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goa/psy/chill cds exchanging. rare stuff.


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  0
Posted : Oct 17, 2009 17:09:20
Hi there.

Thanks to well-known online magazines & databases of electronic music all of us are able to find & buy new and old goa/psy/chill cds they are looking for.
But what if you can’t find a really rare stuff anywhere? If the most popular resources don’t meet the demands of yours? It often happens that there’s no such a disk on sale.

It makes a vast difference if you become a member of a community of music collectors, audiophiles, DJ's and other people involved in underground culture since the early 90s.

I’d like to offer all the psychedelic music lovers who practice exchanging rare or just old goa/psy/chill cds to join a recently founded private community. If you are an interesting person to deal with & own a numerous collection of disks, please PM me or send a request to our

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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - goa/psy/chill cds exchanging. rare stuff.
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