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Grapes Of Wrath & Meteloids – Tits On Fire (Parvati Records 2004) CD

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
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Posted : Sep 24, 2004 11:43
i stil waitig to get my copy

many dj from Aarhus ahhh cool

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2004 17:47
indeed a superb CD, waited for it tooooo looonggg..

on the way from Psyshop =]           Music Is The Soundtrack of Your Mind....

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  153
Posted : Sep 24, 2004 18:10
i was expecting this cd for more than a year (and monno knows that, huehue)........ i'll listen the samples when i get home cause here in my job it's impossible........ and, of course, buy the cd...... GOW rocks all!

[Z]!           [WE HAVE NO CONTROL]!
Naked Tourist

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Posts :  270
Posted : Sep 24, 2004 22:34
ahhhhhh killer we got our burning tits today its killer nice album and we are very exited to see the dansk crew in berlin @ the
Kali Moon party in
13th november-GOW and METELOIDS in berlin
cheeers seee yaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 26, 2004 21:00
sounds like a treat............

cant wait to get my hands on this one

sure its gnna set my tits on fire           At the end there is a DOOR & waiting for you on the other side of that door is either HEAVEN or HELL
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 02:30
1 more week in krembo rec shop!!
ohhh now wait all this time :/
cant wait.. but i have to.. so soon deep review 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 03:28
please if anyone can give a more detailed review please do..considering buying this soon!

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Posts :  153
Posted : Sep 27, 2004 17:58
more detailed? r u certain that u read the review made by death posture???

          [WE HAVE NO CONTROL]!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 09:24

On 2004-09-27 17:58, flopZ wrote:
more detailed? r u certain that u read the review made by death posture???

flopZ -> My guess is, that Kowens is looking for a second opinion on this album before buying... It's always a good idea to seek additional information before purchasing music - but hey, I'm sure someone will give another detailed review soon...

DeathPosture           On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion...
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 13:33
Acidic to the bone. If aliens could talk, it would sound like this.          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 23:19
Death Posture definitely is one of the best reviewers on the forum and a talented writer, so thanks to him for taking his time to review the album.
flopz-as DP said just want another in depth review like his as to get a second opinion. either way i probably will end up purchasing it..peace all
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
Posts :  1018
Posted : Oct 1, 2004 11:32
I feel this cd is growing more and more on me,it's been going nonstop all week, @ home ,in my car and @ work.....
Strong ,groovy and powerful!!! Really tasteful!!

Favorite moments:
Wackie Mackie
Bubble Skum
More Me

Thumbs up ,and thanks for making my week!
IsraTrance Analyst Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2004 23:13

just what i i was pissed of by dont have any good new music this album comes..must be one of the best release's since kin dza dza album in my opinion:-)
specially the meteloids tracks kicks ass

cant wait to hear meteloids live in cph 11 dec

peace all


Started Topics :  35
Posts :  991
Posted : Oct 6, 2004 11:44
Here's my review of the album, posted on

The powerpackage finally have arrived! The latest flipped out delivery from our neighbours across the sea is here, and something we all know is that Aarhusbased Parvati Records are really lousy at making us consumers disapointed. The latest heavyweight champion is a split album with Grapes of Wrath (Monno and Jaffa) and Meteloids (Jahbo and Terkelsen), and it's loaded with eight strong, sick imaginations who's acting out in soundscapes who's marching between everything from 144 to 148 beats per minute.

The artwork speaks for its self, and I like the style - but I like the contents even more.

01 – Grapes of Wrath - Wackie Mackie (08:04)
The first track is delivered by Grapes of Wrath, and it's a strong sense of forest who's streaming out of the speakers. The bassline spellbinds me with it's groovy go-ahead attitude, who's together with all these twists and curls, giving a climaxfilled soundimage. There's no room here for chickens, so it's just to take a dip in the soundscape and flow within this wicked journey, something's vapourizing here allright!

02 – Meteloids - Face The Haze (07:22)
Meteloids debut of the album is litteraly warped. The pans goes wild lin the speakers! Many artists does have the problem to entangle within themselves and cause the music to sound very puzzly and segmented. But here it's full madness from the beginning to the end and the smallest thought on that this might be repetitive is very strange. There's quite a few really tasty goldsessions here, but generally, I sense a lack of that spice who makes track that little something something.

03 – Grapes of Wrath - Transmitting Raw Data (07:04)
Bunker up with pills against nausea, because they will become very handy when the mind is experiencing wild detours like this one. Grapes of Wrath have really planted something successfull here, and it can't get any much more complete like this. When the track has sort of passed five minutes of action it's time to take goodbye, because in an environment like this you will get crazy. You don't need any israelibreaks here with two minutes of buildups to get people shouting - people will scream here because of pure, mad insanity - enjoy the paranormal rollercoaster!

04 – Meteloids - 48 Krunchy (06:44)
It's again time to let Meteloids be in charge of the rudder, and we're steering here towards more rushed up soundscapes. I kind of get the same vibes here as I get from old jazz, a stressed up feeling who bolts around in the joints of the body. The difference is all though that Meteloids scores the gold and brings it home over the finish line, and it's really crazy from here and there in this splendour demonstration of what you possibly could do with 148 beats per minute.

05 – Meteloids - Bubble Skum (07:27)
Bubble Skum delivers even more Meteloids, and we've found ourselves a good candidate here to the title "best track of the album". The fifth track is a real candybar, a candybar you'd most of all would like to chew on out in the forest but even suits well indoors as audiosugar. Jahbo and Terkelsen shows the road to Aarhus with this extraordinary temptation - find yourself liberated!

06 – Grapes of Wrath - 9v 500ma (07:47)
The time has strike for track number six, and Grapes of Wrath grants a near eight minute long journey through original psychedelic atmospheres. This track procures same thoughts to life as those I got by Jaffa and Monnos performance on "Psychedelically Yours 2" - nothing is like it's supposed to be - perfect organized high-level chaos. A real dancefloorgiant with an outstanding force who causes every struggling soul on the dancefloor to sweat of satisfaction.

07 – Grapes of Wrath - More Me (08:22)
Hold your hat, because the storm goes rough on the unprepared. It's continually a spoken subject about the calm before the storm, but the calm never appears here - it's full storm who's prevailing unstopable. With a twisted groove, Grapes of Wrath runs you all over in wicked environments of the imagination, and no airbag in the world can save you from the effect of this impact. What's really going on in those brains of chaos? Whatever it is I like the result - a superb product who's not leaving anyone untouched.

08 – Meteloids - Infected By 3D (07:26)
The album's last track takes start where everything else have taken it's path, that is wellorganized, chaosstyled soundimages and wild filtergames in the soundscape. What's impressing on me the most is how the track in a smooth way changes between full madness and holy wild excursions in the human mind. The feeling of that a deep consideration is embedded in the track is evident, and maybe this is the closest we will get the danish truth - pure chaos in it's very very most organized shape.

After a discharge consisting of eight tracks from two of the most promising projects of Aarhus, the spectrum of feelings is very wide. This album arouses feelings in the body whom you refuse to ever let go off, and it serves dancefloors world over as well taking people on trips to their inner senses in a way only Parvati can. Parvati Records has done it again. They have preserved their high standard and delivered a red'n'white powerpackage whom you can't get enough of. The absolute favourites on the album constitutes of the third, the fifth and the seventh track - but the whole album entirety may be the favourite who's closest to my heart. Viva la Denmark!

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  39
Posted : Oct 6, 2004 12:25
No words for this album!!!! Just, wooooow, uuuuuuu and ooooooo!

Thank you crazy dane artists, thank you Parvati again!!!
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