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Greek djs and Artists in Europe !!!

cybernetic activity

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Posted : Nov 22, 2005 12:49
os (mercy) :P....this samples have a deeply psychedelic meaning............even more when a voice says malakia in the end of the track................owwwwww that means to be inspired.........................hehehehehe well zeek i suggest you to change your name to dick instead of zeek...because mate your music is for the dick heheheheehe........Also dude it would be better if you quit of making music,would be better for our country to stop be represented by you................
All these for the worst......Forthe best dont have to say a lot. one of the best and underground band is quantasia this guys knows how to make psychedelic trance and real underground :)


other side
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 22, 2005 12:53
You have to check this out the kuku rukus project.
Pleaze read the profile.
Hola greeks.           Na be i na min be ?????
Dark Elf

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Posts :  2168
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 12:55
what the fuck are these posts??? cybernetic dont speak like that man, if u dont like zik's musics it's your problem, many ppl abroad like it, and these are tastes, u hv no excuse in expressing yours in this way...

euphoria i wonder is there no night in Greece? or because we are a sunny country we must listen only to astrix and the crew? hehe 
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 22, 2005 12:55
xaxaxaxa! koukouroukies!!! xaxxaxa what a great name! imagine the music the create! koukourokation!!           Don't Fuck With Me!

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Posted : Nov 22, 2005 13:23
Well dark elf it's all a matter of taste i guess. I almost attend every party up north and i can say that plenty of attempts of well organised promoters didn't have the best outcome. Last year plenty of darkness covered the city and it didn't work least for my taste. And also many others were trying to find the exit after 1 hour of serious brain damage...Maybe in the forests is better...But at samothraki this year as well some dark sounds made the atmosphere very unfriendly and scary...

Any way this is my opinion. It is not only astrix. Plenty of good psychedelic happy sounds around. Bamboo forest and tikal for example this saturday were unbeliavable...
Dark Elf

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2168
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 13:38

yes for bamboo i agree

but i depends u know for me dark psy is a certain style, more atmosferic, and the music in zik's style sounds me more twisted let's say...

when the sun is rising i like morning trance no problem... 
Drunken Monk

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  427
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 14:28

On 2005-11-22 12:19, cybernetic activity wrote:
hi all ....
i d like to speak about the worst greek producer.....
known as zik or zeek.....i don't understand why that guy compose music..he has nothing to say as an inspired person and for sure knows nothing about music......also the samples which he uses,like (poso mou aresoun oi karamelitses) ele

And u know? The fact that you dont understand his muzik doesnt mean that he cant compose.. Just you have different prespectives... I dont remember that i ve heard the track with that voc but in my opinion it rulez cause its greek ;p and cause its simple. He used it for some reason (he liked it, it means something to him or whatever..). A lot are gonna like it also for different reasons. That is what muzik or other arts are.. I have used one greek vocal from asterix ("ti anoitoi pou einai autoi oi romaioi"). For me says somethin and its psychedelic.. for you maybe its not..(same gooes for zik). so? That makes us (or whoever..) "Bad" on composing (or painting or whatever...) or makes u a close-mind person?

boom to all the Greek Producerz!
The G/F-reekz come out!
          +-+talking with ali3ns around the universe+-+
mit [muzik industry tunez]
Drunken Monk

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  427
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 14:32

... since this kind of music is somehow depressing for a country.

Best of luck to all Greek djs anyway.

Why its depressing? And what is the relation between a sunny country and dark twisted muzik? Is there any "rule" that says that on sunny countries only skazi and astrix can be heard?
I guess we sould all go and live with are friends from linux.. the penguins..
booom to all the mothafucka freqz out there!           +-+talking with ali3ns around the universe+-+
mit [muzik industry tunez]
cybernetic activity

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Posts :  13
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 14:51

On 2005-11-22 14:28, Drunken Monk wrote:

On 2005-11-22 12:19, cybernetic activity wrote:
hi all ....
i d like to speak about the worst greek producer.....
known as zik or zeek.....i don't understand why that guy compose music..he has nothing to say as an inspired person and for sure knows nothing about music......also the samples which he uses,like (poso mou aresoun oi karamelitses) ele

And u know? The fact that you dont understand his muzik doesnt mean that he cant compose.. Just you have different prespectives... I dont remember that i ve heard the track with that voc but in my opinion it rulez cause its greek ;p and cause its simple. He used it for some reason (he liked it, it means something to him or whatever..). A lot are gonna like it also for different reasons. That is what muzik or other arts are.. I have used one greek vocal from asterix ("ti anoitoi pou einai autoi oi romaioi"). For me says somethin and its psychedelic.. for you maybe its not..(same gooes for zik). so? That makes us (or whoever..) "Bad" on composing (or painting or whatever...) or makes u a close-mind person?

boom to all the Greek Producerz!
The G/F-reekz come out!

DUDE i dont get it at all....actually thats why psychedelic goes form the bad to the worst cause the usual suspects the rats (pontikia kavouria klp) has a really bad taste and thats normal.....because they know nothing about music and they care more for their drugs instead for the music...Also it helps them more to listen empty music like the dark psy trance,which for me only dark it's not......still that my opinion ......believe me if the abroad guys understood greeks and they weren't rats(cause rats are everywhere around the world)then they will laugh at him and for sure they would have the same opinion zik=dick


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  117
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 14:59

On 2005-11-22 12:19, cybernetic activity wrote:
hi all ....
i d like to speak about the worst greek producer.....
known as zik or zeek.....i don't understand why that guy compose music..he has nothing to say as an inspired person and for sure knows nothing about music......also the samples which he uses,like (poso mou aresoun oi karamelitses) ele

thanx for this nice worlds bro ....your the best and you understend me .. why i compose music?...i give tu me this question evry day... iam the worst artist off all...but the point you know what is my friend that evry saturday i play in diffrent country...maybe at this generetion people like the worst music...i agree with you i dont know nothink from music...between this track is 5 years before... when i was 16 years old...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  117
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 15:06

On 2005-11-22 14:51, cybernetic activity wrote:

On 2005-11-22 14:28, Drunken Monk wrote:

On 2005-11-22 12:19, cybernetic activity wrote:
hi all ....
i d like to speak about the worst greek producer.....
known as zik or zeek.....i don't understand why that guy compose music..he has nothing to say as an inspired person and for sure knows nothing about music......also the samples which he uses,like (poso mou aresoun oi karamelitses) ele

And u know? The fact that you dont understand his muzik doesnt mean that he cant compose.. Just you have different prespectives... I dont remember that i ve heard the track with that voc but in my opinion it rulez cause its greek ;p and cause its simple. He used it for some reason (he liked it, it means something to him or whatever..). A lot are gonna like it also for different reasons. That is what muzik or other arts are.. I have used one greek vocal from asterix ("ti anoitoi pou einai autoi oi romaioi"). For me says somethin and its psychedelic.. for you maybe its not..(same gooes for zik). so? That makes us (or whoever..) "Bad" on composing (or painting or whatever...) or makes u a close-mind person?

boom to all the Greek Producerz!
The G/F-reekz come out!

DUDE i dont get it at all....actually thats why psychedelic goes form the bad to the worst cause the usual suspects the rats (pontikia kavouria klp) has a really bad taste and thats normal.....because they know nothing about music and they care more for their drugs instead for the music...Also it helps them more to listen empty music like the dark psy trance,which for me only dark it's not......still that my opinion ......believe me if the abroad guys understood greeks and they weren't rats(cause rats are everywhere around the world)then they will laugh at him and for sure they would have the same opinion zik=dick

hello again there bro
you r not stop maybe you have big problems with me.... i dont know... but never somobody say me iam dick....
you heard some net tracks... which is before 4-5 years so you are trader.. good...keep going bro... download music.. and speak about artist like this...but becarfull iam not guy who make fights or somthink iam just one kid who expirimental with music....dont say this tu other people maybe become mad

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  189
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 15:22
2 cybernetic activity and Drunken Monk:
Guys, you must unferstand that you dont understand zik's music cause you have not so much brain in your brain-box, or maybe you better like pop music? Zik is killerrr, and his music is killerr! And one more thing - if you don't understand something, its not means that you right.... and you dont have any rights to make any compares with zik's name!

Zik, bro, All Russian dark ppl with you man;)
Keep it psychedelic!;) Your style is exclusive style! keep it up;)
          - [Devil's mind | Insomnia | Night oracle | Organic Alchemy | Vertigo | Deja vu recs.]
ICQ: 916940

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  117
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 15:25
cybernetic activity & griniaris post....
somobody there have a problems...
i dont say tu nobody tu represented me...
but people like you guys are not real .. . .. why you dont try guys tu make some music? .. will be better ... and why tu stop create music?i dont understend this... remind me some kind of junkies and people who take drugs...they believe they know evrythink .... but iam so sorry they dont know nothink because the only places they see is thessloniki athens and kolokotronitsh...
cybernetic activity

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Posts :  13
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 15:27

On 2005-11-22 14:59, MATUTERO - DJ ZIK wrote:

On 2005-11-22 12:19, cybernetic activity wrote:
hi all ....
i d like to speak about the worst greek producer.....
known as zik or zeek.....i don't understand why that guy compose music..he has nothing to say as an inspired person and for sure knows nothing about music......also the samples which he uses,like (poso mou aresoun oi karamelitses) ele

thanx for this nice worlds bro ....your the best and you understend me .. why i compose music?...i give tu me this question evry day... iam the worst artist off all...but the point you know what is my friend that evry saturday i play in diffrent country...maybe at this generetion people like the worst music...i agree with you i dont know nothink from music...between this track is 5 years before... when i was 16 years old...
Well alex bro......ppl who knows nothing about music are everywhere around the world....And for sure prefer to listen ppl of their level...feel better with that!!!more familiar have a nice day in the cold thess

cybernetic activity

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  13
Posted : Nov 22, 2005 15:36

On 2005-11-22 15:22, Fearkiller wrote:
2 cybernetic activity and Drunken Monk:
Guys, you must unferstand that you dont understand zik's music cause you have not so much brain in your brain-box, or maybe you better like pop music? Zik is killerrr, and his music is killerr! And one more thing - if you don't understand something, its not means that you right....
Zik, bro, All Russian dark ppl with you man;)
Keep it psychedelic!;) Your style is exclusive style! keep it up;)
When the russians learn about music????..maybe while u used to have communism to get some skills for psytrance

thnx god who support russians with a lot of brain !!!! heheheheheheeheh

Trance Forum » » Forum  Greece - Greek djs and Artists in Europe !!!
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