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Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Goa Trance Production
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Goa Trance Production

Israeli Tribe

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  3
Posted : Dec 25, 2015 17:14:39
Hello folks,i was wondering if there is any good tutorial of making Goa Trance like the style of Ace Ventura ,Neelix ,Liquid Soul Style,there quality..if anyone has pls do share will be great ...

          God Is the King

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Dec 25, 2015 18:14
Hi! I wouldn't call that goa trance (and in some examples, not even psy trance, IMO), but this is such a broad question, there to much to answer.. how do you make a car like Ferrari (or a Fiat), how do you make a game like EA, how do you make a house?

If a bunch of tutorials could teach anyone how to make music like someone else who spent years leaning and mastering specific skills, then everyone would be doing it (and that someone else wouldn't be good, only average).

It would help us help you if you could narrow the question down to a single topic, and for sure most of your questions have been answered here before
Show us what you can do, tells us your doubts and struggles, don't be shy

Good luck on your quest, it will haunt you for many many years to come           Super Banana Sauce
Israeli Tribe

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  3
Posted : Dec 26, 2015 14:57
Thanks mate,i know its there hard work which they have achived it today,i jst wanted to knw how they make there bassline and kick like tht rubber ball........ with such dynamic range for there track,wht all vsts they use .........cheers
          God Is the King

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Dec 26, 2015 16:23
OK that's more like a atomic question that we can help with.

That is quite easy to achieve, it's a standard bassline. First, "how to do this bass" has been answered many times, but if you want a "cheat", make a kick with Bazzism and use Ultrabass for your bassline. You want to know about musical scales and progressions to make it sound "pretty" and buildup the musical tension, and then you want to take control of the dynamics with compressors - be it multiband and/or single band, peak or RMS, to make it sound so "thick".
Mix wise, it's a matter of paying attention to the main elements - the kick and the bass goes on top of everything. The "whole picture" you perceive when listening to one of these tunes is always in the context of a mix, not just a single beat stem, and all the elements together (specially when fed into limiters and compressors) can make it sound drastically different.

There are ton's of tutorials online, search for your subgenre like "progressive psytrance bass tutorial" or "fullon psytrance bass tutorial", and you'll be able to see how others use a ton of VST's to make the same sound.

Hope I helped
          Super Banana Sauce
Israeli Tribe

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  3
Posted : Dec 26, 2015 16:32
Thts a great help from u

thanks a ton mate,if any more help i would trouble u

cheers           God Is the King
The Bap
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  363
Posted : Feb 9, 2016 00:49

Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Goa Trance Production
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