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gOd and psytrance.....

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 22:00
Science isn't used to prove things right, it's used to prove things wrong.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 22:07
My apologies; I'm allergic to unqualified sweeping statements such as "Throughout history science has got it wrong" I react too quickly sometimes.

But... how can discipline guard against being tricked by one's brain, if - as you say - discipline itself is a thought process and thus (at the very least) mediated by the brain itself? And what do you mean by being tricked by the brain, anyway?
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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 22:14
Participants bias.

Incidentally you only reacted to my sweeping statement. Is this a selective allergy? Have you seen a doctor about it?
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 22:21
Metaphor.           Mastering - ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 22:53
my god loves some good psychedelic trance, he just wants to rave to it! release some heavy energy and just dance!

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 23:17
how about trying the beloved spirituality forum

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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 23:37
Isn't God, the one preached by churches, the ultimate egotist? If so, then that explains one of the issue in

Science is searching for understanding in faith and faith is searching for understanding in science... Philosophy is also a big word for gossip..

Quantum Idealism is all things come to those who look so you may find that you are God with amnesia...


"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 21, 2009 04:49

On 2009-11-20 23:37, BrainLizzard wrote:
Isn't God, the one preached by churches, the ultimate egotist?

Do you mean that the christian teachings are egocentric?
there are lots of churches and lots of different beliefs and teachings.
I think Buddha seems to be a great teacher for life!
Christianity, seems to me to be a brainwash religion.. or at least has become, like Islam.

I dunno, just some whack shit, As soon as you surrender to some kind of religion you are free to do what ever shit you want cause your "sins" are forgiven and your are promised eternal life... Morons

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 21, 2009 05:01

Science is searching for understanding in faith and faith is searching for understanding in science... Philosophy is also a big word for gossip..

I thought science was a means to do away with faith by replacing it with hard evidence? Yeah some would say the more they know the less they know for sure. But I'd say the more I know the more accurate the questions I ask.

Also to Ascension. Surely the more we know is wrong the less places we have to look for what is true?

See what I did there? I rephrased my last quote to meet the criteria for your post also... ah alcohol... it's not for me. But dammit if I see a bottle with gonzo written on the side I will at least buy 4, which and did and now I'm here.

Let's all take a bite of the shit snack I'ma cookin'
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 21, 2009 05:12
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Nov 21, 2009 08:38
I'm not sure what the point behind this thread is.

I don't see psychedelics as any more of a window to God than anything else in life.

I mean, if God is EVERYTHING, why would he ESPECIALLY be in psychedelics?

I don't think psychedelics are a "shortcut" to Godly understanding/communion. If anything, it's a knife's-edge approach for people too lazy and impatient (and yes, I'm one of those who doesn't want to devote a lifetime to Godly devotion) to do it the hard way.

My opinion is evidenced by the stupifying amounts of people I see on drugs who seem to be anywhere but close to God but in their own minds.

If you're serious about this, then do it the hard way. If it's not for you, than so be it. But if it is, you'll be rewarded far greater for your efforts and work than the "quick and easy" way that drug users tend to tout.

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Posted : Nov 21, 2009 12:05
Well the wavicle of this thread, was a result of me wondering, if, how, and whether other people had a relationship to a nomena that could be called gOd by sombunall. And how they felt and dealt with this in relation to mind-altering experiences. Indeed I wondered what other people thought/experienced gOd as, because certainly for me, it isn't some entity, but rather a plenum that permeates everythings. I also believe that we are the "braincells" of gOd, or perhaps the CNS of gOd. That as gOd, or the undifferentiated aspect, "we" chose to incarnate to experience all the wonders of the universe. Equally on a mythical level, I believe that we are evolving into gOds/esses, that it is our future echo call back to ourselves across time-space. Like a chaos attractor in the future that ripples like the hyperdimensional object through time-space.
For me this appreciation/understanding/knowing that we are all gOd, has deepened my appreciation that seemingly everyone is doing exactly what I would be doing if I were them, which seem to destroy the "us and them", and "blame-game". I also personally find it an empowering philosophy, backed up by my own personal mystical experience, and don't have the dichotomy that deism has when forced into an organisation/hierarchy.

It was partly provoked by the use of the term "entheogenic", which perhaps I should of used rather than psychedelic.

Also I don't think there is a hard way, or easy way, there is only one's own way, which is totally right for oneself. I think any notion of hardness, or ease merely comes down to whether one can accept one is gOd (in whatever fashion you care to fashion/imagine/will), or whether the individual wishes to carry on the illusiont that he is an individual, divorced and disconnected from the rest of the universe....

Personally Axis, all this hard/easy way stuff, reminds me a little of the protestant work ethic nonsense that I grew up with as a child. Infact the universe seems to have spent most of my life informing me, that infact all I need to do is, chill the internal dialogue, relax and be happy, and feel the joy and love.
"Don't panic, everything is exactly as it is."

And from all this thought-age, I wondered what other people had experienced and ruminated upon. 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 16:49
Which god are we talking about, you know we have millions here in India           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 17:14
You seem to have at least one god for every person if I have studied your literature correctly (Upanishads/Vedas)... Or rather every person is gOd.

Though I suppose you might refer to it as Ishvara, though it could be called Brahma or Atman, depending on which nuance of the experience you were highlighting....

What I suppose I am referring to, is the unity of experience in our divinity, rather than "supreme personality of the godhead" to quote Kirshna in the Baghavad Gita.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 17:24
So yea, for me we are all gods and now me being a god, i love dancing like mad to ultra psychedelic tunes, hugging trees, entheogens, recieving varied vibes from other gods, jerking under the shower, making love to my girl god, discussing random stuff here at isratrance, meeting new gods, so on & so forth!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
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