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Goa gil VS Raja Ram

Alternative control
Alternative Control

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Posted : Nov 3, 2006 13:24

On 2005-02-11 21:10, deejayridoo wrote:
well, yeah, of course i must admit that you have some good arguments here... intelligent music i mean music with ambition and dedication (in blackmusic they call it music with "soul").
of course minimalist and non-complex structures do not exclude one another.
yes, it´s only good music and bad music and every individual has his own understanding and connection.
but this copy&paste predictability does not impress or touch me at all. it´s obvious that artists releasing 3 tracks every week cannot dedicate their whole energy to it - they do it to sell.
instead of this cheap approach to generic musicmaking, i´d suggest that we all do this only for the love of the music.
we are enough musicmakers in this small culture.
better release only the very best track(s) of everyone than all those masses.
quality instead of quantity.
makes it much more interesting and lasting.
but this doesn´t fit with this "i´m so cool an always have the latest releases" attitude which generates this mass production.

I agree with you with the sentence QUALITY instead of QUANTITY .

But since you were talking before about dark psy vs full on and that kind of things...
PLz...check much lately there were releases of cheesy tralala full on and how much of dark night music ( which you say is intelligent ) .
Sorry bro but i think ...your point of QUALITY instead of QUANTITY should be adressed exactly to the dark music artists , since me as a full on day music lover ,i HEAR that there are less and less and less GOOD QUALITY NIGHT MUSIC ,and more and more projects of that kind which DONT take you to ANY serious intelligent trip ...

Trust me even i am making full on morning all the cheesy things you dont like , i know what is for exmaple Tim Schuldt music night and old Delta and old X-dream ,thats a real NIGHT INTELLIGENT MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!

In full on its the same , realy many many not good artists. But atleast in full on its simple clear , everybody knows who is the TOP QUALITY atleast you know who is who !!!

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Posted : Nov 4, 2006 15:47
goa gil can mix btw!one of the best mixes i have heard is cyberbabas 2000.

...and r.i.p to you who stole the covers of my copy..ill never get them back.but so wont you come back...

enjoy peoples! whilst you still could...

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Posted : Nov 4, 2006 15:48
versus my persus
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 03:02
neither of them can mix but gotta give em respect for the impact that they have made on the scene

raja for TIP , shpongle and 1200 mics and Gill just for bringing the spiritual side of things

as far as who plays better music thats all down to your personal tastes innit

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Beartrap UK[/b]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 08:38
Raja Ram is extremely talented and has made some really incredible music, and I mean really fucking incredible music with the right psychedelic shroomy vibe. However IMO, some of his recent mixes have gone in a very different direction, much more comercial and without the magic some of his earlier work like "mystery of the yeti" or "the inifinity project" had. Hopefully Raja Ram just got distracted and will get back on the psy track because the guy has a lot of talent and is a very psychedelic experienced person. I guess its easy for artists to fall into exploring the comercial vibe trying to be cool, but I don't think its working for Raja Ram, he is too talented for that type of shit.

Goa Gil I know less about, however its amazing how he has managed to evolve and keep the psychedelic vibe alive with a fresh essense as it moves with the times. Because so many hippies from the 60's eventually sold out, were burnt out or simply got stuck in the 60's psy rock era for all their lives, however Goa Gil embraced trance becoming a pionneer and today is still leading in many ways with an edge of true psychedelic spirit.

Big respect for both of them.

Drunken Monk

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Posted : Nov 12, 2006 03:25

On 2005-02-08 01:47, rich wrote:
Gil's devotees claim that his mixing is part of the whole experience.

I went to my first Gil party last year expecting garbage mixing, but um, it wasn't that bad actually. mostly ambient fades. and I much prefer mixing intros and outro than the typical DJ tricks anyway.
DJ tricks = DJ ego = disturbing my trip.

Back to the topic, Raja Ram came back down to earth a while ago. Gil is still travelling. I don't know when they will ever meet.

oh wait, almost forgot the flame
and damn, I wish people would stop being pussys calling it dark psy. it's like you've never heard psychedelic trance or something and it scares you. LOL

couldn't agree more..
cheers rich
and thump up for Goa Gil..           +-+talking with ali3ns around the universe+-+
mit [muzik industry tunez]
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 12, 2006 22:46

On 2006-11-12 03:25, Drunken Monk wrote:

On 2005-02-08 01:47, rich wrote:
Gil's devotees claim that his mixing is part of the whole experience.

I went to my first Gil party last year expecting garbage mixing, but um, it wasn't that bad actually. mostly ambient fades. and I much prefer mixing intros and outro than the typical DJ tricks anyway.
DJ tricks = DJ ego = disturbing my trip.

Back to the topic, Raja Ram came back down to earth a while ago. Gil is still travelling. I don't know when they will ever meet.

oh wait, almost forgot the flame
and damn, I wish people would stop being pussys calling it dark psy. it's like you've never heard psychedelic trance or something and it scares you. LOL

couldn't agree more..
cheers rich
and thump up for Goa Gil..

Being one of the oldies here that actually used to DJ with DAT's (Digital Audio Tape) in the old days and was quite good at it too and who now Beatmix I can not but think that to call someone who Beatmix (dj tricks as rich call it) a person who have a big ego is not only a very stupid comment but also quite insulting to those DJ's who do a great job Beatmixing (The actually care enough to learn it). It got nothing to do with having a ego....It got all to do with wanting to play sets that flow instead of mixing like a trainwreck which btw. is what Gil is a master in.


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Posted : Nov 13, 2006 06:54
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2006 20:07
Goagil,,,,no discussion           Its Like a Drop That Falls Into the Ocean,or Perhaps the Ocean is Falling Into a Drop.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2006 20:14

On 2006-11-13 06:54, element wrote:

would be fun to see a project between Raja, Simon, Ganja and the wife (isn’t it Ganja's wife who is the second part of Mommo?)
.. that could turn out to be real twisted, cosmic and shamanic!
.. wonder if they all would get along.

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Posted : Nov 14, 2006 16:03
Technically very off putting! but great respect for their history.

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Posted : Nov 14, 2006 19:49

On 2005-02-07 17:23, psylocibin wrote:
What will happen if this two legend's have
a friendly meeting?
Who gona play more psychedelic?
Who will go for sleep first?
what else will happen?
Leave your imagination free and tell me pleace..

I havent heard either play before so i cant answer any of ur questions.. what i can say is organisers will charge a bomb for entry if both of them are playing at the same party.. but since it would probably be announced well in advance, i'd still go for it.

BOOM           The only things i can see clearly without glasses are dreams...
KanibaL HolokausT
KanibaL HolokausT

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Posted : Jan 6, 2007 03:57
Goa Gil...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2007 14:56
havent seen either live

but from what i hear goa gil is somethin of a phenom when it comes to standing behind the decks and delivering out amazing vibrations....

but hey seen videos of raja belting out positive vibes all the way to the parking lot while hes behind the console

both at the same gig....i will be there....jes for the experience...imagine a whole jounrey all thru the night till sunrise and then some morning energy behind the console from raja.....heheh sounds pretty cool.....


Started Topics :  83
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Posted : Jan 6, 2007 20:35

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