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Gregory Sams

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  227
Posts :  88
Posted : Sep 15, 2011 15:10:13

Psylicious Management is pleased to announce Gregory Sams to their management entertainment roster. From 1967, Gregory Sams was pioneering natural foods in the UK, in partnership with his brother Craig.

He conceived and launched the original VegeBurger in 1982, adding a word to the language as he opened up the market for vegetarian foods.

In 1990 Greg moved out of food and into fractals, founding Strange Attractions - the world's only shop ever dedicated to chaos theory. Trading as chaOs worKs, he went on to produce and license fractal images worldwide on everything from posters to book covers to fashion fabrics.

His interest in chaos theory, however, was not just for the sexy images, but for the social lessons inherent in the discovery of self-organizing systems throughout the world.

This led him to write and publish, in 1998, his first book, Uncommon Sense - the State is Out of Date. It was well received and, enjoying his role as an author, Gregory spent the first seven years of the next millennium writing Sun of gOd, in which, as he puts it, the biggest elephant-in-the-room that you could ever imagine is unveiled.

'Our Living Sun' is a breathtaking, visual talk complimented with over a hundred images as Gregory takes the lid off the longest running cover-up in history, bringing our Sun back in from the cold. The implications are stunning!

Gregory is available for speaking engagements through out the World. Past engagements include; Sunrise Festival, Evolver Group, Secret Garden Party, Ozora Festival and Wilderness Festival to name just a few.

To Book Gregory, contact Psylicious Management;
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