feedback that they're kicking ass.

When I'm performing and someone smiles at me or comes up and says something nice I get a boost of energy which ideally would go back into the mixing and selection, which then fuels more crowd energy...

Don't see that happening if you can't see the DJ :\            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2011 00:00
I have played a few parties where I could not even see the dance floor. That's the most horrible experience. One was at the Forum in Beer Sheva in Israel and another one was in Northern part of Denmark. You could literally not see the dance-floor or any people and had absolutely no feeling about the party.

The best parties I've played at or attended was like willsanquil mentioned. The parties where the DJ is on the floor with the people and not on some stage looking down on people. 
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Posted : May 13, 2011 00:15
yeah , just makes for a more fun thing , its not some deluded hippie ideal of equality , egolessness and all that crap
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2011 00:36
I'm not exactly down with all the super hippie stuff but I do feel that Ego can be a big part of the DJ experience and can negatively affect the vibe.

Forgive the Straw Man I'm constructing, but I've seen wayyyy too much DJs who are very impressed with their ability to beatmatch and mix between two know, the ones who pull the orgasm face every time they move a knob. Killargh, yo!

It's unfortunate though that they don't pay attention to the crowd...and that both tracks they're mixing are shite            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2011 00:46
Speaking of stages, what do you guys think of the Shpongletron Experience that's touring the states this summer (may have been elsewhere as a well).
Simon is like fifty thousand feet up on a stage. so frickin ridiculous, even if the visual and lighting thing is cool. And he's only DJing anyway what the hell. He may as well be one of the go go dancers.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Groups/duos sending only one person for a gig?
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