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Trance Forum » » Forum  DJs & Artists - GOCH - VLADIMIR GOCHKOV
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Posted : Mar 25, 2016 14:25:53
Hej guys,

first at all, i have to tell you that it took me now many months, wich killed my patience with this guy since last october when we booked him.

I am Patrick Dreher, head of the Swiss label, Nightshade Syndicate. We booked GOCH in October '15 with VERY bad experience. Actually the worst we ever had after like more then 20 parties we organized here in our country and my 10 years experience in this scene.

We payed the flights and all what had to be.

Since the party happened I recieved MANY messages and screenshots form friendz all over everyhwere, with GOCH telling shit about us to them, how "shit", "fcked up", "unprofessional" we are and so far.

So i take this step and make it public as this guy keeps on writing our friends, to the internet and everywhere, still after 6 months, for blaming us for HIS mistakes.

He went in internet forums, also like here in Isratrance and wrote shit about us, but when out frineds responded to him and told what the fuck shit he tells about us, he deleted his post. Of course, it is a bad image. Maybe this post here for us too, but i don't mind anymore. As i told you, my patience is really over now! And in this case i don't mind about our image in the internet.
I just write here, to show you, take care about this guy! He is not the most honust guy, and he has not much respect, either self-discipline. As an artist, he seems to be like a fetus in evolution.

Now to the case, VLadimir Gochkov came with the flight we payed for him from Mazedonia to Zurich, but whyever he told the border control he plays music for money here in Switzerland... With Psytrance... The border control asked him about his short stay and found CDs with his name GOCH on it. But he still admitted it, no matter whatever. Idk, but we booked many artists now from all over Europe and bit further... We NEVER had this problems with anyone of all the artists and now, as told, he is blaming us for his mistakes since MONTHS constantly like a small child that lost his balloon !!

He didn't even come to the party as he was not allowed to enter the country so we lost the money for his flight and missed one live-act the people are waitting and wondering for.
He told the police about our party wich got cut off by police at 5:30 and party was over... Thank you man...
And tha hell THIS GUY is blaming US for HIS mistakes? I tell you now, FFS, my patience is so over!!! 6 months now, and this guy can't shut the f.... up. I will post some of the screenshots under this message so you can see what we got from him.

After he had to fly back w/o any fee, cause he didn't play any live and we already lost a lot money in him, we still offered him support to send him 50€ and buy all CDs from him that he has. We decided to not do that as he fucked about us everywhere in the internet.

But what did he do? He named it "explaining his situation so we understand him"... For fucks sake for what?? We gifted him our understanding even but this guy was spamming us with TONS and HUNDREDS of messages constatntly. It happened, you can't change the past can't you!!
And he went on and on and on and on and on and on.... There was never an end in this discussion. Until we found out, meanwhile we were offering him our support, as he doesn't go to work for his money, that he is telling shit about us here in Isratrance, Facebook, and so far...

Then we cut him off OF COURSE !!!!

It can't be that we booked more then 30 different artists now and this guy is the only one that fucked it up and keeps on blaming us.... Really awkward.

So still i am a bit sorry, but he gets what he deserves now. My best-friend that actually bookd him and celebrated his birthday with mine on that party, really liked him and put a lot heart-blood to him. But this fake person smiled at us and shitted on us behind our back. Then instantly deleting his messages when we found it out....

Really.. If you read this VLADIMIR GOCHKOV... you are the last person we will ever want to meet.

Here just now even 1/100th of what he is writing about us.

And don't worry, dear Vladimir, i won't delete this post to cover my fakeness like you do it all the time when people cover you up what lies you are telling around about us.
To admit what you did wrong and be sorry about, is the first step to become a better person and harmonizin with you surroundings.

EDIT: so ja, in the screenshots you can see how it goes. Noone wrote him, he is the first guy writing around. No answer, he writes again and keeps on provocating the situation to our friends. People that even don't know him. That can become real spamming with like 20-30 messages in a row like how he wrote there.


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Posts :  2
Posted : Mar 29, 2016 20:25
And more from the "What the fuck - kitchen"...
thank you Vladimir for enbrighting the days from me and especially my friends you tell this nasty lies around....really man. sorry to say that here but you are a piece of sh.... you are bad karma for our scene, you are this kind of people our world will not need in future!!

Telling my friends i am a drug dealer and this bullshit, making illegal parties jaja... i think you are so much professional man. Then how come you don't know anything about the legalities in Switzerland for up to 100 people for a private birthday party as it was supposed to be you?... Strange.. so professional from you, where is your tour-manager and where are the big bucks buddy?

but if retardeds like you tell the police we pay you money for your crappy music of course they get horny on us!!!

Man you broke the most precious pirate codex of our scene. that you are still in it is another big fault in your life. you destroy the spirit like a spirit-hunter.

I can't describe in words what the fuck you tell about me at MY FRIEND's place. can you imagine what they think about you???

That came just today.

I decided to upload all this crap from now on so people see what kind of idiot this is.

or maybe help us to make him leaving us alone!!!

i think i don't have to mention, that i have never talked to this Darko at any time....

I think i don'thave anything to say more about this then keep on posting these screenshots

Khaos Sektor
Khaos Sektor

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  1004
Posted : Mar 31, 2016 15:30
i delete him from my facebook, he talk in bad way all the time when i ask him something...

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Posts :  2
Posted : Apr 5, 2016 14:34
Yesterday i recieved a new mail from a friend, telling me he has a serious mental illnes...
He is threatning me with police. but not me, he is telling it to my friend. Showing, that he rly should look for psychological help.

And he goes on and on. I have no screenshot for this last message, but i know my friend doesn't lie to me, when calling me in rage-mode because Goch is keep on going with it.

In Soundcloud i wrote Goch some game rules, that every single time i have friends coming to me, i will spread it in the internet so everyone can know.

My next steps will be somewhere else, dear Vlad. I know you read this here.
Trance Forum » » Forum  DJs & Artists - GOCH - VLADIMIR GOCHKOV
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